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Personally, I think we should allow the toxic posts in Politics if we are going to use "free speech" as an argument for it. Also, from a practical standpoint, it is very difficult to mix politics and alcohol without trying to point out how dumb your opponent is; it makes the forum into a HUGE trap for people to get banned! =D
That is not good for activity.

If the goal of the forum is to have actual reasonable political discussion, it's not going to happen.
Most people there have clearly never taken even a basic poli-sci or logic course, but still act like they're experts because they once read a Fox News headline about something.
I am unsure if they are purposely acting dense/ignorant as some kind of roleplay, or if they are being authentic.
For a lot of people, the Politics forum is literally just an anti-social button-pushing hobby forum.



Politics is a literal idiocracy discussion forum.
I am all for keeping it as is, but not to ban people.
If you want a serious political discussion forum, it's not going to happen, you would have to ban about 90% of the people in there - and I wouldn't want that.
It is, and forever will be, a button-pressing/shitposting forum under the pretense of political discussion.

Although, I understand not allowing typical board-ruining things like spamming out threads with off topic advertisements for someone's Amazon affiliate site or something.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.