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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 sets a record for the highest hardware sales during Final Fantasy week

jarrod said:
Icyedge said:
Wii_Master said:
Can't wait for this weeks numbers. I expect DS and Wii to be monsers as usual....

PS3 has a chance at topping 1 Million but I still have my doubts.

360 to keep the pace at around 500-550K

PSP to do horribly and PS2 to do amazing for a console 9 years old.

PSP is a 6 years old console and already have a install base of 50 M +, so its not doing horribly at all. Not as good as DS doesnt mean horribly you know.

For a format that just got a new model release, it's doing pretty badly.  PS2, GBA, DS, PS3 and even PSP before skyrocketed after model revisions, but the GO has been a pretty obvious failure at both selling on it's own or igniting any general interest in the PSP platform.

And with a base of 50m+, don't even get me started on it's pathetic software sales... Sony needs some secure DRM, and they need it like yesterday.

I had Xmas lunch at friends, and they bought their elder son LittleBigPlanet PSP, well, despite not as good as the PS3 version I saw around, it's quite good, and mother, father and son were all addicted to it, but trying to help them in a point where they were stuck (eventually I found the solution in a Youtube video, as I don't have either a Playstation or LBP) I didn't change my mind, even on newer version of PSP I still hate its controls and LBP betters the situation only a little using very few of them. The screen, OTOH, is big and quite good, if I found a PSP at the same price of a cheap multimedia player I could buy it as a player that can occasionally do games. But paying it full price, and for gaming, forget it.

IMVHO Sony made PSP a decent Jack of all trades, but master of nothing. Still more successful than Zune, but hey, most multimedia players are

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

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I fear the worst for the PS3 hopefully it doesn't go down to low.

Gaming make me feel GOOD!

Seems like a strange thing to celebrate. Especially the poor implications behind the PS3's performance for FF13 to have this much of an impact.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

jarrod said:

Sony needs some secure DRM, and they need it like yesterday.

DRM does not help. You say it as if only PSP has piracy problem.

The problem is the PSP as a whole. To the gamers, it lacks the second stick for a lot of the games.

For others, and Sony, seeing PSP as a media player as primary and gaming secondary.

Overall, PSP lack uniqueness. It is very much a PS2 portable minus a thumb stick.

It's ok for me if it's a portable PS2 which plays MP3, that's exactly what I wanted when I bought a Go.

How does it lack uniqueness ? Is there another portable PS2 we don't know ?

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PSP's more like a portable Dreamcast imo. At least in specs/interface.