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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which "HD" visual style do you see as the most appealing to the eyes?


Which "HD" visual style do you see as the most appealing to the eyes?

High-def 3d. Clearly. 17 29.82%
No! It's Hand-drawn 2d, you jerk! 8 14.04%
I for one think they're both good... 11 19.30%
Well I think they both suck eggs! 0 0%
This argument is pointless! *walks away* 21 36.84%

This thread title alone got me thinking when it comes to "visual styles": A lot of the time I see arguments about some games that "should go to the Wii because it's art style doesn't require super HD graphics".

It's kind of an ignorant statement, because it means you're saying that the HD consoles are incapable of having games with that kind of visual style and that only the Wii can. Just because a game's art style "doesn't require HD graphics" doesn't mean that it therefore can't be done on the HD consoles. I hate when people say that, because we all know that whatever the Wii can do, the PS3/360 can do it 50x better (this stems from many, MANY debates about where KH3 'should' go)

/rant over.

With that said, I prefer a visual style that's simply pleasing to the eye. Sure, that's a big generalization, but as long as it looks good, it doesn't really matter to me, 3D or not. BlazBlue looks great, LBP is 2D with depth (if that makes sense), and then of course there are games like KZ2, Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain, Alan Wake, etc. that go for realism. Those all look good to me, and I don't prefer one over the other