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Forums - Sony Discussion - Uncharted 2 has outsold Killzone 2

GameAnalyser said:
BHR-3 said:
that sux KZ2 should be in the 4mill range by now thats wat i think it deserves i guess PS fans are more into TPS and Action adventure more than FPS it has always been that way maybe thats y L4D isnt on ps3

anyway U2 rules and every ps3 owner should grab a copy it that good

hopefully KZ3 will do better i think thats y KZ2 sales arent as good as they should be most passed up on the game b/c they thought that KZ2 would be the quality of KZs from the ps2 era but its clearly not

well kz2 was never meant to the be the fps franchise that cud be selling in huge numbers, but still it had impressed a lot with the gfx atleast...and with the demand for console increasing..i agree KZ3 will be receiving higher fanbase by the time it releases. UC 3 is gonna rock nyways!!


Killzone 2 deserves to sell twice as much as any call of duty game

and you can take carl's statement and view my post behind it.


Around the Network

Killzone 2 is beating every other shooter in NeoGAF's GotY voting thread. As of the first ten pages, it's leading its closest competitor, Modern Warfare 2, 144 votes to 92.

I doubt too many websites aside from GameSpot and all the PlayStationWhatever.coms will give it the credit it deserves, though. Call of Duty is what's popular, and Call of Duty is what'll get them hits.


Counted some more.  As of page 15, Killzone 2 has 227 votes, while Modern Warfare 2 has 131.

I personally think K2 did as well as it could have done.

2m for me was realistic and due to the date of the release and the PS3 install base at the time. I don't think sony or GG could have expected much more.

I would say 3m K2 sales LTD would be far better than any sensible person would have hoped.

The great thing is that now it has a huge fanbase (according to GG) and an expensive engine all ready for the 3rd installment.

I and many others who now play K2 never even heard of the original.
It is not like Killzone was a PS flagship title.

I think U2 will get close to MGS sales LTD as the PS3 install base grows due to it's unofficial reputation as the best looking game on a console.