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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Reviews Bayonetta - MAJOR Score Difference!

silicon said:
Ouch. At least there's still Dante's Inferno and God of War 3.

yes, we will be vindicated on exclusives (not DI)

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Stats87 said:
disolitude said:
Stats87 said:

Well this is annoying, now I'm forced to play the 360 version instead. I'm annoyed because these kinds of games are at the bottom of my 360 list when it comes to the 360vsPS3 controller preference.

You can buy this to go along with it if its such a problem...


that's pretty cool, didn't know these existed, thanks for the heads up.

I just find the 360 face buttons to be kinda gummy and and unresponsive when pushed multiple times in quick succession. So for games like DMC and Bayonetta, I much prefer the PS controller. I also like the looser joysticks on the PS for action games, whereas the stiffer 360 stick is better for aiming.

Yeah, we all have our preferences. Any game that you need a Dpad for, xbox 360 controller is useless...

I bouight it cause I have a Sega Saturn controller made for PS2. Those are THE best pads for fighting games and I will not play a fighter on xbox live, psn or anywhere else without it :)

The adapter works rather well. When I use it with the Saturn pad to play online it keeps my cursing to a minimum.

disolitude said:
Stats87 said:

Well this is annoying, now I'm forced to play the 360 version instead. I'm annoyed because these kinds of games are at the bottom of my 360 list when it comes to the 360vsPS3 controller preference.

You can buy this to go along with it if its such a problem...


Holy crap!

wait... According to that I need a wired 360 controller to get this to work. Weak.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

Well after playing the demo and reading the review I am more interested in getting this game. Although I may have to wait a while to get it.

ameratsu said:
disolitude said:
Stats87 said:

Well this is annoying, now I'm forced to play the 360 version instead. I'm annoyed because these kinds of games are at the bottom of my 360 list when it comes to the 360vsPS3 controller preference.

You can buy this to go along with it if its such a problem...


Holy crap!

wait... According to that I need a wired 360 controller to get this to work. Weak.

yes you do.

They are useful little things... out of batteries, PC gaming, PS2 to xbox360  adapters... Wired xbox controllers are not as obsolete as people think :)

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zone16 said:
Another bad port, huh? How disappointing...

Especially this far into the generation. That makes it more dissapointing.

Danm, now I feel forced into buying the 360 version. Why are there always making shitty ports to PS3 making me feel forced to buy a 360 version. I already preordered a PS3 version looks like I'll just be buying a used 360 version in late January.

DjFlex53 said:
Dno said:
DjFlex53 said:
The comments in this thread by PS3 owners continually validates my disdain for them and Sony.
In one voice, they claim superiority over all other consoles and in the next voice they blame developers when the PS3's weaknesses are exposed.

Hideo Kamiya has created Devil May Cry, Okami and Viewtiful Joe. He is not a lazy developer.

This comment is wrong on so many levels that i wont even make a list of he games vastly better on ps3, i wont make a list of devs saying time and time again that the ps3 is stronger, i wont compare xbox Exclusives to PS3 exclusives, no but all i will say is that do you really think bayonetta could not have been better on the ps3 then in its current state?

WHEN you say "of course it could have been better" then that will completely negate your whole whole sentence and prove that ps3's so called "weakness" has absolutely nothing to do with this game not being up to par with the xbox version. it is100% on the devs. now if it was because of a dead line or a money issue thats another story.


Your comment is what I expected from a PS3 owner. I never said that there weren't games vastly better on PS3, but, of course, your SDF nervous system had to make that an issue. My point was/is that only PS3 exclusives or games the devs have to expend more time and money than when developing for the other consoles is ONE of the PS3 weaknesses. How come PS3fans cannot admit any faults of their console? It boggles the mind at the inherent arrogance they project to owners of the Wii & 360. The 360 and Wii weaknesses are known and accepted but not the PS3...."it does everything" (that byline is arrogance to the nth degree). BTW, it doesn't do everything since it can't make UC2 (GOTY) sell much better than AC2 when there are over 28 milllion PS3 owners.

Yes, I can say "of course it could have been better" when ANY game has the time and money to spend endlessly on improving it....duh

It's sad that you don't know already that it ALWAYS has to do with deadlines and money issues when AAA game developers can't meet their expectations. One exception is when a certain console is also difficult to program

1st off When you have a point please explain it. When you say a weakness is exposed explain what you mean. Second ps3 is hard to program for but only lazy devs release crappy unfinished titles. 3rd im not only a Sony system owner i have all 3 systems so i dont need to be a memeber of the SDF as i can purchase this game for any system. (and as i stated in another thread i already have it pre-ordered for xbox... i will NOT give them my money for a shitty port when i can play it on my xbox).4th After uncharted 2 getting game of the year on a system with a so  called weakness do you think i care how much it sells. Not many games get GOTY title and sell 2 million copies in 3 months so im guessing sony is happy also.

Of course you have to say it could of been better because its true which makes your sentence null and void (like i predicted). and not all games need all the time and money as the awesome GOTY uncharted 2 took only 18 months to make.

its not always a dead line because they can just delay it but they chose to rush it and give us a shitty port. that equals lazy in my mind.

lastly take off your fanboy glasses and read. i never once said Sonys system was not hard to program for. But when you work on something that you plan to sell do not expect me to just give you cash on a crappy port. make it good or i get another game that is good.

binary solo said:
DjFlex53 said:
The comments in this thread by PS3 owners continually validates my disdain for them and Sony.
In one voice, they claim superiority over all other consoles and in the next voice they blame developers when the PS3's weaknesses are exposed.

How do comments by PS3 owners validate disdain for Sony?

There are some very high quality multiplatform games up for PS3 GOTY awards, and a PS3 exclusive title is likely to win a slew of overall (all platforms) GOTY awards. Exactly what weakness does the PS3 have that makes a poor quality port acceptable that PS3 gamers should just accept it without comment?

If there were the sorts of weaknesses you seem to be implying then no multiplatform title would ever be a contender for a PS3 GOTY, and no PS3 exclusive would even be nominated for an overall GOTY, let alone actually win a GOTY.

And you seem to be absolving developers of all responsibility when it comes to the quality of ported games.

It seems your disdain is not particularly well founded. If this PS3 port is as poor quality as this IGN review indicates then PS3 gamers are well justified in voicing strong criticisms in this instance.

totally correct

Oh i guess ill get it for 360 then.