The ultimate RPG showdown of 2010. Which one do you prefer/more interested in...? Cause Im sure none of you have played the games to judge. (Well except some people who imported FF13)
Im actually very interested in both right now but I never played ME1 so I don't know what to expect, but with FF I know they usually pump out high quality games even though some people would argue otherwise.
So my vote is FF13!! I've liked everything I've heard about it so far, and its a nice change of pace and setting from all the dark serious brown grey environments that plagues EVERYTHING. The art direction is astounding. Love the backdrops and colors of everything, and Im sure the linearity won't be a problem to me if everything looks so polished and beautiful. As for the story well it looks enjoyable at least despite the cheesy melodrama, but those are part of a japanese rpg's charm. At least to me.
Remember guys don't get all competitive and hateful! =)