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SuperNova said:
I've been to Paris and London, so that pretty much leaves NY and Tokio for me to choose from and between those two Tokio wins by a landslide.

I really liked Paris, it's easy to find your way around and public transport isn't the insanity that London public transport is and there's intersting shops to pop into and major landmarks staring you in the face at every corner. It also feels like a big metropolitan city, similar to other major cities in europe like Madrid or Berlin, but it feels relaxed.

London by comparision feels oddly small, like and oversized, overstuffed village. One reason for that might be the english obssession with owning a house, however small it might be. It was always really wierd to me to see this sprawling city, being mostly comprised of tiny 2-3 story buildings instead of the bigger apartment buildings that usually dominate european cities.
It also feels very similar to my home city, despite having about three times as many residents, maybe a bit more antiquated. Public transport rates are outrageous.

While I'm interested in NY, it's more of a 'might be neat to check out' kind of interest (as far as US goes I'm currently more interested in the westcoast although there's probably parts of the eastcoast that are really beautiful.)

Tokio, I've wanted to visit for aaaages. I'm just much more drawn to it cuturally, and the fact that it is clean, safe and everyone is really polite doesn't hurt.

I thought about making a similar comment in my post, but I was afraid of being the only one. London felt comparably tiny (compared to the other three cities). Although it is still great, I wouldn't put it on the same level of NYC, Paris, or Tokyo. Edinburgh blew me away, however.