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There is nothing wrong with the moderation given by RavenXtra.

He did not act alone. He had AxumBlade, Shinobi-San, Carl2291, ConeGamer, and myself behind him when he went ahead with it.

Don's thread is CLEARLY a joke thread. There is not even a hint of maliciousness of attempt to troll *anything* in there. A fun poke at a GTA V glitch, a nod to Agent's vaporware status. Whether you think he was successful in his attempt to be humorous, that's one thing. But to call it a troll thread and leave nothing else for the actual thread... it's not a reasonable or on topic response. And therefore he got a warning for it. A warning. Warning.

Grumble all you want, but the entire mod team is really scratching their heads over how over the top this is.

So that's the end of it. I don't want to hear about this. We've clearly made a decision and stand by it with confidence. There's nothing else to say about it.