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Forums - General Discussion - Let's write in Japanese, Japanese learners welcome!

dx11332sega said:
may 24


Need something off Play-Asia?

So how can english speaker understand symbols that mean multiple words or phrases seems complicated. I have a Vietnamese girlfriend and her language just sounds like bells and whistles. I can barely understand spanish and i dont think my brain has capacity to understand any Asian language

Ka-pi96 said:
sethnintendo said:
So how can english speaker understand symbols that mean multiple words or phrases seems complicated. I have a Vietnamese girlfriend and her language just sounds like bells and whistles. I can barely understand spanish and i dont think my brain has capacity to understand any Asian language

It's not that hard and can usually be picked up from context.

I'm pretty sure Vietnamese uses the latin alphabet though, so no strange symbolds there for you

Plus any language that you don't speak would probably sound like gibberish. Once you start to learn it though it just sounds normal.

Yea some Vietnamese at work explained to me that a Catholic priest or whatever asked them why they spoke Vietnamese but wrote in Chinese.  So I believe thats what led to formation of Vietnamese in written language because before then they wrote in Chinese.  I don't think I can speak like them because they do weird stuff with their larynx like not grunt sounds but they dig deep for some of their words.  Plus seems like you have to say a lot of words but in english what they are communicating is very short.  I like to be short and direct.

the-pi-guy said:
sethnintendo said:
So how can english speaker understand symbols that mean multiple words or phrases seems complicated. I have a Vietnamese girlfriend and her language just sounds like bells and whistles. I can barely understand spanish and i dont think my brain has capacity to understand any Asian language

Japanese is very simple in terms of sound.  

Learning the characters is hard, but it's not as difficult as it's cracked up to be.  

How come Japanese men usually sound angry when talking.  Same with Germans and can be said of Arabic.  One time at work two Iraqi's at my work were having a conversation and someone thought they were arguing.  They went up to them and asked what was wrong.  They then replied they were just having a conversation.

the-pi-guy said:
sethnintendo said:

How come Japanese men usually sound angry when talking.  Same with Germans and can be said of Arabic.  One time at work two Iraqi's at my work were having a conversation and someone thought they were arguing.  They went up to them and asked what was wrong.  They then replied they were just having a conversation.

Japanese can probably sound a little rougher due to a glottal stop, exaggerated speech.  

I actually had to google glottal stop but now semi understand.  The way I like to talk is chill.  I like the words to flow. However I have a very deep voice so much I don't realize how loud I am.

Oops messed up with that last reply. I'll stop derailing thread but I like to talk about language. Maybe I'll try learn some symbols and throw them up. At most maybe I can talk like a baby like my spanish.

Need something off Play-Asia?

ハロー 私日本人です


A Japanese woman (customer) at my workplace asked if I was Japanese. Then she and her husband (white) asked if I ever been there. This happened about a month ago, but it was the first time at my garden center workplace I was not mistaken for Hispanic when called the wrong heritage. I am a mut who is 75% white and 25% Filpino. I am very tan tho, probably more tan than most Japanese from my filipino heritage and also because I work out in the sun all day. I am about 7 or 8 on a 10 scale for tan compared to a typical hispanic at my workplace so I am surprised I could be mistaken since my idea is that most Japanese are light skin as was this woman. 

If learning japanese would not include learning all the different signs, I totally would be willing.
I think japanese is a very nice language and i like its sound. I caught some words here and there (when watching anime^^), but its very limited. I have absolutely no idea about grammar or anything else. xD

Konbawa mina-tachi!
Watashi wa nihongo no sukoshi hanasemas, soredemo watashi wa nihongo no dai suki.
Nihongo no utsukushi desu. Seiyuu no nihonjin honto ni kawaiiiiiiiii desu.
Oyasumi nasai.

I guess that was like 60-70% of my total japanese "vocabulary". ^^

Special mention for probably the both most important japanese words in anime:
urusai, urusai, urusai...
baka... baka... baaaaaa-ka...
