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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Nintendo May Be Winning, But What They Dont Realise Is, They're Losing!

No Windwaker was amazing dude. It proved graphics dont matter. I can honestly say that I have NEVER gotten bored from ANY zelda game, EXCEPT Twilight Princess.

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I think the only thing they are losing is short sighted people like you who feel that their console choice is some sort of reflection of themselves (rather than other things, like their spelling and grammar)

For every 1 "Hardcore" fan they lose they gain 500 new gamers who enjoy their machine.

I am not going to go in to how ridiculous your claim of "two good Wii games" is, as list rambling is pointless. I can say that I own a Wii, have about 20 games for it, and enjoy the console immensely.

I love the potential of the new control schemes, as someone who has been playing games for twenty years, playing the EXACT same games over and over just with different graphics and different characters had gotten me to the point where I was bored immediately upon starting a new game.

Hooray! The new halo is ANOTHER standard FPS with nothing new or innovative, but look at those graphics!

At some point in your life you grow up and your tastes get more refined. You realize that the hot girl with a bitchy attitude may be fun for a night, but what you want for the long term is a pretty girl with substance, potential, and brings something new to the relationship

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SNOOB3R said:
dampowell said:
"THIS MAKES NO SENCE" - stopped trying to decipher these words in quotes

Galaxy 2- will be great. Other M-Might be good/might not be. But I could care a less about the Zelda title. It will be easy and boring and cater to children like Twilight Princess and Spirit Tracts. People need to realise Nintendo now isnt the same as they were when Ocarina of Time and even Windwaker came out.

Well i think that is why Nintendo themselves are trying to do something different with Zelda M+. They rarely ever admitted to the fundamentals of any game needing desperate change, and when they did, Mario 64, Zelda OOT and Metroid Prime were created. SO in that Vein I am excited for Zelda beyond belief, means some good gaming is ahead.

You need to read some Malstrom, and understand why if Nintendo 'abandoned' the core market (which I would include myself in) then it wouldn't make much difference.

The period where they catered to the core market the much coincided with their least profitable and successful years [on the home console, excluding handheld] - the Gamecube and N64. When they still catered to mostly new gamers (NES) they had the highest sales/profit.

The Wii is the revival of the NES focus (bringing new customers into gaming, creating a new market) and, not coincidentally, the first time they have had a home console success of the magnitude of the NES. The Wii's dip last year was due entirely to not catering well to either expanded or core with Wii Music and AC Wii in late '08.

Nintendogamer said:
'Sence" isn't even a word for starters. Soooo Nintendo abondoning the hardcore? what does super mario galaxy 2, metroid other m, Zelda wii, a possible kirby wii and many other quality titles for wii this year means to you? Mario kart wii and Mario galaxy the only good games you've played, you sir have missed out on a lot of things.

For Wii yes. And Metroid Prime 3 was good. Thats 3. Animal Crossing sucked. Tp was boring. Brawl felt like a souped up Melee. and the other games besides those 3 werent worth playing.

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trolling thread is locked. The 2 good games argument is probably the worst one that still exists today.

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
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dampowell said:


Well i think that is why Nintendo themselves are trying to do something different with Zelda M+. They rarely ever admitted to the fundamentals of any game needing desperate change, and when they did, Mario 64, Zelda OOT and Metroid Prime were created. SO in that Vein I am excited for Zelda beyond belief, means some good gaming is ahead.

And if M+ was mainly tacked on for a few minigames within Zelda? What would you do then? Because Aonuma hasn't exactly been saying it's a radical departure from previous controls. Structure changes [dungeons/overworld] yes, but he hasn't been saying M+ will change the way we play Zelda.

SNOOB3R said:

Okay, before I get the typical "THIS MAKES NO SENCE" posts, please just hear me out.

It is no doubt that Nintendo may be winning the console war by a great deal (looking at the charts on this sight makes me wanna throw up). I dont like it at all. Now dont get me wrong, I use to love Nintendo, back when the games were hard and challenging and they cared about the hardcore audience. Now lets take a moment to think back to the early 2000's, when the Cube was struggling against Microsoft and Sony. All Nintendo had backing them was the hardcore fans. I use to be one... until I realised Nintendo forgot about us 2 years ago. Wii is honestly an embarrasment to gaming. The only good Wii games I played ware Mario Kart Wii and Super Mario Galaxy. Even Twilight princess was a dissapointment, being just too easy and feeling like it was made for beginners.

What if Nintendo ever got in a position where they needed harcore fans again...? Are there any left? As Nintendo continues to appeal to kids and old people, theyre losing the most important fans they'll ever have- the hardcore.

Whats your view on it?


All of your points have the word "I" in them and it is entirely your opinion, not facts.  Nintendo still does have their hardcore fans and they're winning on so many levels:

-DS is killing everything

-They have never sold at a loss

-Gained casuals and new gamers

-Wii selling at record highs for a console.

I haven't been interested in Nintendo since Gamecube, where i was a Nintendo fanboy hands down. Since then though i've moved on to the PS3, and X360, and i don't miss Nintendo's titles besides Zelda (i did have Twilight Princess for the Gamecube). So i understand what your trying to say, but after really looking at the titles that Nintendo has released, and the support of 3rd parties bringing unique, and core titles like Dead Space Extraction...i gotta say your way off the mark...Nintendo has always appealled to their core fans, it's the core fans that's abandoned Nintendo.

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