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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Wii (well, the Funtendo Zii) was on The Simpsons!

Nintendo is genius. Do you know how much advertising that was for Nintendo??

I also was gonna post this but I was too late.

Generation 8 Predictions so far.....(as of 9/2013)

Console that will sell most: Nintendo Wii U

Who will sell more consoles between Microsoft/SONY: SONY


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still making new episodes? wow!


nintendo forever . . .

mike_intellivision said:
Best quote from the episode: "You would think it would be dishwasher safe."
Second best: "Shooting Nazis ... That's not how I remember it."

Ironically, Zii is now a registered trademark of Nintendo.
Not sure what Funtendo has to say about it.

Mike from Morgantown

PS -- The Zii Sports screen looked like Wii Sports.


Actually I remember a couple of months ago there being a thread discussing Nintendo registering Zii as a TM; I guess now we know why.


edit: found it

Another example about how the Wii won.


Playstation 2 was on there back in the day

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RCTjunkie said:
Minor pointless complaint: Why did 1Up have to say it was making fun of the Nintendo Wii? From what is seems, it was promoting it and making it look fun.

OT: Nice! They did a good job making it similar. I'm going to see the episode soon on hulu.

just shows how biased 1up is.  not at all was the show making fun of nintendo.  it was great advertising.


and i mean hell, it has the word FUN in the word.  FUNtendo, lol.  But wasn't taking notes or anything, but from what I recal it involved Mr. Burns playing wiigolf and then a WW2 shooter, while commenting at end that this ain't right and wonders why he is shooting the nazi's.  ha.


but lisa buys the Zii for the nursing home.  The residents are all confused when she plugs it in, you know how old people are with technology.  Then she hands them remote and they play tennis and are loving it.  But later the nurses at the nursing home are pissed at Lisa cause the old people are active and makes their job more work.  


So again no way it is making fun of wii at all.  but i'm sure 1up is just bashing nonstop saying ha look only old poepl play wii or something.

not surprising, does anyone remember an episode from ages ago where homer was trying to beat bart in a boxing video game and it used punchout music

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia