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theprof00 said:
happydolphin said:
What bs...

"1 Shadowling IS A SHADOWSPAWN.
2 I am a shadowspawn, you are an ADMITTED corrupt human.
3 It does NOT contradict. Explain how you think this contradicts. He uses it about others, HE has a name, I am such a creature, I have no name. THere is NO contradiction. Those things exist together without contradiction!
4 No it doesn't mean I mislead anyone, you are just saying buzz words."

And before that

If town doesn't see through your BS, they suck.

What are you trying to say here? I really don't get it.

In the quote, I'm saying that I'M A SHADOWSPAWN, ME. In the link, you said "Prof thought I was calling myself a shadowspawn". Those two things do not contradict.

No, that's bs. I said, and I invite anyone to follow the link, I said:

"So WAT, I am a corrupted-human, I don't belong to the light. I am a "shadowling" in the sense that I belong to the shadow just as much as any other townie. Shadow, darkness, all words I was using to role-play, buddy-buddy, mouse-to-mouse with Smeags because it was the most fun I was having. You thought I meant shadowspawn, but you were mistaken."

I said "you thought I meant shadowspawn" when I said shadowling. Regardless of whether I was talking about myself or not.

What you just did is spin my words. I'm not letting you out of this one man, you're caught.