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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Dark Void Demo!!!!!!..........(thoughts)

Copy paste from some other forum (my post ofc)
Well I've played the demo now.
Its rather short though.

First of all, I find it annoying that all the companies that hire Nolan North (Nathan Drake, Prince in PoP, Desmond etc.) want him to do the regular "Drake" voice. Gah, he (the main characters) sounds exactly the same as Drake.

Anyway, for gameplay, there seems to be aerial combat and ground combat.
Aerial feels like some weird flight game. You basicaly shoot other (usualy flying or stationary) buildings/vehicles/other things. The controls aren't that great. You fly with the left stick but I wasn't able to turn the camera around so whereever I wanted to look, I had to fly in that direction. The "lock-on" feature is pretty sucky as well. Or rather, I couldn't hit anyone. I just hit them with aiming. Then theres the inverted moving (up and down) which can be set but I was too lazy, lol.
As for ground its like almost every other third person shooter. You can cover behind an object, shoot normaly or press L1 to go into "aiming mode" (like Uncharted, Saboteur, Red Faction: Guerilla etc.). The only difference is that you have this jet pack on you back so you can boost yourself. Sadly, the demo was set in some building so I didn't have to jump at all.

Graphics... I don't know what to say about them. They aren't anything amazing but not bad either (for me at least). Designs are little odd though, enemy infantry looks like from Terminator and AvP. The main character looks like your everyday stereotype badass white guy.

In the end, I didn't like it enough to buy the full game. Maybe some day when the price is low.

"And yet, I've realized that maybe living a "decent" life means you won't ever have a "good" life."


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This game will have native 3D PC support using Nvidia 3D vision.

I know which platform I'll be playing this game on...

This is being sent to die. The demo was ok, but nothing to write home about, I think it'll get 75-85 review bracket and with the current competition, it will die a quick and painful death. Too many very very well known IP coming out in the first quarter and a large group of them will score above 90 or close to it.

Yeah the demo was terrible. The controls for flying weren't good, and the lock-on made the flying combat a whole lot worse. Hell, I don't think I was even hitting anyone with the lock-on. Shooting is dull, and the cover system is poorly implemented (better than RE5 though).

Didn't like the demo..I would choose Lost planet 2 over this game...

Aiming when flying was kinda a pain, and its hella easy killing enemies with melee.

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I liked the demo even though it was short. Maybe a buy but yeah... This game is gonna plummet faster than Al Sharpton on stilts

CGI-Quality said:
disolitude said:


Sounds to me like you people don't like controls with a learning curve. Demo was good once you accept the controls and learn how to use them...

It won't be groudbreaking but its a decent new IP for people that like 3rd person shooters.

My sentiments exactly.

mine too! seems new-age gamers expect every game to play the same. like KZ2(or all shooters for that matter)=MW,if not their controls suxxx, etc etc. i guess new-age gamers expect all sports, board games, etc to also have the same rules..

people are being very generous with score 70-80 it'll be lucky to reach 70... the game is very below average graphics are awful considering it uses the unreal engine i didnt even finish the demo and i can't believe u die from walking in water

i never understood why developers have such a hard time adding a well develop shooting system in flying games, and this game cant do it well either. The only way id get this if someone gave it to me for free


Nathan drake was given a rocket pack, and then asked if had had watched the movie 'The rocketeer', as soon as Nathan said yes, they told him "good you are now ready to star in Dark Void", and then proceeded to push him off the cliff.

Honestly, that's what it feel like went down during development of the game.

It's not the best looking game by any means, but it's a decent looking game, hampered down with retarded flight controls, lucky as soon as I turned off the inverted controls, the flight controls improved but was still hampered by the right analogue stick which all it did was make him do barrel rolls, it was very disorientating to say the least.

The demo was also way to short, it revealed nothing of the story that could have potentially sold me on the game, and the combat was even shorter, I think total actual enemies was about 7 and they were pretty retarded, I mean for a game with cover the enemies just charged you with disregard for their own life and as such making the whole cover mechanic useless.

All in all, the demo didn't do this game any favours, in fact the game would have probably sold better if it had no demo at all, and yet on the other hand the Lost planet 2 demo completely sold me on the game despite me being pessimistic after the shit that was the lost planet 1.

I may consider this game, if the trophies are easy to get and the price goes down, I just hope they didn't decide it would be a good idea to make the trophies hard to get, like Bionic comando...yes trophies/achievements do sell games but only if it's the right price, the trophies aren't hard or time consuming to get, and the game isn't totally broken...what can I say, I love my trophies XD