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Fast Five was the most successful film of the franchise so far and was a super duper hit. It has a much higher rating then any other Fast and Furious films as it has a 7.3 on IMDB.

The rock vs Diesel fight was great and was very well liked. It was a throwback to the old school fist fights with the big hero's.

It was very popular with young people and was easily one of the best action blockbuster film of the year.

The King's Speech had a lot of buzz and people do care if films win awards, as people check them out to see the buzz.

Hangover 2 makes sense as Hangover 1 is one of the most pirated films of all time.

Young people liked it and its certain that Fast Six will be a much bigger hit in 2013 or whatever.



However piracy does not equal box office failure. Most pirated films ever are Avatar, The Dark Knight, Transformers 1, Inception, Hangover, Star Trek

When a big movie is pirated a lot, people usually like and end up watching the sequel