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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 Owners: Killzone 3 and Call of Duty 7 - Which Will You Buy?


PS3 Owners: Killzone 3 and Call of Duty 7 - Which Will You Buy?

Killzone 3 190 64.85%
Call of Duty 7 24 8.19%
Both 50 17.06%
Neither 29 9.90%

Killzone 3, but only if they make some tweaks to the AI (too omniscient), and make some levels that are more expansive and open like the first Halo game had. I felt cramped in a lot of KZ2's environments.

Currently playing: Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, NBA2k11, Metal Gear Solid, Picross 3d

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K3. I have played every COD game and am now getting a bit tired of them.

Why bring up stuff like "I only buy multiplats for the x360"?
The question is about PS3.

justinian said:

K3. I have played every COD game and am now getting a bit tired of them.

Why bring up stuff like "I only buy multiplats for the x360"?
The question is about PS3.

If you're referring to me, that is my justification for not buying COD on the PS3, just like your justification is because you're "tired of them." Is my justification not justified?