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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - HOW did *YOU react when you first heard SAMUS' voice at E309??


HOW did *YOU react when you first heard SAMUS' voice at E309??

I loved Samus' new voice 78 80.41%
I didn't like it very much 19 19.59%

Zelda is understandable with no voice but in metroid games? samus does need a voice i reckon and its about time with other M

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Siko1989 said:
Zelda is understandable with no voice but in metroid games? samus does need a voice i reckon and its about time with other M

Until Metroid Fusion, there was hardly any story or dialogue for Samus.  So I see little reason Samus is any different than Zelda.  In fact, Metroid has even less character interaction and story than Zelda, so why would it be mandatory for it to have voices?  Aside from Fusion and Metroid Prime 3, the other Metroid games pretty much just had a 3 minute introduction and a 3 minute ending, with Samus being entirely alone the rest of the time.

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Kenryoku_Maxis said:
miz1q2w3e said:

I personally love her new voice, it sound nice and suits her as a character, although i'll admit i haven't owned many metroid games. i have however played a few of them and i am very interested in Other M

So I'm asking fans of the Metroid series, Did you guys like the idea of giving Samus a voice in Metroid: Other M?

Frankly, nothing in the game is set, even her voice.  So with that trailer, we might even have a different voice for her by the end game.  So, I know it sounds like a cop out, but I'm just gonna say...I can't say I like it or not till I actually play the game.

What I CAN say is I love her voice in Brawl.  That voice is pretty much exactly how I imagines Samus' voice to be.  Yet the voice in the trailer from E3 is different from what I can tell.  So we'll see which voice we get in the end.

Other M voice: sounds kinder/gentler
Bawl taunt voice: sounds less kind/innocent

That's why i like the Other M voice better :) i hope they keep it this way.

Other M is releasing this year, isn't it? Whould they have time to change it anyway?

Kenryoku_Maxis said:
Siko1989 said:
Zelda is understandable with no voice but in metroid games? samus does need a voice i reckon and its about time with other M

Until Metroid Fusion, there was hardly any story or dialogue for Samus.  So I see little reason Samus is any different than Zelda.  In fact, Metroid has even less character interaction and story than Zelda, so why would it be mandatory for it to have voices?  Aside from Fusion and Metroid Prime 3, the other Metroid games pretty much just had a 3 minute introduction and a 3 minute ending, with Samus being entirely alone the rest of the time.

Personally, i think i like the idea of Samus getting full voice acting more than Link getting it, because I've already heard what Samus would sound like and i LOVED it (in Other M) so i'm more comfortable with the thought of voice acting for Samus

Maybe if we heard a sample of GOOD voice acting for Link we wouldn't feel as negative about it? i think so :)

Dunno, really... she said like 2 words. Might've been a placeholder voice, too. We'll have to wait and see.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


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for comparison'c sake, here's how Samus sounds in her Zero Suit taunt (SSBB)

and here's how she sounds in the E309 trailer of Other M

i hope they stick with the Other M trailer voice. What do yuo guys think??

This poll needs another option:

3rd: OMFG!!!! Yessssssssss Yessssssss!!!


Like Link, I'd prefer her to be silent. She's in a solo mission with no help, wtf does she need a voice for?

However, I guess in terms of cutscenes, both could have a voice for the narration of the story, but during the game, no voice is needed beyond the already existing grunts and stuff.

I'd prefer silence and minimal story, but if I have to put up with both to get a Metroid that isn't trying to be other FPSs (MP3 and MPH) but is more like Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion or Metroid Prime in its approach, then fine.

The story parts in Fusion are probably my limit - well done but not overbearing. The nonlinearity was quite bad, unfortunately Sakamoto seems to like it.

But if they add "other hunters" or "allies" or "fight alongside the Federation" then I am snapping my game disc in two.

There were federation soldiers shooting at the purple monstrosity in the Other M trailer. They weren't actually useful in taking it down but they were still fighting alongside Samus. So I guess you can break you disc as soon as you get it.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"