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The 360 sold less hardware in 2009 than the previous year, even when it had a $100 price advantage since january.... the fact is, it still sold less. What makes anybody think they will sell 10 millon consoles WW in 2010? Natal? puh-lease...

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I don't think the 360 will "own" the year. You have to look at everything every console will have to offer. It's REALLY hard to predict what's going to happen.

That's right, just one "d"

In b4 "it's addict"
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selnor said:
Mazty said:
selnor said:
Mazty said:

Other than Halo Reach and Fable 3 the 360 doesn't have many exclusives whatsoever. With DX11 out and so many PS3 exclusives this year, I can't see it being the year of the 360 at all. Dated tech is really showing it's limitations and this is being reflected in gameplay. Plus, Arc's due in Fall, whereas Natal just seems to be the eyetoy. With the week on week sales of PS3 beating the 360, I can't see 2010 being a good year for 360 - I'd actually be willing to bet it's going to be it's worst.

Well my opinion differes greatly.

You have Reach, Alan Wake, Fable 3, Splinter Cell, Mass Effect 2, KUF2 to name a few games which are only available on 1 console. Also the 360 has the ability to use certain features of DX11. If by limitations you mean the amazing footage of Mass Effect 2 that beats anything last year then yeah 360 is limited. Seeing that game in motion is something else. It has such good animation and amazing texture work. Also it's lighting is phenominal. 360 is in no way at it's limit. Several games as they have approached finishing stages have impressed technically. Splinter Cell's latest screens look awesome as does Alan Wake's actual game footage.

As for Natal, I believe that will sell by the bucket load. I may be wrong, but that will severely boost 360's weekly sales. 2010 is 360's most important and best year yet.

If you want to analyse a consoles performance, you have to look at the entire market e.g. PC.

Alan Wake, Splinter Cell, Mass Effect 2 & KUF 2 are on PC, and therefore aren't going to be a)technically outstanding as they are ports and b)most likely not going to boost, or significantly boost, 360 sales due to being on PC. The main thing with DX11 s tessellation which looks like it's going to help shape next-gen graphics unobtainable on either console. Plus, pre-rendered footage means nothing in terms of graphics. Devs have admitted to reaching the limit of the 360's CPU, which will then bottleneck graphics, whilst DVD causes lower res textures to be used as less DVDs is cheaper for the publishers and therefore better to use.

You forget to say why Natal will boost sales. It's just an eyetoy. Got to remeber the 360 had dated tech in it when it was made, and it can't keep on churning out market-winning titles because of that technical limit.

Sorry to disagree with you again. But a game being on PC wont hinder someones choice in buying a 360 over PS3. A very small hardcore minority who own UBER Pc's built for gaming wont care, but predominantly most average gamers will not use a PC for games like these. Outside of MMO's and strategy games PC gamers dont really bother. Gears OF War PC sales as well as Halo3's and even Mass Effect 1 say that those games sell and are home to 360. M$ have provided lots of support on these games. In effect they have been treated 2nd partyish. I dont believe another developer could have done any better technically.

Mass Effect 2 IMO will be the top graphics on any console when it's released. It's so good.

Most average gamers know it's cheaper to play multiplatform games on PC than it is to pay for a 360. You should realise the idea that someone who is wanting to purchase a PS3 of 360 most likely already owns a PC, and therefore may not be swayed by mulitplatform titles, which have dated specs making them easily playable on PCs from the last three years, not to mention PC games are much cheaper than console games.  How do you expect Mass Effect 2 to be the best graphics on consoles when it isn't exclusive meaning it won't get the most out of the 360s hardware? Considering the 360's GPU is only slightly better than the PS3's, yet the CPU is far worse, unless all 48 pipelines are used (which apparently isn't feasible so I've heard), the 360 can't hope to out match the PS3's GPU & CPU, while having access to higher res textures on bluray disc. The issue with textures has already been seen in Dragons Age: Origins, and for the Devs benefit, they keep game size to a minimal if going over more than one DVD.

From what I can see from the first 12 mins of gameplay on youtube in HD, on the 360 there is still little to none AA, flat textures, 'simple' lighting (in todays standards) and low poly models, but plenty of bloom. The close up at 11:27 shows that a lot of the nice lighting is nothing more than good texturing & bump mapping, which dissappears close up. The required PC specs say an 8800GT GPU and from what I can see, that's the kind of graphics the game is producing.

Don't get me wrong, it looks like a hell of a game, but considering it's not an exclusive, I doubt it will be able to blow audiences away with an unseen level of graphics. I'd place more hope with exclusives such as GT5 on the PS3 (if it's ever released) and Halo: Reach on the 360.

iHuGi said:
360 Dated Tech keep killing the Ps3 on MP Tittles :D

Natal will Boost Sales for sure and ALOT , Alan Wake is NOT ON PC stop saying it is droids...

That's down to ports being able to go easily from the 360 CPU to the PS3's PPE, while all the SPUs go unused, leaving a lot of potential graphics power unused. If the SPUs were used, MP titles could look better on PS3 as it comes down to sheer power - the SSAA in the Sabatour can account for this. And Alan Wake may have been made an exclusive for now, but I'd be surprised if the PC version is left shelved - doesn't make any buisness sense to leave it that way.

Mazty said:
selnor said:
Mazty said:
selnor said:
Mazty said:

Other than Halo Reach and Fable 3 the 360 doesn't have many exclusives whatsoever. With DX11 out and so many PS3 exclusives this year, I can't see it being the year of the 360 at all. Dated tech is really showing it's limitations and this is being reflected in gameplay. Plus, Arc's due in Fall, whereas Natal just seems to be the eyetoy. With the week on week sales of PS3 beating the 360, I can't see 2010 being a good year for 360 - I'd actually be willing to bet it's going to be it's worst.

Well my opinion differes greatly.

You have Reach, Alan Wake, Fable 3, Splinter Cell, Mass Effect 2, KUF2 to name a few games which are only available on 1 console. Also the 360 has the ability to use certain features of DX11. If by limitations you mean the amazing footage of Mass Effect 2 that beats anything last year then yeah 360 is limited. Seeing that game in motion is something else. It has such good animation and amazing texture work. Also it's lighting is phenominal. 360 is in no way at it's limit. Several games as they have approached finishing stages have impressed technically. Splinter Cell's latest screens look awesome as does Alan Wake's actual game footage.

As for Natal, I believe that will sell by the bucket load. I may be wrong, but that will severely boost 360's weekly sales. 2010 is 360's most important and best year yet.

If you want to analyse a consoles performance, you have to look at the entire market e.g. PC.

Alan Wake, Splinter Cell, Mass Effect 2 & KUF 2 are on PC, and therefore aren't going to be a)technically outstanding as they are ports and b)most likely not going to boost, or significantly boost, 360 sales due to being on PC. The main thing with DX11 s tessellation which looks like it's going to help shape next-gen graphics unobtainable on either console. Plus, pre-rendered footage means nothing in terms of graphics. Devs have admitted to reaching the limit of the 360's CPU, which will then bottleneck graphics, whilst DVD causes lower res textures to be used as less DVDs is cheaper for the publishers and therefore better to use.

You forget to say why Natal will boost sales. It's just an eyetoy. Got to remeber the 360 had dated tech in it when it was made, and it can't keep on churning out market-winning titles because of that technical limit.

Sorry to disagree with you again. But a game being on PC wont hinder someones choice in buying a 360 over PS3. A very small hardcore minority who own UBER Pc's built for gaming wont care, but predominantly most average gamers will not use a PC for games like these. Outside of MMO's and strategy games PC gamers dont really bother. Gears OF War PC sales as well as Halo3's and even Mass Effect 1 say that those games sell and are home to 360. M$ have provided lots of support on these games. In effect they have been treated 2nd partyish. I dont believe another developer could have done any better technically.

Mass Effect 2 IMO will be the top graphics on any console when it's released. It's so good.

Most average gamers know it's cheaper to play multiplatform games on PC than it is to pay for a 360. You should realise the idea that someone who is wanting to purchase a PS3 of 360 most likely already owns a PC, and therefore may not be swayed by mulitplatform titles, which have dated specs making them easily playable on PCs from the last three years, not to mention PC games are much cheaper than console games.  How do you expect Mass Effect 2 to be the best graphics on consoles when it isn't exclusive meaning it won't get the most out of the 360s hardware? Considering the 360's GPU is only slightly better than the PS3's, yet the CPU is far worse, unless all 48 pipelines are used (which apparently isn't feasible so I've heard), the 360 can't hope to out match the PS3's GPU & CPU, while having access to higher res textures on bluray disc. The issue with textures has already been seen in Dragons Age: Origins, and for the Devs benefit, they keep game size to a minimal if going over more than one DVD.

From what I can see from the first 12 mins of gameplay on youtube in HD, on the 360 there is still little to none AA, flat textures, 'simple' lighting (in todays standards) and low poly models, but plenty of bloom. The close up at 11:27 shows that a lot of the nice lighting is nothing more than good texturing & bump mapping, which dissappears close up. The required PC specs say an 8800GT GPU and from what I can see, that's the kind of graphics the game is producing.

Don't get me wrong, it looks like a hell of a game, but considering it's not an exclusive, I doubt it will be able to blow audiences away with an unseen level of graphics. I'd place more hope with exclusives such as GT5 on the PS3 (if it's ever released) and Halo: Reach on the 360.

You seem to be talking alot of one sided unfactual things. Firstly the sales of 360/PC games says otherwise to your arguement about a game being on PC to. Also I never mentioned cost, PC's in most homes are for the family. Not ideal for gaming ( less time, usually tucked away ). A small number of people buy PC's to play Gears Of War or Fable 2 or Halo 3 or Mass Effect. Likewise the same for Conviction. Facts say these are console audience games. Consoles are easier to use and less buggy. PC and 360 are 2 markets that basically dont affect each other.

On Mass Effect 2, you realise that that video is 1stly not the first 12 mins and 2ndly an E309 build of the game. The game engine used has fuly fledged Global Lighting ( The most advance lighting games have seen so far. ) ME1 is right up there still for graphics but had issues it could have had better. Mass Effect 2 has addrerssed all these and added even more higher res textures and more detailed environments. Not to mention the animation and facial features are even more real. Immediately it's already in the mix of the best by being better than the first.

This video is from a more final build and I will ad, there is absolutely no cgi in Mass Effect or ME2. Incredible. It's all game engine. Nothing so far out on consoles looks that real. IMO. It's close to a TV sci fi series or Film for effects and atmosphere.

Spoiler ALERT!!!!!!

Nothing on any other game released so far Beats 6:13. Astonishing lighting. (IMO)

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gekkokamen said:

The 360 sold less hardware in 2009 than the previous year, even when it had a $100 price advantage since january.... the fact is, it still sold less. What makes anybody think they will sell 10 millon consoles WW in 2010? Natal? puh-lease...

Umm... No! It had a 1% increase in sales.

Consoles own? No no no... you wanna know who really owns at the end of the day? ME!!!! Because I get to have all these great games!

patapon said:

Consoles own? No no no... you wanna know who really owns at the end of the day? ME!!!! Because I get to have all these great games!


dsister44 said:
patapon said:

Consoles own? No no no... you wanna know who really owns at the end of the day? ME!!!! Because I get to have all these great games!



360 owns 2010?

I own a 360!

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