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Winter begins!!

I finished Kiniro Mosaic earlier this week. Overall...really cute and cozy show with some really fun characters. While it was mostly your usual CGDGT shenanigans, the characters were stronger than mere stereotypes, and felt more lifelike the more it went on. The finale was a good example of that...Alice's reaction felt really relatable as she was going back to Japan.

Was strange seeing me as an MC, but it's always nice to see characters with good taste. Speaking of which, Karen Kujou is a god-tier character.

And with that, I can start this season. So far the standouts are Mob Psycho 100 and Promised Neverland as I expected. I read the manga for the latter, and holy Karen did it still floor me. The design of the monsters was so chilling, and seeing Connie dead in the trunk of that car gives me goosebumps all over. Seems this will be a treat for sure.

I also started Bandori and 3D Kanojo season 2, which had a pretty nice first episode. Glad that the cat boy finally looks less cringey. Maybe it's just because I haven't seen season 1 in so long, but the animation looks better to me too. We'll see if that's just first episode bait though.

Oh, I guess I watched Girly Air Force too. Basically Kancolle/Azur Lane but with air planes now. The plot was so generic that it felt like one of those parody anime I see in self-aware comedies sometimes. Unfortunately for me, there's a hot blonde in the OP/ED, so I guess I'll stick around to see how important she is. If she doesn't do anything I'll probably drop it...or just forget to keep watching.

I'll add a few more shows to my list depending on what l like this weekend. We'll see!

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334