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This is the best game you can play with friends sitting around a table.

The only table top games I like are the party type of games like Cranium's Whoonu and Apples to Apples. It doesn't matter who wins or loses because that's not the reason anyone is playing. Any table top game with strategy bores me to tears and always ends with me wishing it would end before I eventually lose anyway. I just can't find it in me to care who wins at Monopoly. I also have so little interest in D&D style games that I think I'd rather sit around with my friends and B.S. the night away rather than B.S. an improve adventure.

I think what I like most about games like Whoonu is that each game of it is so quick, easy, and fun that it can be played without getting bored. Most "adult" games are long, complicated, and require more devotion than I'm willing to give.

Honestly I'm surprised the board game market has any life left to it. Event he most ingenious games on store shelves can't compete with the flash and dazzle of Kinect, Movie, Wii U party games. That's what board games are about, parties. It should be more about having a laugh than winning. The niche of serious table top games will always be a niche and I wouldn't be surprised if it shrinks every generation. I know every few people that enjoy table top games. It makes sense that they form clubs because they know it's rare to find regular everyday friends willing to play something as boring as Settlers of Catan for hours and hours only to inevitably lose to those who care enough to win.

The thing is I love the idea of board games. I just have grown out of them and only enjoy the rare party ones like Cranium's Whoonu. I hope it doesn't die off as niche entertainment. I'm thinking of buying a French game called Dixit. Terrible name, but it's creative and fun and it doesn't matter who wins.