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I made a review of Ant Man and the Wasp a few weeks back, thought I'd post it here. Your thoughts on the review? Also, what do you think of the film? I thought it was average and gave it a 5.9.

Here is my verdict on the film. Full review in the link.

All that said, the action isn’t enticing enough to carry a film by itself and the comedy fails to do more than make you smile more than once. Ant Man and the Wasp is a low stakes film with adorable characters that aren’t fully fleshed out. Ghost has the motive to steal Hank’s lab to become normal. She is so obsessed over it that she isn’t willing to wait for Hank to bring Janet out of the quantum realm even as Janet is a better scientist than Hank. It doesn’t occur to her that she could help better than anybody else, and instead she kicks everyone’s asses. She is powerful but her motives aren’t compelling for an antagonist. She like Lang feels really immature and these 2 just happen to be the driving force of the story. The story itself is straightforward, but everything surrounding it doesn’t make a good film. It can be a fun 1 time watch but that’s the most it will ever be, and its relevance to the MCU is shown in the post credits which is the best scene in the film.

Score: 5.9/10 (Average)