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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN N-Podcast 60 and Summary - How Wii doesn't even compare to Current Gen.

Khuutra said:
The_vagabond7 said:
Khuutra said:

You are really hurting my argument here

lol, I love ya khuutra. I just disagree. I don't agree with everything they said, but most of it I do. I think to call Nintendo out on what they've done this generation is perfectly acceptable, and I don't think they are trolls for doing it. You may be perfectly sensible, but the majority of people objecting to this are just fanboys that are butthurt that Nintendo is getting called out on their apathy/laziness.

.....I don't think I really have grounds to argue on that point from here on out. Consider this particular line of conversation conceded, I suppose

And that's why you're tops, you're sane. Go look at the comments at IGN, most of them are not. Now can't we all just agree that we want to see Zelda at E3?

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

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Vagabond, I believe that in this line of conversation, you have run up against your own wall. The burden of proof is on you to counter Miyamoto: either do or concede the point.

The_vagabond7 said:
Khuutra said:
The_vagabond7 said:
Khuutra said:

You are really hurting my argument here

lol, I love ya khuutra. I just disagree. I don't agree with everything they said, but most of it I do. I think to call Nintendo out on what they've done this generation is perfectly acceptable, and I don't think they are trolls for doing it. You may be perfectly sensible, but the majority of people objecting to this are just fanboys that are butthurt that Nintendo is getting called out on their apathy/laziness.

.....I don't think I really have grounds to argue on that point from here on out. Consider this particular line of conversation conceded, I suppose

And that's why you're tops, you're sane. Go look at the comments at IGN, most of them are not. Now can't we all just agree that we want to see Zelda at E3?

It will be the one game announcement for which I will change my avatar on the spot.

Khuutra said:
The_vagabond7 said:
Khuutra said:
The_vagabond7 said:
Khuutra said:

You are really hurting my argument here

lol, I love ya khuutra. I just disagree. I don't agree with everything they said, but most of it I do. I think to call Nintendo out on what they've done this generation is perfectly acceptable, and I don't think they are trolls for doing it. You may be perfectly sensible, but the majority of people objecting to this are just fanboys that are butthurt that Nintendo is getting called out on their apathy/laziness.

.....I don't think I really have grounds to argue on that point from here on out. Consider this particular line of conversation conceded, I suppose

And that's why you're tops, you're sane. Go look at the comments at IGN, most of them are not. Now can't we all just agree that we want to see Zelda at E3?

It will be the one game announcement for which I will change my avatar on the spot.

Are you just going to change it for the new Ganondorf?

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

The_vagabond7 said:
Khuutra said:
The_vagabond7 said:

And that's why you're tops, you're sane. Go look at the comments at IGN, most of them are not. Now can't we all just agree that we want to see Zelda at E3?

It will be the one game announcement for which I will change my avatar on the spot.

Are you just going to change it for the new Ganondorf?



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The_vagabond7 said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
The_vagabond7 said:
Khuutra said:
The_vagabond7 said:

It's an appeal to common sense. The conduit can run on wii with online multiplayer for...what was it 12 people? Or was it 8? Either way, NSMBW does not push the wii as hard as the Conduit. I don't have specs, I have common sense.

Common sense doesn't mean a lot in this case - unless, like Kylie, you want to call Miyamoto a liar. If that's the case, then the burden of proof is on you, and "common sense" does not qualify.

Fine, you keep on believing that Miyamoto wasn't doing PR, and that NSMBW is in fact the pinnacle of what the wii can handle technologically, that in fact the people absolutely most familiar with the system cannot in actuality squeeze any more out of it than what has been accomplished with the monumental technical feat that is NSMBW. Back when the wii was released there were many nay sayers saying "NAY! There can never be a 2d platformer, that looks like a decent improvement over a DS game, running with 4 people simultaneously! The wii cannot handle it! What, with all the goomba matrixes, and Koopa AI and the like!" But, they were proven wrong when Miyamoto personally rolled up his sleeves and showed them that you could get!!! 4!!! Players playing at once!!! With some complex abstract mathematics, and a completely new programming language designed entirely for this game alone invented by miyamoto, one could in fact mimic Super Smash Brothers Brawl's Adventure mode with less textures, fewer graphical effects, and midi music, at the expense of online play!

You go ahead and believe it, I'm going to remain incredulous that NSMBW is the pinnacle of wii technology.

"looks like a decent improvement over a DS game"

You have a problem right there. Upscaled pictures have shown the polygon count and texturing is well above N64 level, not a "decent improvement", and those still don't tell us the full usage of the system.

So your argument lies on the belief the level of the graphics is far lower than what we've actually seen of the game, through our own common sense.

In short, your premise isn't unproven. It's outright false. NSMBWii starts out the character models around level of Super Mario Sunshine. Take a good look at the screens, preferably the larger ones.

So then super Mario Sunshine in 2d is the max the wii can handle? Is the wii suddenly weaker than the gamecube? Smash Bros brawl looks demonstrably better than NSMBW, and has 4 player online. The NES can handle the goombas, platforms, and koopa troopas, so somehow I doubt the levels put that much of a strain on the wii. What is it that is pushing the wii so hard in this game I wonder?

That is NOT WHAT I WROTE. I wrote the CHARACTER MODELS are on the level of the character models of that game. There is a difference.

Don't give me this "demonstrably better" crap, when I've already stated that levels are not the same in Smash Bros.

And just being a goomba is not an argument. One is an 8-bit sprite and one is a 3D model. That you think those are even comparable makes it look as though you don't really have an idea of how computer specs work.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

you know the nintendo seal of quality? thats changed at the moment, i mean nintendo are letting 3rd party's put shovelware on there machine so they can gain there 3rd party support again and thats fine by me.. nintendo had a love/hate relationship with 3rd party's in the past so nintendo are trying to change that, i thought most of you would be happy that nintendo is trying to gain that support again?

demonfox13 said:

Wait, I'm gonna stop you riiiiight there. The lag is ABSOLUTELY no excuse for NSMBW not to have an online component. If some of the Wii's other games have it why can't NSMBW. If much more demanding games period, can have online there is NO reason NSMBW can't. The lack of communication may pose some problem. But to me that is another thing Ninty failed to implement in their system. Does it break them? No, as sales prove otherwise, but having something simple added as a headset would definitely add to the experience for the existing fanbase. But going back to the lag part, it is absolutely no excuse if you bothered playing other Wii games online (unless of course you live in PA and somehow end up playing with someone in Japan).

Once again it was a matter of artistic vision. MIYAMOTO CHOOSE NOT TO INCLUDE ONLINE!!!! I stressed the important part for you these. Any other reason is just explaining why he choose that.

Also, I have played other Nintendo games online. I have played many games online. None require the timing involved in many levels of NSMBWii. Come back and talk to me after you actually tried the game. Comparng the timing and precision involved to any other Nintendo game released thus far is absurd.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

OMG this is really bad... Someone of Sony or Microsoft is probably paying those guys to bash the Wii.

What makes them so mad is that the Wii is selling 3 times more than their console and just reached 60 million. Let Nintendo have its break for this absolute success and wait for the Zelda Wii.

Assassin's Creed 2, looking like a Mature Zelda game? They got to be kidding... Zelda is better and deeper than Assassin's Creed.

Just a quick comparison

Four Players online, wii not maxed out, a game with lots particle effects, complete chaos, detailed textures, interactive and destructable environments, AI controlled bots, Havoc Physics engine, orchestral soundtrack, replay recording function, can stop and move the camera around to any view and take screenshots, a true masterpiece of effort and hard work.


Online impossible, wii has been maxed out, simple textures, no particle effects, no AI bots, extremely simple physics, camera always pulled out at a distance from objects, goomba AI...and....moving platforms?



The technical marvels possible on wii.


You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.