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deskpro2k3 said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
deskpro2k3 said:

What do you think about this rumor of the Cash Shop. Granted Retainers and Fantasia are already microtransactions, but if it becomes more than that, even if its something like vet rewards or preorder bonus, that would still be a real problem. The only reason I pay the sub is cause of the content, but a Cash Shop seems to jeapordize it.

Also: I'm not at all ready for 2.4 I haven't played since September cause of School, but I'm gonna be a Rogue(Ninja) on Tuesday when/if I renew my sub

the cash shop is purely for vanity like mounts, and costumes. it is not pay to win. money that goes in will go back into the game in the form as content.

Well, I might as well get this out of the way right now, We are gonna disagree. But since we are both fans of the game, and debate is beneficial, lets keep it civil.

If the cash shop is witholding content to produce content, wouldn't it be likely that the content it produces will be more heavily skewed to the cash shop as well? Hence producing more content as a whole, but locking more content out of the base sub and resulting in less content for those players.

Even worse yet, where does the money go?

Best Case Scenario, Majority of Cash Shop Revenue pays for Sub Content. Optimistically, Cash Shop Revenue pays for itself, Sub pays for itself. Realistically, The minority of Cash Shop Revenue adds onto Sub Content. Economically Ideal, Sub revenue adds content to Cash Shop(Which must do at the onset, because their is no Cash Shop Prior).

Although, Sub paying for Cash Shop is effectively worst case, it is best case economically because its generating more money from subs at the cost of subbed content. And since the Cash Shop is being introduced for economic reasons, is it not likely that this will be the case?

Even if to a lesser degree its just getting content faster, its then affecting game play. Why do Odin for a chance at Slepnir when you can buy it at the cash shop?

More than half of the content already in the game could be considered "Vanity" which I think is trivializing the issue. Vanity is important and integral to the gameplay because it acts as a reward incentive, where the incetive of progression alone might not be enough for people.

Even worse still is that Vanity is a subjective definition, especially in this context. Different types of Mounts can be considered Vanity, cause they move at the same speed, but the concept of Mounts is also vunerable, hell SWTOR does it, how long till Chocobos themselves are considered Vanity. Despite its direct influence on gameplay, it can still be considered as Vanity.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank