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Ok, so I havent' beaten the game yet but I'm trying to beat all the Cie'th Stones. Is this just dumb? I have every primary role on every character maxed out, and at least one (and almost 2) of the "secondary" abilites maxed out, and I'm getting rolled on some of these missions (47 right now, feel like I don't even have a chance).

Does it make a lot more sense to just beat the game then go back? Would it make all this easier? Because I feel like I've grinded a ton and that I'm not getting much better now since the secondary roles don't give much in the way of stat bonuses....

Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS

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Oh noes! I can't see Carl's profile anymore :(

epicurean said:
Ok, so I havent' beaten the game yet but I'm trying to beat all the Cie'th Stones. Is this just dumb? I have every primary role on every character maxed out, and at least one (and almost 2) of the "secondary" abilites maxed out, and I'm getting rolled on some of these missions (47 right now, feel like I don't even have a chance).

Does it make a lot more sense to just beat the game then go back? Would it make all this easier? Because I feel like I've grinded a ton and that I'm not getting much better now since the secondary roles don't give much in the way of stat bonuses....

And you haven't beat the game yet? Yeah, go beat the game first. It will unlock more cystarium for you to level up in. And the highest level of crystarium offers huge stat bonuses. Trying to beat all the cieth stones before you've unlocked all the crystarium levels would be very hard.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

The_vagabond7 said:
epicurean said:
Ok, so I havent' beaten the game yet but I'm trying to beat all the Cie'th Stones. Is this just dumb? I have every primary role on every character maxed out, and at least one (and almost 2) of the "secondary" abilites maxed out, and I'm getting rolled on some of these missions (47 right now, feel like I don't even have a chance).

Does it make a lot more sense to just beat the game then go back? Would it make all this easier? Because I feel like I've grinded a ton and that I'm not getting much better now since the secondary roles don't give much in the way of stat bonuses....

And you haven't beat the game yet? Yeah, go beat the game first. It will unlock more cystarium for you to level up in. And the highest level of crystarium offers huge stat bonuses. Trying to beat all the cieth stones before you've unlocked all the crystarium levels would be very hard.

Great, awesome to know, I was feeling like I was just terrible....(which still may be true)

Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS

Boutros said:
Oh noes! I can't see Carl's profile anymore :(

I can't either

wtf is going on?

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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Chapter 10: 9/10

So I decided to go with Snow/Lightning/Vanille for chapter 10 but I think I'll go with Fang/Lightning/Hope from now on since I unlocked Fang's Eidolon (and her fourth ATB bar).

So I guess I'll finally see what's Gran Pulse in the next chapter.

And I'm already 35 hours in :/

darthdevidem01 said:
Boutros said:
Oh noes! I can't see Carl's profile anymore :(

I can't either

wtf is going on?

Friends only :(

He probably changed it after his ban was done. Add me Carl if you read this!!

Could anuway tell me if you get any CP for beat orphan and hpow much?
Im in orphans cradle and all my characters main cerystariums are maxed and I've got 999999 cp for each character aswell so I want to whether to use some on secondary roles so I don't lose out on any CP collected from Orphan

PSN ID: Stokesy 

Add me if you want but let me know youre from this website

StokedUp said:
Could anuway tell me if you get any CP for beat orphan and hpow much?
Im in orphans cradle and all my characters main cerystariums are maxed and I've got 999999 cp for each character aswell so I want to whether to use some on secondary roles so I don't lose out on any CP collected from Orphan

No, you don't get any CP from fighting Orphan.

Thanks for that gvalue

I'm sorry about my spelling and grammer everyone, I'm at work and I work in a scrapyard so I'm actually browsing and posting using my phone.

PSN ID: Stokesy 

Add me if you want but let me know youre from this website