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Forums - Politics Discussion - Why don't you believe that Trump is a Russian tool?

While I wouldn't consider myself a Trump supporter I definitely like a lot of the things he has done for the country. At this point the left/Democrats are in mass hysteria mode because they will do anything it takes to get him out of office. They hate him that much. There is no evidence specifically pointing out Trump Colluded with Russia  anyway. I like how Democrats use to be anti war. Now though if they had it their way we'd be in WW3 with Russia simply because they can't stand that Trump got elected.

massimus said:
Machiavellian said:

The Dossier was funded first by some conservative mag trying to get dirt on Trump from Fusion GPS.  I guess after a while they decided to go for Trump and dropped support for the Dossier.  The DNC and Hillary picked up the funding for it.  Some ex Brit spy came on board and finished up the research on the dossier.  Actually it was not the Dossier that got things started it was George Stephanopoulos who got the whole thing started by telling some Aussie Trump acquired dirt on Hillary from some Russian government source and the person he told, spilled his/her guts to the CIA or FBI.  Since this was at the time when the DNC was getting hacked, it was believed that Trump and some Russian Government source was spearheading the hacks and this is what jumped things off.

The Ex British spy was the one with ties to the Kremlin. He made that dossier and it did start things. That fake dossier was the main source for the spying warrant from the fisa court. Popadopalous was a set up. The Russian source that told him had ties to the FBI CIA. They fed him the line, a job and assigned drinks with the Aussie diplomat. He’s some clueless asshole and they hustled him. 


It was believed that Trump was spearheading the Russian attack by who? That’s convenient.

Yes, British spy with ties to Russia.  Isn't that what spies do.  They develop contacts within other countries they spy on to you know get intel.  The key is was the information within the dossier not correct.

At Bolded:  You tell me.  If one of your people within your camp goes around telling everyone they received information from Russian contacts concerning another candidate while those same people are getting hacked, exactly what do you believe our intelligence agencies are going to do.  Yes, convenient that Trump hired multiple people with contacts with foreign power who we have proof was hacking us at this time.  Even if there isn't anything there it would be silly to believe that those are not things our government would look into especially after we have seen the extent the hacking attempts being done.  It was convenient that Trump asked for those missing Hillary emails and immediately efforts to obtain that information started.  Everything seems very convenient especially during those times, people within Trump organization were asked multiple question on meetings they have had that they conveniently forgot then had to walk it back after people found evidence they were lying.  This is why lying about such stuff always comes back to haunt you.  You yes, since Trump and his people have lied multiple times and got caught on their contacts and dealings with Russia during a time we were getting hack by the them definitely made the Trump administration people of interest to the investigation.

Does it take any real leap in judgement that Trump and his people were targets or do you really going to sit there and believe that meeting in Trump tower concerning adoption was really about adoption.  You know the same thing  that Putin wanted to address during his summit with Trump where Congress had to pass a vote to not allow American citizens to be sent to Russia for question because the President was considering Putin offer.

Personally, I find it convenient how easily you dismiss these situations.  If anything they are things that our government should be taking an interest in and trying to find the truth if possible.

Hiro94 said:

While I wouldn't consider myself a Trump supporter I definitely like a lot of the things he has done for the country. At this point the left/Democrats are in mass hysteria mode because they will do anything it takes to get him out of office. They hate him that much. There is no evidence specifically pointing out Trump Colluded with Russia  anyway. I like how Democrats use to be anti war. Now though if they had it their way we'd be in WW3 with Russia simply because they can't stand that Trump got elected.

It's no different than when Obama was in office.  The Republicans hated him like he was the Anti Christ.  Hell, they promised to make him a one term president I believe.  As for collusion with Russia, we really do not know if there is or isn't any information until Mueller closes his investigation.  I would really believe Trump to be a world class idiot if he did partner with Russia and left evidence behind since there really isn't anything he or his people needed to do for that to happen.

Can I ask, what exactly has Trump done for the country that you like.   Also, how exactly would we be in WW3 if the Dems were in charge.  Are you saying that you do not believe that Russia had anything to do with all the hacking.  Do you believe that the Dems has so much control of our government that they got all of our intelligence agencies, even Republican Congress to agree that Russia was spearheading these attacks.

SpokenTruth said:
massimus said:

The Ex British spy was the one with ties to the Kremlin. He made that dossier and it did start things. That fake dossier was the main source for the spying warrant from the fisa court. Popadopalous was a set up. The Russian source that told him had ties to the FBI CIA. They fed him the line, a job and assigned drinks with the Aussie diplomat. He’s some clueless asshole and they hustled him. 


It was believed that Trump was spearheading the Russian attack by who? That’s convenient.

The dossier was not the main source of information pursuant to the FISA warrants.  Only Sean Hannity keeps pushing that.  It was part of it but not THE part of it.  Especially given that the warrants were re-authorized 4 times and each new warrant requires new evidence for authorization.

It would be pretty pathetic if that goober sean hannity wass the only one pushing the truth, but of course that false. It was in fact the main source of the FISA warrants. What was the other bullshit again? News paper clippings from FBI LEAKS? A letter from harry reid about information from the CIA director? What a joke. It wasn't a part of it, it was most of it.  What new evidence was that? The Papadoplous hustle? This shit reeks of homemade corruption. The FISA court has proved that it cannot be trusted to operate responsibly in the shadows and it should be disbanded.

Machiavellian said:
massimus said:

The Ex British spy was the one with ties to the Kremlin. He made that dossier and it did start things. That fake dossier was the main source for the spying warrant from the fisa court. Popadopalous was a set up. The Russian source that told him had ties to the FBI CIA. They fed him the line, a job and assigned drinks with the Aussie diplomat. He’s some clueless asshole and they hustled him. 


It was believed that Trump was spearheading the Russian attack by who? That’s convenient.

Yes, British spy with ties to Russia.  Isn't that what spies do.  They develop contacts within other countries they spy on to you know get intel.  The key is was the information within the dossier not correct.

At Bolded:  You tell me.  If one of your people within your camp goes around telling everyone they received information from Russian contacts concerning another candidate while those same people are getting hacked, exactly what do you believe our intelligence agencies are going to do.  Yes, convenient that Trump hired multiple people with contacts with foreign power who we have proof was hacking us at this time.  Even if there isn't anything there it would be silly to believe that those are not things our government would look into especially after we have seen the extent the hacking attempts being done.  It was convenient that Trump asked for those missing Hillary emails and immediately efforts to obtain that information started.  Everything seems very convenient especially during those times, people within Trump organization were asked multiple question on meetings they have had that they conveniently forgot then had to walk it back after people found evidence they were lying.  This is why lying about such stuff always comes back to haunt you.  You yes, since Trump and his people have lied multiple times and got caught on their contacts and dealings with Russia during a time we were getting hack by the them definitely made the Trump administration people of interest to the investigation.

Does it take any real leap in judgement that Trump and his people were targets or do you really going to sit there and believe that meeting in Trump tower concerning adoption was really about adoption.  You know the same thing  that Putin wanted to address during his summit with Trump where Congress had to pass a vote to not allow American citizens to be sent to Russia for question because the President was considering Putin offer.

Personally, I find it convenient how easily you dismiss these situations.  If anything they are things that our government should be taking an interest in and trying to find the truth if possible.

You said it was republican funded until they dropped out right? Opposition research. The Clinton campaign picked it up and an ex British spy was brought on board. The ties to Russia never entered the equation until the Clinton campaign. Steele didn't continue the dossier, it was his dossier. Of course nothing in the dossier is proven even remotely yet it is used as evidence to spy on the opposition parties political campaign. I want to see what happens when Trump uses our intelligence agencies to spy on the democrat opposition, set up traps and informants for the weak and vulnerable in their campaign. Do you think he would be treated the same? I'm glad he won. It shows the people still matter.


The people who believe it was spearheaded by Trump are the same people that used fake evidence to secure warrants. Yes I think it's awfully convenient. If I thought Trump was a complete moron then I could see your point. It was a joke, the FBI couldn't find the emails, the dems wouldn't hand over the server, Hilary deleted thousands of emails and washed hard drives that were under congress subpoena. "No reasonable prosecutor would pursue this".

Yet they will pursue some low level jerk who went to a meeting made by an FBI informant and said "he heard the russians have dirt on Hilary" from a russian professor that has close ties to American, British and Italian intelligence. If he is some uber russian agent then our intelligence is dumber than shit. I seriously doubt that though, he is just a pawn and that's why he is missing. Witness protection lmao! "Went back to russia after a job well done" Yeah okay lmao.. Why hasn't the russian professor been indicted with the other 12 Russians? Because It's all bullshit and I see right through it. I read these people like a fucking book. Papadoplous said nothing about emails, the Australian diplomat has said as much. Are you saying Papadopalous knew the DNC was being hacked? What proof do you have? He denied meeting with a russian to the FBI, that was his charge. They know exactly what he said and when, it was a set up. They fed him a line and a meeting and some fresh drunk noob trying to make himself look important ate the bait. A false statement is not proof of conspiracy. Certainly not enough to warrant the spying on an opposition party. False statements? How about false evidence to secure spy warrants from a secret court.


I don't know what happened at the tower, neither do you. Trumps state department itself said the thought was ridiculous. State policy is not a Trump tweet. I think that's where people get him wrong. The new Secretary of State Mike pompeo is actually really good. I like him.

I conveniently dismiss them when I know they are wrong. I try to explain why I think the way I do at least lol. I find it pretty crazy how easily so many are persuaded to bullshit and conspiracy. When I see some evidence then I might change my mind, so far it has been a joke and mockery of our justice system.

Well I live in PA and every disenchanted Republican I know was extremely excited to vote for Trump when he first started his infamous rants. I wanted Trump immediately because of his policies. Not sure why it's hard to understand. He's a real Republican and it's about time we got someone who represents us instead of the neocon globalist agenda. He's all the good aspects of Ron Paul and replaces all of Ron Paul's flaws with hardline conservatism. I'm a mixed racial Republican myself and there wasn't anyone else I wanted to vote for and other than Ted Cruz there was no one else I would have voted for. 

Lack of evidence, counter evidence, and psychology are why I don't believe he's a Russian tool. There's no logical reasoning to listen to liberals continue to ignore the fact that Trump got a record number of votes for a Republican and that the states he flipped were Obama regions in the rust belt that had a lot of policy related reasons to switch. Hillary was just a slightly altered Obama deep state hack. It would have been interesting if it were Bernie vs Trump, and I have had good reason to believe it could go either way because the same people that switched away from Obama were not looking for socialism so I think Trump would have won. It depends if Bernie also had the same funding as Clinton then maybe not, but that's iffy because the establishment wanted Hillary or John Kasich. John Kasich is an easy Republican for democrats to control and he would still help their agenda in the end. This is why a lot of the internet refers to these neocon types as cuckservatives. They never actually accomplish anything that GOP voters want. Trump is not perfect, but he's a step in the right direction. #Trump2020

Last edited by teamsilent13 - on 01 August 2018

OP, are you American? If not, where are you from, and why is Trump such a topic of debate where you live?

Anyways, Trump is a very sketchy president, and knowing that he's lied in the past makes it very hard to trust anything that he says. I'm not big into politics, so I don't know all the details, but I think it's very unlikely that there is any sort of conspiracy with Russia.

Just be careful where you get your information. This seems like a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts. Trump has a lot of haters, and there are people who will do or say anything to bring him down. Even people who are known to be extremely credible may be willing to sacrifice that credibility for a chance to bring him down.

The Russia stuff always looks like sour grapes, I personally reject Trump, but the Democrats are behaving poorly

SpokenTruth said:
massimus said:

It would be pretty pathetic if that goober sean hannity wass the only one pushing the truth, but of course that false. It was in fact the main source of the FISA warrants. What was the other bullshit again? News paper clippings from FBI LEAKS? A letter from harry reid about information from the CIA director? What a joke. It wasn't a part of it, it was most of it.  What new evidence was that? The Papadoplous hustle? This shit reeks of homemade corruption. The FISA court has proved that it cannot be trusted to operate responsibly in the shadows and it should be disbanded.

So, you have access to all the redacted FISA warrant documents?  Because unless you do, you can't make that claim and are only respouting what Sean Hannity keeps saying.

40 pieces of evidence were provided in the FISA application.  Only 1 of those 40 was the Steele dossier.  It is also now known that the FISA court was informed how the Steele dossier was compiled and who paid for it.  Of course, Hannity keeps claiming the FBI didn't tell the court but they did.

It’s public knowledge as far as I know. They were recently released without the redactions, I haven’t read the actual documents. I just heard what the people who read it have said.


Yeah 40 news clippings lol with concealed sources and FBI/CIA influence. The Steele dossier was the meat though, the only thing substantial and it’s completely fake. If they knew who compiled it and how then they are crooked, if they didn’t know then they are incompetent rubber stampers. Either way, they have failed to prove their worth and don’t deserve such power. I don’t know what your hard on for hannity is all about but it’s irrelevant. 

RaptorChrist said:
OP, are you American? If not, where are you from, and why is Trump such a topic of debate where you live?

Anyways, Trump is a very sketchy president, and knowing that he's lied in the past makes it very hard to trust anything that he says. I'm not big into politics, so I don't know all the details, but I think it's very unlikely that there is any sort of conspiracy with Russia.

Just be careful where you get your information. This seems like a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts. Trump has a lot of haters, and there are people who will do or say anything to bring him down. Even people who are known to be extremely credible may be willing to sacrifice that credibility for a chance to bring him down.

"Trump is a very sketchy president, and knowing that he's lied in the past"

wait stop, you've never told a lie? i didn't realise we had the reincarnation of honest abe on this forum lol