I love the x-360 I own one, but I do understand its problem, what they have done wrong is miss entire markets for games, if you like shooters you have a million to choose from but what about RPGs? traditional or action based? What about fighting games? You only have DOA. What about Platformers, and strategy games? They hardly have any niche titles out there at all, that's why Gears of War is failing to push sales of the system, and so will Halo 3, everyone who is buying those titles already owned the system and probably bought splinter cell, Rainbow six, FEAR, Perfect Dark, and others. it honestly feels like it soley caters to shooters and racing games(with sports too). And even that's a hard market since they have to compete with the PC counterparts. Blue dragon, Mass Effect, Alan Wake, are all a step in the right direction, I can't wait for some news on a new Soul Calibur too. I feel next year will be a big year for the 360 to spread it's wings so here's to 2007!! (plus Assassin's Creed and Crackdown look amazing!)