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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Bungie splits with Activision, keeps Destiny IP

DonFerrari said:

Chazore, most people that visit Brazil don't talk portuguese, while most Brazilians don't speak English. Still both will try their best to be polite and understand one another.

Nope didn't say Indie don't mater, but they infact don't mater as much as AAA when deciding which platform to buy. And considering their technical requirements usually are very light it doesn't really need much to access and play an Indie of your choice.

But please explain what good Indies have to do with GOTY being mostly on console exclusivity (or first release)??? Do Indies going to finance Bungie?

We were asked to drop that before.

Indie devs do matter though. Acting as if AAA>everything else is a huge folly to make,e specially with the advent of Minecraft and other games, games that have started out or gone F2P, that aren't AAA.

Believe it or not, I primarily bought my Switch as an indie device, especially in knowing that the only AAA games I'd buy for it were Zelda, new Pokemon mainline and Animal Crossing, the rest are all indie titles. The reason I bought the device was simply to game on the go and for it's mechanics, not it's AAA titles. people buy systems for various reasons, be it for friends, certain games or it's eco-system. There are indie games that can demand some form of power as well you know?.

No idea why you're mentioning indies and GOTY games now, rather than "good games", which was the original point from before.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

DonFerrari said:
And back to topic.

With Activision out of the way and they probably not wanting to go back to MS (sure they could, and current MS leadership could give they the money without creative strings attached), who would they go to that could provide over 100M financing with high risk, very late payout? I really don't see many companies willing to do it, and if they do probably would want a lot of monetization to increase profit and then we would be complaining about these practices.

They've already got someone backing them, and it's a Chinese company.

And no, it won't be Sony. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Chazore said:
DonFerrari said:

Chazore, most people that visit Brazil don't talk portuguese, while most Brazilians don't speak English. Still both will try their best to be polite and understand one another.

Nope didn't say Indie don't mater, but they infact don't mater as much as AAA when deciding which platform to buy. And considering their technical requirements usually are very light it doesn't really need much to access and play an Indie of your choice.

But please explain what good Indies have to do with GOTY being mostly on console exclusivity (or first release)??? Do Indies going to finance Bungie?

We were asked to drop that before.

Indie devs do matter though. Acting as if AAA>everything else is a huge folly to make,e specially with the advent of Minecraft and other games, games that have started out or gone F2P, that aren't AAA.

Believe it or not, I primarily bought my Switch as an indie device, especially in knowing that the only AAA games I'd buy for it were Zelda, new Pokemon mainline and Animal Crossing, the rest are all indie titles. The reason I bought the device was simply to game on the go and for it's mechanics, not it's AAA titles. people buy systems for various reasons, be it for friends, certain games or it's eco-system. There are indie games that can demand some form of power as well you know?.

No idea why you're mentioning indies and GOTY games now, rather than "good games", which was the original point from before.

Yes believe that the rest of the world is just like you and a lot of people, most of them, bought Switch primarily to be a Indie Machine. That certainly explains it success.

I'm mentioning GOTY contenders instead of Indies, because the size of Bungie and type of financing it will need is on the realm of GOTY and AAA not Indies.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

DonFerrari said:
Chazore said:

We were asked to drop that before.

Indie devs do matter though. Acting as if AAA>everything else is a huge folly to make,e specially with the advent of Minecraft and other games, games that have started out or gone F2P, that aren't AAA.

Believe it or not, I primarily bought my Switch as an indie device, especially in knowing that the only AAA games I'd buy for it were Zelda, new Pokemon mainline and Animal Crossing, the rest are all indie titles. The reason I bought the device was simply to game on the go and for it's mechanics, not it's AAA titles. people buy systems for various reasons, be it for friends, certain games or it's eco-system. There are indie games that can demand some form of power as well you know?.

No idea why you're mentioning indies and GOTY games now, rather than "good games", which was the original point from before.

Yes believe that the rest of the world is just like you and a lot of people, most of them, bought Switch primarily to be a Indie Machine. That certainly explains it success.

I'm mentioning GOTY contenders instead of Indies, because the size of Bungie and type of financing it will need is on the realm of GOTY and AAA not Indies.


When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

zorg1000 said:
DonFerrari said:

Yes believe that the rest of the world is just like you and a lot of people, most of them, bought Switch primarily to be a Indie Machine. That certainly explains it success.

I'm mentioning GOTY contenders instead of Indies, because the size of Bungie and type of financing it will need is on the realm of GOTY and AAA not Indies.


For me it's a travesty that Celeste would compete with RDR2 and GoW. But sure it is very highly regarded.

But I know you understood my point and just wanted to mock me =p

Celeste could be the best game ever, cost less than 1M, that wouldn't change that they would be financing Bungie 100+M game

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

DonFerrari said:

Yes believe that the rest of the world is just like you and a lot of people, most of them, bought Switch primarily to be a Indie Machine. That certainly explains it success.

I'm mentioning GOTY contenders instead of Indies, because the size of Bungie and type of financing it will need is on the realm of GOTY and AAA not Indies.

That's because a lot of the world does care about indie games, believe it or not. Why do you think games like Minecraft sold so well, or how about games like Undertale and Stardew Valley becoming lightning in a bottle titles?. People definitely do care and hold indie games high up there among other games from varying budgets. The entire games industry isn't just AAA games and nothing more you know. Heck, games like Rocket League and Minecraft have stayed popular over the years, while "AAA" games like MGS5 and Survive, F76, Battlefront 1-2, BFV have all fallen short, and all of them being "AAA" games.

Look at how indie devs are also celebrating their sales on Switch, compared to other platforms, even the other two consoles. It';s obvious that yes, a lot of people are buying indie games on Switch. Playing games, let alone indie ones on the go is a very lucrative prospect. 

Well then you're limiting things to a small spectrum, when in reality it doesn't matter when you look at the sales of other games over the years. You're trying to hold onto a subjective set of awards, as if they hold dominant and absolute sway over all else, when in reality they really don't, a group of gamers just think X game is good and nothing more. The GOTY awards are but a small fraction of the billions of gamers out there in total. Those dedicated awards and their subjective mindset do not outnumber those who just game and play what they want.

Bungie already has their "funding", and it's from a Chinese company, and not any of the big 3. It's become very obvious now that we do not have to rely on just the big 3 to get things made and done, and that's honestly an amazing thing for this industry. Even though I'm not a massive fan of Chinese gaming, I'd rather see insane competition from their end of the industry, towards the other Eastern and Western territories. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

DonFerrari said:
zorg1000 said:


For me it's a travesty that Celeste would compete with RDR2 and GoW. But sure it is very highly regarded.

But I know you understood my point and just wanted to mock me =p

Celeste could be the best game ever, cost less than 1M, that wouldn't change that they would be financing Bungie 100+M game

Yeah, for *you*, in your opinion, not a fact and when you look at that at the end of the day, it doesn't matter all that much, because more people out there thought and wanted that indie game to contend with other games, as it should be. GOTY isn't and should never be limited to just "AAA" games. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Chazore said:
DonFerrari said:

For me it's a travesty that Celeste would compete with RDR2 and GoW. But sure it is very highly regarded.

But I know you understood my point and just wanted to mock me =p

Celeste could be the best game ever, cost less than 1M, that wouldn't change that they would be financing Bungie 100+M game

Yeah, for *you*, in your opinion, not a fact and when you look at that at the end of the day, it doesn't matter all that much, because more people out there thought and wanted that indie game to contend with other games, as it should be. GOTY isn't and should never be limited to just "AAA" games. 

I agree GOTY should never be about budget ,it should be decided by people simply voting for the game they got the most pleasure out of in that year.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

lol @downplaying Celeste because it's an indie game...or not high budget. Id bet they didn't sing that same tune when journey was getting tons of praise and awards

Chazore said:
DonFerrari said:

Yes believe that the rest of the world is just like you and a lot of people, most of them, bought Switch primarily to be a Indie Machine. That certainly explains it success.

I'm mentioning GOTY contenders instead of Indies, because the size of Bungie and type of financing it will need is on the realm of GOTY and AAA not Indies.

That's because a lot of the world does care about indie games, believe it or not. Why do you think games like Minecraft sold so well, or how about games like Undertale and Stardew Valley becoming lightning in a bottle titles?. People definitely do care and hold indie games high up there among other games from varying budgets. The entire games industry isn't just AAA games and nothing more you know. Heck, games like Rocket League and Minecraft have stayed popular over the years, while "AAA" games like MGS5 and Survive, F76, Battlefront 1-2, BFV have all fallen short, and all of them being "AAA" games.

Yes congratulations on finding exceptions wooooohooo.

Look at how indie devs are also celebrating their sales on Switch, compared to other platforms, even the other two consoles. It';s obvious that yes, a lot of people are buying indie games on Switch. Playing games, let alone indie ones on the go is a very lucrative prospect. 

Of course indie devs will celebrate their own sales, which still doesn't make it a reason people buy Switch.

Well then you're limiting things to a small spectrum, when in reality it doesn't matter when you look at the sales of other games over the years. You're trying to hold onto a subjective set of awards, as if they hold dominant and absolute sway over all else, when in reality they really don't, a group of gamers just think X game is good and nothing more. The GOTY awards are but a small fraction of the billions of gamers out there in total. Those dedicated awards and their subjective mindset do not outnumber those who just game and play what they want.

Stop trying to make strawman. You are going to lenghts to defend PC gaming when the subject is about the type of game and level of budget Bungie do, that big publishers with games on all platforms are less likely to be the highest quality so there would be merit on Bungie doing an exclusive game to make it great because the platform holder could give them the money and accept the risk without putting a lot of monetization on it. And since you can't counter it you go on and on with "you are hating PC". If Bungie sign with MS or Nintendo and make a great game there I wouldn't see any problem, they made Halo great and I never bothered with it. With ton of games being made I don't have any fear of being left behind. I prefer they make the best game they can even If I won't play than make something boring or compromised that I could play but wouldn't want.

Bungie already has their "funding", and it's from a Chinese company, and not any of the big 3. It's become very obvious now that we do not have to rely on just the big 3 to get things made and done, and that's honestly an amazing thing for this industry. Even though I'm not a massive fan of Chinese gaming, I'd rather see insane competition from their end of the industry, towards the other Eastern and Western territories. 

We never had to relly on the big 3 to make games, even more when most of the biggest sellers are 3rd parties multiplats. But we are exactly discussing that nowadays the biggest 3rd party publisher are the ones who push more and more for anti-consumer practices. So Bungie going from Acti to Ubi or EA wouldn't make much better on the complains of microtransactions. Nor would anyone on here be please if Bungie decides to make a smartphone f2p with the funding and pressure from Chineses.


Chazore said:
DonFerrari said:

For me it's a travesty that Celeste would compete with RDR2 and GoW. But sure it is very highly regarded.

But I know you understood my point and just wanted to mock me =p

Celeste could be the best game ever, cost less than 1M, that wouldn't change that they would be financing Bungie 100+M game

Yeah, for *you*, in your opinion, not a fact and when you look at that at the end of the day, it doesn't matter all that much, because more people out there thought and wanted that indie game to contend with other games, as it should be. GOTY isn't and should never be limited to just "AAA" games. 

GOTY certainly isn't limited to AAA, hence Celeste participate (and didn't win). But tell me, how do GoW, RDR2 and Spider-Man compare to Celeste for you?

Baddman said:
lol @downplaying Celeste because it's an indie game...or not high budget. Id bet they didn't sing that same tune when journey was getting tons of praise and awards

Why don't you lol @ confusing the topic on companies being capable to finance Bungie as publisher with the quality of Indies that Chazore brought exclusively to defend how great PC gaming is?

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."