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Forums - Gaming Discussion - RDR2 Reviews! Metacritic - 97(PS4)/97(XBO) / Opencritic - 97


What's your score prediction?

96 above 47 47.47%
91-95 43 43.43%
86-90 6 6.06%
81-85 0 0%
80 below 3 3.03%
MichaelDeSanta said:
MichaelDeSanta said:

Bringing up console sales in a review thread about a game you don't even own... 

Yeah, because everyone is going to rush out and spend $500 on a new X1X just for RDR2 hahaha.  

That being said, as an owner of both a PS4 Pro and an X1X (and a switch, gaming PC, 3DS, Vita etc.) I chose to play the vastly superior version of Red Dead on my Xbox One X and I'm so glad I didn't have to settle for half the resolution with choppier frame rates on my Pro.  

You don't even own the game, but if you ever do decide to buy it, enjoy it on your Pro... I'm sure it's still a great experience even if it doesn't look nearly as good.




Nice, you too. They always assume you don't play other systems, so you gotta prove them wrong this way. And yeah, the Xbox One X is way ahead of the Ps4 Pro version. Not even a question.

It seems a bit premature comparing botw and rdr2 meta's when rdr2 has 20 less reviews than botw currently.

OTBWY said:
MichaelDeSanta said:


Nice, you too. They always assume you don't play other systems, so you gotta prove them wrong this way. And yeah, the Xbox One X is way ahead of the Ps4 Pro version. Not even a question.

I never assumed he didn't. As I said you guys are in this way too deep. Drop the siege mentality. 

Kerotan said:
OTBWY said:

Nice, you too. They always assume you don't play other systems, so you gotta prove them wrong this way. And yeah, the Xbox One X is way ahead of the Ps4 Pro version. Not even a question.

I never assumed he didn't. As I said you guys are in this way too deep. Drop the siege mentality. 

In too deep?  

You don't even own a Pro or an X1X haha.

Siege mentality?  You're in EVERY thread damage controlling PlayStation or shitting on Xbox... It's pathetic.

I consider myself an average consumer and I bought the X1X with RDR2 last week instead of just getting it for my Pro because of the drastic differences presented in the digital foundry comparison.

That alone tells me you have no idea what you're taking about.

Why not go play the game rather than arguing about consoles you don't even own?

After some 60 hours, RDR2 is clearly starting to fall behind BotW. While BotW got better with expanded inventory alleviating the issues with fragile weapons, RDR2's game mechanics only get more annoying as time goes on. Saying you need to get used to the controls doesn't hold up anymore after 60 hours of playing. RDR2's mission design is stuck in the past while BotW tried something new while bringing the interactivity in an open world games to new heights. RDR2's biggest achievement is its weather system.

BotW had one annoying, do exactly as intended or fail mission, sneaking into a hideout. In RDR2 almost every story mission is like that. The world is amazing to explore, yet 97 for a game where playing the actual missions feels like a chore to unlock more fun content is rather perplexing. Gameplay is not that important apparently.

Without the story missions RDR2 is an excellent game with an amazing world to explore. It doesn't come close to BotW though.

MichaelDeSanta said:
Kerotan said:

I never assumed he didn't. As I said you guys are in this way too deep. Drop the siege mentality. 

In too deep?  

You don't even own a Pro or an X1X haha.

Siege mentality?  You're in EVERY thread damage controlling PlayStation or shitting on Xbox... It's pathetic.

I consider myself an average consumer and I bought the X1X with RDR2 last week instead of just getting it for my Pro because of the drastic differences presented in the digital foundry comparison.

That alone tells me you have no idea what you're taking about.

Why not go play the game rather than arguing about consoles you don't even own?

so your knowledge about the differences is based on the digital foundry video. You never played the ps4 version in person, so it's completely irrelevant that you own an xbox one X with the game and kerotan don't. 

On topic: Red dead is really close to a 98 on metacritic, only the 2 mario galaxy rank above. 

Nozz-A-La said:
MichaelDeSanta said:

In too deep?  

You don't even own a Pro or an X1X haha.

Siege mentality?  You're in EVERY thread damage controlling PlayStation or shitting on Xbox... It's pathetic.

I consider myself an average consumer and I bought the X1X with RDR2 last week instead of just getting it for my Pro because of the drastic differences presented in the digital foundry comparison.

That alone tells me you have no idea what you're taking about.

Why not go play the game rather than arguing about consoles you don't even own?

so your knowledge about the differences is based on the digital foundry video. You never played the ps4 version in person, so it's completely irrelevant that you own an xbox one X with the game and kerotan don't. 

On topic: Red dead is really close to a 98 on metacritic, only the 2 mario galaxy rank above. 

Who said it did?

I own both consoles so deciding which version of the game was superior was important to me.

Kerotan, on the other hand, owns neither and only came to this thread to damage control PlayStation and down play Xbox.

Besides, what does any of this have to do with you?  

Nozz-A-La said:
MichaelDeSanta said:

In too deep?  

You don't even own a Pro or an X1X haha.

Siege mentality?  You're in EVERY thread damage controlling PlayStation or shitting on Xbox... It's pathetic.

I consider myself an average consumer and I bought the X1X with RDR2 last week instead of just getting it for my Pro because of the drastic differences presented in the digital foundry comparison.

That alone tells me you have no idea what you're taking about.

Why not go play the game rather than arguing about consoles you don't even own?

so your knowledge about the differences is based on the digital foundry video. You never played the ps4 version in person, so it's completely irrelevant that you own an xbox one X with the game and kerotan don't. 

On topic: Red dead is really close to a 98 on metacritic, only the 2 mario galaxy rank above. 

So it looks like EDGE can't atleast bring it down to 96. But you never know how low they will go. If they decide to use extreme measures, 7 would not be a total suprise. But I don't think that they want to receive that much flak.

"The rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated."

- Single-player Game

SvennoJ said:
After some 60 hours, RDR2 is clearly starting to fall behind BotW. While BotW got better with expanded inventory alleviating the issues with fragile weapons, RDR2's game mechanics only get more annoying as time goes on. Saying you need to get used to the controls doesn't hold up anymore after 60 hours of playing. RDR2's mission design is stuck in the past while BotW tried something new while bringing the interactivity in an open world games to new heights. RDR2's biggest achievement is its weather system.

BotW had one annoying, do exactly as intended or fail mission, sneaking into a hideout. In RDR2 almost every story mission is like that. The world is amazing to explore, yet 97 for a game where playing the actual missions feels like a chore to unlock more fun content is rather perplexing. Gameplay is not that important apparently.

Without the story missions RDR2 is an excellent game with an amazing world to explore. It doesn't come close to BotW though.

what you just said basically sums up my thoughts on the story missions. also, I get supremely annoyed having to be positioned at specific angles to pick up items clearly in my reach  but the world is so amazing I just explore and go hunting living in the wild

SvennoJ said:
After some 60 hours, RDR2 is clearly starting to fall behind BotW. While BotW got better with expanded inventory alleviating the issues with fragile weapons, RDR2's game mechanics only get more annoying as time goes on. Saying you need to get used to the controls doesn't hold up anymore after 60 hours of playing. RDR2's mission design is stuck in the past while BotW tried something new while bringing the interactivity in an open world games to new heights. RDR2's biggest achievement is its weather system.

BotW had one annoying, do exactly as intended or fail mission, sneaking into a hideout. In RDR2 almost every story mission is like that. The world is amazing to explore, yet 97 for a game where playing the actual missions feels like a chore to unlock more fun content is rather perplexing. Gameplay is not that important apparently.

Without the story missions RDR2 is an excellent game with an amazing world to explore. It doesn't come close to BotW though.

This generation there hasn't been a single game that was close to perfection for me. It's really disappointing .. not so much because of the lack of quality of these hyped up games, but because I'm always conflicted on how I feel about them. I agree with you that the mission design is outdated, but, the controls and mechanics in the game actually got less annoying for me as it went on. And do my complaints of the game stop it from being a masterpiece? I honestly don't know. 

I felt the same way about BOTW, Horizon, Odyssey (although that one is more definitely just "I think this is overrated"). Seems like every new "masterpiece" is just so imperfect and it makes me second guess my opinions all the time, which I already do, it drives me insane.