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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I believe in Wii HD

I've posted links else where about ninty releasing HD system

apparently has a PS3/Xbox like controller says Yoichi Wada

apparently is the wii but in HD and there spend money in R&D

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I believe Nintendo will announce the Wii successor after the DS successor. As such, it should be at least two years away. Still, I wouldn't be surprised if they release a new Wii SKU capable of upscaling the graphic output to 1080p. This would be cheap, it would address some concerns about playing the Wii in HD tv sets although it wouldn't please the hardcore gamers, as the polygon count and textures' size would still remain limited.

Releasing Wii HD would be irrational, console continues to sell like crazy it shows that majority of customers dont care whether its in HD.


If there'll be a Wii HD to be announced despite the huge sales in December then say Nintendo goodbye to industry.

Did anyone remember I posted this thread? With the meltdowns and retarded posts I said because you all let me post it.

Guess what? Im right after all. And Im right on this. This is for you woopah and other people that longing for Wii HD, prepare for Nintendo to bankrupt once Nintendo announced Wii HD this year or even in 2011 Wii HD will be released as soon as 2012 NOT 2010 2011

end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out

The Wii relaunch will be just like all the other Nintendo Home Console relaunches have been. The Wii will only see aesthetic changes (new colors) and come bundled with one or more wii motes, motion plus add ons and a possibly a classic controller pro. Nintendo almost never re-invents their systems.

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Lolcislaw said:
Releasing Wii HD would be irrational, console continues to sell like crazy it shows that majority of customers dont care whether its in HD.

Very much this. I can't see why people keep insisting there'll be a Wii HD, when the original's selling out all over the world, beating its HD competitors' combined sales more often than not. For heaven's sake it's the fastest selling console ever, pretty much the largest success story in the history of videogames, WHY would nintendo spend millions if not billions on a new machine when it's not needed? To please some rambling whiny minority?

The PS3 Slim made sense, PS3 was underperforming, Sony were in a tough spot. Natal, if it'll get a 'console relaunch' would make sense too, the 360 is being beaten by PS3, Microsoft need something so gain new momentum. The Wii, however, is doing incredibly fine. It doesn't need a new version. That'd be like Sony releasing a new, upgraded PS2 with better specs a few short years after it released and was dominating its competitors. (Yes the PS2 was redesigned later on, but that's completely different).

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


The Wii is still on fire. No need for a Wii HD anytime soon. And the Wii is still at the $200 price point. When Wii hardware demand starts to suffer they can always cut to $150 anyway. Just like how Nintendo cut to $200 when the $299 Slim boosted the PS3 ahead of Wii for a month. There is no rush. The demand for Wii and DS seems bottomless at this point. The PS3 won't get a price cut for a long time now and the 360 won't get a price cut soon either. They'll probably just bundle in NATAL at no extra cost at the most.

Carl2291 said:
Well, if Ninty do release a Wii HD... I'd have thought is would be counted as a standalone console, not a Wii relaunch.

One thing is add cameras that relly changes the system other is put HD somethng that many consumers even can see the diference its not nintendo like ... HD will be there in the next console


A patriot to the end. GO PATS!

Now playing> THE LAST STORY (Wii) Best RPG I EVER PLAYED. *-*

Nintendo could u please just take my money and give me back my 3DS?!

people were saying nintendo didnt need to cut the price and called pachter an idiot for suggesting that. what happened? he was right. remember DSi? people thought they'd be no need for a newSKU because sales were high but nintendo brought it out anyway, just like they are bringing out the DSI XL despite high sales. just because a console is selling well doesnt mean it cant sell better. I repeat this is NOT next gen, simply a new SKu or a new push at the mainstream gamers (not core, hardcore or casual)

also yushire how were you right?

you claimed that neither PS3 nor wii price cuts helped when its pretty that they did help with the exception of wii in japan. if anything the time that has elapsed since that thread had just shown you to be more wrong. nintendo is not going to go bankrupt for a very long time, and btw i do not long for a wii HD. Ive just bought a new black wii and im quite happy keeping this until next generation. this thread is not something i want its just a theory I have

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


I believe in next-gen....