killeryoshis said:
No they dont because my argument still applies.
Wii Sports Resort did not have any measurable effects on Wii sales last summer or fall. The only thing that boosted Wii sales was the Holiday season. Wii sales continued to drop year over year until late November.
Wii Fit package (board and software) going into 2009 was still very very hot and was boosting Wii console sales. Going into 2010 Wii Fit is selling great, but is it software for existing Wii Fit owners or hardware and software for new Wii purchasers. I suspect it will be more the existing Wii Fit owners getting upgraded software.
That leaves a game that has sold what like 7 million copies to boost new hardware sales. Yeah right. Not by much.
I will give you this. If you mean the 3 will boost hardware sales beyond the continued drop Year over Year than sure, but they will not boost Wii hardware sales to anywhere near what they were last year. Just better than the sales would have been without Wii Fit Plus, NSMBWii and WSR.
Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.