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Forums - Sony Discussion - How many others ain't buying inferior Bayonetta for Ps3?

There really is not that big of a difference, media making it worse then really is. Its sad the PS3 does get the crap end of ports, it should not be this way.

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I was going to get this game regardless of its technical flaws until I played it, but the game itself is just bad so I am going to pass.

Simulacrum said:

I was pretty hyped at this when I played demo...After reading Ign and Gamespot review I know I would get pissd off with long loading times and other technical problems.

So since I'm getting Xbox 360 this year due Alan Wake release, I get it for Xbox 360.

Sega messed up.This will easily cost 500k of sales.


How many times were you gonna buy it?


Seems to be a lot of games where one version is inferior to another - seems devs are quickly porting games then not testing them properly


i wouldnt have bought it if it got a 100 on metacritic.

the game just doesnt look fun to me

same here - this gen games like ME, Fallout 3, Dragon Age have ruined shallower games for me personally.  I waited ages for MW2 and when it came out I hated it as it lacked depth.


maybe i'm just getting old - next i'll be joining the WOW community.


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Xen said:

They churned out an extremely shitty port with unforgivable flaws - namely, framerate issues and long loading times. That totally fucks up the game flow, so no buy from me, and the majority of PS3 owners I hope. Just so SEGA doesn't get any funny ideas. I hope the 360 destroys this one in sales.

I'll be getting a 360 this year, and that's the platform I'll be getting this on.

Well said, well said.


And @Those who think its "Score-Wise" only.

GameSpot among a few others are actually being NICE by giving Bayonetta an 8 outta 10, for the simple fact that LONG LOADING TIMES, are no excuse then gen of consoles bottom line ___ ...

So i agree with Xen and the Majority of people in here, if your gonna make a cheap ass port, you might aswell  make the game 360 exclusive first and give it a damn good port later thats Equal or BETTER then the other version, such an example like Ninja Gaiden 2 SIGMA, Sega really needs to Plat really needs to learn from Team Ninja.

Why settle for an inferior port when you can be playing great games which run great on the PS3 like GOW3 and Dante's Inferno.

To answer the OP more directly, yes I am one of the ones that won't be getting Bayonetta for the PS3 because its far inferior to the 360 version.



I'm not, but I never had an intention of buying it anyway!


But a rental is certain.

I will, but not for me! I actually don't like this type of game, but my teenage son does so I'll probably bail him out as usual and buy it for him.

I did look at demo and nothing I saw was horrific or seemed to affect his enjoyment of the gameplay. Who knows, maybe once it's sitting next to the PS3 I might give it a twirl myself.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

i was never going to get it