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Forums - Sales Discussion - Holy Hell hardware adjustments!

I love how people are trashing the website because of some adjustements...

Never saw a meltdown like this when Wii was adjusted down several times.

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Wow? What exactly happened?


                                       That's Gordon Freeman in "Real-Life"


Kenoid said:
Wow? What exactly happened?

read the thread.

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
11/03/09 Desposit: Mod Bribery (RolStoppable)  vg$ 500.00
06/03/09 Purchase: Moderator Privilege  vg$ -50,000.00

Nordlead Jr. Photo/Video Gallery!!! (Video Added 4/19/10)

nordlead said:
ils411 said:
Arius Dion said:
I'm not so sure certain folks would be complaining about the accuracy of the site if the adjustments were adding numbers to certain consoles' totals as opposed to taking away from certain consoles' totals.

Why is this anything new? Adjustments happen as more information is made available. I'm sure its all done in the name of trying to get numbers as close and accurate as possible.

What is the big frickin' deal?

its not that vgc makes adjustments, vgc usually does adjust its numbers every now and then. the issue being brought up is the  size  of the adjustment. a few dozen thousands is understandable but  a few million? over a million for ps3, almost a million for xbox360 and over 2 million for the psp? those numbers aren't something to sneeze at.

its like re-counting the ballots in an election and saying  "woops obama didn't win, clinton did..."

actually, no it isn't. VGChartz (like any tracking firm) uses estimates and always has and always will. elections are an actual count, there are no estimates other than what the media estimates based off the current count.

anyways, these adjustments really aren't that big either (in the total scope, but they are pretty big for the specific regions) 1m over the lifetime of the PS3 is only a 3% adjustment for total figures. 2m over the lifetime of the PSP is closer to 4%.

And these "Research companys" they're 100% correct? Nintendo wouldn't be lying, just passing on on unreliable false information.


nordlead said:

actually, no it isn't. VGChartz (like any tracking firm) uses estimates and always has and always will. elections are an actual count, there are no estimates other than what the media estimates based off the current count.

anyways, these adjustments really aren't that big either (in the total scope, but they are pretty big for the specific regions) 1m over the lifetime of the PS3 is only a 3% adjustment for total figures. 2m over the lifetime of the PSP is closer to 4%.

Yeah, and HUGE DS adjustment of 1M is >1% =) Isn't that impressive after all.

Though to be fair we should know at what period of time those adjusted sales happened to calculate these adjustements in %.

Around the Network

How 360 took over second place in Eur.?????

mai said:

nordlead said:

actually, no it isn't. VGChartz (like any tracking firm) uses estimates and always has and always will. elections are an actual count, there are no estimates other than what the media estimates based off the current count.

anyways, these adjustments really aren't that big either (in the total scope, but they are pretty big for the specific regions) 1m over the lifetime of the PS3 is only a 3% adjustment for total figures. 2m over the lifetime of the PSP is closer to 4%.

Yeah, and HUGE DS adjustment of 1M is >1% =) Isn't that impressive after all.

Though to be fair we should know at what period of time those adjusted sales happened to calculate these adjustements in %.

ioi stated 3-4 years.

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
11/03/09 Desposit: Mod Bribery (RolStoppable)  vg$ 500.00
06/03/09 Purchase: Moderator Privilege  vg$ -50,000.00

Nordlead Jr. Photo/Video Gallery!!! (Video Added 4/19/10)

OMG! I'm too late for the meltdowns!!

Please continue them for a little bit longer!! Please!

nordlead said:
mai said:

nordlead said:

actually, no it isn't. VGChartz (like any tracking firm) uses estimates and always has and always will. elections are an actual count, there are no estimates other than what the media estimates based off the current count.

anyways, these adjustments really aren't that big either (in the total scope, but they are pretty big for the specific regions) 1m over the lifetime of the PS3 is only a 3% adjustment for total figures. 2m over the lifetime of the PSP is closer to 4%.

Yeah, and HUGE DS adjustment of 1M is >1% =) Isn't that impressive after all.

Though to be fair we should know at what period of time those adjusted sales happened to calculate these adjustements in %.

ioi stated 3-4 years.

That's a lot of time, everything alright then.

Bamboleo said:
I love how people are trashing the website because of some adjustements...

Never saw a meltdown like this when Wii was adjusted down several times.


And it's only the beginning...


As for wii fans not complaining as much as the others well, gotta love them.