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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Bayonetta's "Hidden" References

Some awesome hidden references hidden it the game Bayonetta.  I didn't catch half of them, but it's pretty awesome to see that they're there.  Be forewarned that there are plenty of spoilers.  Playing the game, it was pretty awesome to catch the ones that I DID know about.  Anyhoo, follow the link and enjoy!!

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lol Love the DMC references. 

This game REALLY makes me want to play Godhand, now.......

I was never able to get past the style of this game. I thought the demo was ok (I know, it doesn't do this justice) but it just didn't CAPTURE me, not to mention the poor PS3 port. I felt they tried too hard to use the sex appeal + badass heroine without breaking a sweat type going on. As dumb as it may sound I just feel the need to have at least a minor connection to the character (watched it being played for roughly an hour or so). Anyways, I hope this game sells well overall so they can continue creating new IP's and all the gamers win in the end :).

onishi said:
I was never able to get past the style of this game. I thought the demo was ok (I know, it doesn't do this justice) but it just didn't CAPTURE me, not to mention the poor PS3 port. I felt they tried too hard to use the sex appeal + badass heroine without breaking a sweat type going on. As dumb as it may sound I just feel the need to have at least a minor connection to the character (watched it being played for roughly an hour or so). Anyways, I hope this game sells well overall so they can continue creating new IP's and all the gamers win in the end :).

That's understandable.  Hell, a while back, I made a thread titled "Bayonetta Looks Horrible" or something like that.  I tend to buy games like Onechanbara or Bullet Witch based completely on the main character design and I KNEW the games were probably going to be horrible.  I didn't even consider buying Bayonetta.  I wasn't too impressed with the demo, either.  And yet, the game is now my obssession.  I imagine most people aren't going to plunk down $60 on a game that initially turns them off, in hopes that they'll eventually like it.  Too bad, though.

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That's pretty awesome, lol. Just like Hideo Kojima and his references.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!

aaaaaaaand bump. This thread failed this morning. Maybe it will fare better with the evening audience.

wonderful, one of the most original badass characters to date, if lightning was half as badass as bayonetta i'd consider getting XIII.

thank d2! thats repayment for my sig.

That video was awesome. Almost makes me want to play the game, and I HATE hack'n'slash games.

This is invisible text!

I caught nearly half of those on the first play through glad to see I missed some since that's pretty awesome fanservice.

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