If you are a gamer regularly surfing the web you probably know about all the FUD spread with regard to PS3 technology in the past. We know the PS3 was expensive to make and set very high standards for a console (aiming at a 10+ year lifespan) with technology included like Wi-Fi, a default industry standard easily upgradeable harddrive, Bluetooth and the lastest HDMI specs all out of the box!
But seemingly the two (on forums at least) hated on technologies found in the PS3 must have been the Cell processor and its Blu-Ray drive.
Now in 2009 we have seen amazing games which already make great use of both technologies. Games such as Uncharted 2: Among thieves and Killzone 2 top this list.
Uncharted 2 makes great use Blu-Ray's constant streaming, allowing gamers to experience very diverse high quality gaming levels without going into loading screens when played in one go, nor requiring the user to install game data onto the harddrive. It also makes great use of its storage capacity by including the mentioned high quality diverse graphics assets and for example by including many alternative in-game spoken languages you can easily switch.
Despite Naughty Dog released a game which until now taps the most out of the Cell processor, they also state the Cell still feels like a bottom-less pit to them regarding its actual processing capabilities, hinting Uncharted 3 will probably push the PS3 hardware much further.
Killzone 2 is another much hailed game for its underlying technicals. Amazing graphics for which the Cell is heavily utilized (wow at the death sequences, pre/post-processing effects and lighting!) and the most awesome high quality 7.1 surround sound I have experienced in a game so far. And like Uncharted it does not require a harddrive install.
Guerilla games have made it no secret, they are still only tapping a small portion of the PS3 hardware capabilities at this point and they have learned many new tricks to advance Killzone 3 towards a much higher level from a technical perspectie.