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libellule said:
Fufinu said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
Fufinu said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
Fufinu said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
^People wouldn't be interested, since the Wii already has those games

Yes but not all the peoples have the Wiis.

They would buy the Wii if they wanted those games

I for one won't but the Wii for the motion games as I want more from my console (Blu-ray, online games, HD). However, if it were on the Ps3 market, something like Wii sports could get me interested.

You're already a PS3 fan/owner, you're already part of the incumbent market

I don't think that Natal/gem will target the same audience as Wii will. I see them targeting more a semi-hardcore gamer market, kind of interested in Wii-like applications, but wanting HD or more from their console. I'm not saying they will be stellar (in previous posts I said that both will not do so well), but they will garner interest and munch on some Wii sales that border on the hardcore.

in your dream only man,

what you call "semi-hardcroe" market is, in deed, the hardcore market + motion control

the main point of Natla/Gem is ==> mainstream casual crowd.

they will also try to put some hardcore game, sure, because hardcore are active players buying lot of games and generating some hype but those games will not reach the mainstream casual crowd and will have little impact outside the hardcore crowd

I don't think that it's just in my dream. Someone at Sony and Microsoft must have come up with the same idea, and they hold the belief that they will be able to take on board new users with the technology, while also selling to those who have already invested in their consoles.

Around the Network
Fufinu said:
libellule said:
Fufinu said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
Fufinu said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
Fufinu said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
^People wouldn't be interested, since the Wii already has those games

Yes but not all the peoples have the Wiis.

They would buy the Wii if they wanted those games

I for one won't but the Wii for the motion games as I want more from my console (Blu-ray, online games, HD). However, if it were on the Ps3 market, something like Wii sports could get me interested.

You're already a PS3 fan/owner, you're already part of the incumbent market

I don't think that Natal/gem will target the same audience as Wii will. I see them targeting more a semi-hardcore gamer market, kind of interested in Wii-like applications, but wanting HD or more from their console. I'm not saying they will be stellar (in previous posts I said that both will not do so well), but they will garner interest and munch on some Wii sales that border on the hardcore.

in your dream only man,

what you call "semi-hardcroe" market is, in deed, the hardcore market + motion control

the main point of Natla/Gem is ==> mainstream casual crowd.

they will also try to put some hardcore game, sure, because hardcore are active players buying lot of games and generating some hype but those games will not reach the mainstream casual crowd and will have little impact outside the hardcore crowd

I don't think that it's just in my dream. Someone at Sony and Microsoft must have come up with the same idea, and they hold the belief that they will be able to take on board new users with the technology, while also selling to those who have already invested in their consoles.

Don't put too much stock in what company heads say, the CEO of IBM stated in the 50's that he didn't see a potential market for more than 5 home PC's, it would be a useless tool...

Mummelmann said:
Fufinu said:
libellule said:
Fufinu said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
Fufinu said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
Fufinu said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
^People wouldn't be interested, since the Wii already has those games

Yes but not all the peoples have the Wiis.

They would buy the Wii if they wanted those games

I for one won't but the Wii for the motion games as I want more from my console (Blu-ray, online games, HD). However, if it were on the Ps3 market, something like Wii sports could get me interested.

You're already a PS3 fan/owner, you're already part of the incumbent market

I don't think that Natal/gem will target the same audience as Wii will. I see them targeting more a semi-hardcore gamer market, kind of interested in Wii-like applications, but wanting HD or more from their console. I'm not saying they will be stellar (in previous posts I said that both will not do so well), but they will garner interest and munch on some Wii sales that border on the hardcore.

in your dream only man,

what you call "semi-hardcroe" market is, in deed, the hardcore market + motion control

the main point of Natla/Gem is ==> mainstream casual crowd.

they will also try to put some hardcore game, sure, because hardcore are active players buying lot of games and generating some hype but those games will not reach the mainstream casual crowd and will have little impact outside the hardcore crowd

I don't think that it's just in my dream. Someone at Sony and Microsoft must have come up with the same idea, and they hold the belief that they will be able to take on board new users with the technology, while also selling to those who have already invested in their consoles.

Don't put too much stock in what company heads say, the CEO of IBM stated in the 50's that he didn't see a potential market for more than 5 home PC's, it would be a useless tool...

At the very least I'd assume that MS and Sony would have carried out market research to test their motion control ideas. IBM in the 50's was at a different level. They had answers to questions no one was posing. Yet.

Their market research is the Wii's success and that's why I think their motion controllers will fall hard on their asses.

Mummelmann said:
Their market research is the Wii's success and that's why I think their motion controllers will fall hard on their asses.

Now don't be so naive about this!

Can't believe I'm defending Natal/Wand!

Around the Network

Naive? Isn't it more naive that so many believe they will massive triumphs? I'd rather call myself cynical in this regard and with good reason, I haven't seen a single reason for neither Natal nor Gem to have much success.

I don't believe Wand and Natal will be notable successes, nevertheless Sony and MS must experiment as soon and as much as possible to be ready next gen.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

Avarice28 said:
You guys "still" have not figured out that Avinash_Tyagi is an open opportunity troll and will never say a kind thing about any console that is not the wii or DS? He recently "latched" onto a internet article that talked about disruption theory and has not let go since. Just ignore his blatant fanboyism and stay on topic please.

On topic: Fantastic sales all around for everyone and I am happy that no console is below 100k so soon after the holidays (psp I am looking at you).

Heh, we are curious whether somebody will ever manage to make him admit something positive about Sony or MS (*). 

(*) about what they are doing for this gen and preparing the next, obviously, I'm sure he could acknowledge at least some of their past achievements.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

Fufinu said:
Mummelmann said:
Their market research is the Wii's success and that's why I think their motion controllers will fall hard on their asses.

Now don't be so naive about this!

Can't believe I'm defending Natal/Wand!

Can't believe I care about you defending Natal/Wand, even thought I agree;)

Gaming make me feel GOOD!

darthdevidem01 said:

Don't you mean PSP Go! ?

Do you know what its like to live on the far side of Uranus?