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Player1x3 said:

Anti theism is an open opposition against Theism and Theists (people who believe in God), and the opposition can appear in multiple ways. One of them is a physical opposition on a national level, which is what Stalin and other atheist leaders did. ''Anti'' means the opposition of, which isn't just a strong form of disbelief, but also an opposition to the other belief, and that's clearly what communism/marxism is to religion.

And antisemitism has more to do with race  and heritage of Jewish people, rather than jewish religion. Whereas anti theism is only connected to a religion and just Theism in general.

And how can something be ''horribly immoral'' if it comes from The Creator of Morals himself ? If like you said, we are 100% sure that it was an abrahamic God (all knowing God, which has unlimited knowledge and has created the objective morals) that told people to do so, only a complete retard wouldn't follow his orders. It's a completely other thing if someone says ''God told me so'' or ''this is what HE WOULD HAVE wanted'' or ''the book that we wrote/compelled says so'' and when God himself with a complete certainty speaks to people directly.

However opposed you are to religion, there is no logical pathway that leads to killing people.

My point with that was, people can think they are 100% sure that they are doing their divine lord's bidding. People have been so sure about ut that they commited mass suicide. People have been su sure about it that they drove planes into scyscrapers.