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UnstableGriffin said:
Smashchu2 said:
UnstableGriffin said:
Smashchu2 said:

@Griffin:So, I can't say anything about the game until I have played it from begining to end unless tht something is "this is the best game ever. I can't wait to buy it!

Well, yes.

Complaining about something you don't fully understand and haven't experienced yourself is stupid. Also trying to deliberately find faults because you want to complain about it is stupid. Did I also happen to mention how stupid it is to complain about the very first part of the game that is yet to be released?

That's like if someone frequently complain how every upcoming movie sucks because he doesn't like their posters.

If that is true, then also praising a game you know very little about is stupid. We haven't experienced it yet. It might be garbage. And it's also dumb to deliberatly find praise for it.

This is like if someone frequently praised how every upcoming movie is awesome because he really likes the posters.

It goes both ways. So either we say absolutly nothing until the game coms out, or you accept that people are going to talk smack about Other M.

Then I'll be happy to let you know that I haven't praised the game irrationatelly. Currently atleast.


Anyway, I like how angry Sean Malstrom suddenly got when somebody corrected his mistake when quoting Yoshio Sakamoto(and making his completely idiotic remark all the more pathetic). NOBODY should ever correct Sean Malstrom, because he's NEVER wrong! NEVER EVEN ONCE!

...I mean geez, can't Mr. Malstrom just murder the guy already? It's not like he's fooling anyone.

He's like a deranged Dalek, obsessed with his supposed superiority and hatred against everyone.


And that "Sales = QUALITY" is still garbage.

I also feel sorry for all those kids. They had such a promising future.

First, you missed the point. Either we don't talk about the game or we can say what we please. I feel that Other M will flop in sales due to maternial instincts.

Second, I love how everyone thinks Malstrom is this angry raging monkey. Note that all they are doing is "correcting," "Many many years," too "quite a while." Sakamoto said it's been a while since the last metroid game on a console, but Metroid Prime 3 was released in 2007 and the Prime collection back in 2009. So Sakamoto is still ignoring the Retro games, which is Malstrom's point. Either way, it is rediculous because it's so little to make any real concern over. "OMG, he said years when the guy said quite a while." Do we really need to point out that flaw. Why waste energy on it?

Lastly, if sales are not the determiner of quality, then what is?

Around the Network
Smashchu2 said:
UnstableGriffin said:
Smashchu2 said:
UnstableGriffin said:
Smashchu2 said:

@Griffin:So, I can't say anything about the game until I have played it from begining to end unless tht something is "this is the best game ever. I can't wait to buy it!

Well, yes.

Complaining about something you don't fully understand and haven't experienced yourself is stupid. Also trying to deliberately find faults because you want to complain about it is stupid. Did I also happen to mention how stupid it is to complain about the very first part of the game that is yet to be released?

That's like if someone frequently complain how every upcoming movie sucks because he doesn't like their posters.

If that is true, then also praising a game you know very little about is stupid. We haven't experienced it yet. It might be garbage. And it's also dumb to deliberatly find praise for it.

This is like if someone frequently praised how every upcoming movie is awesome because he really likes the posters.

It goes both ways. So either we say absolutly nothing until the game coms out, or you accept that people are going to talk smack about Other M.

Then I'll be happy to let you know that I haven't praised the game irrationatelly. Currently atleast.


Anyway, I like how angry Sean Malstrom suddenly got when somebody corrected his mistake when quoting Yoshio Sakamoto(and making his completely idiotic remark all the more pathetic). NOBODY should ever correct Sean Malstrom, because he's NEVER wrong! NEVER EVEN ONCE!

...I mean geez, can't Mr. Malstrom just murder the guy already? It's not like he's fooling anyone.

He's like a deranged Dalek, obsessed with his supposed superiority and hatred against everyone.


And that "Sales = QUALITY" is still garbage.

I also feel sorry for all those kids. They had such a promising future.

First, you missed the point. Either we don't talk about the game or we can say what we please. I feel that Other M will flop in sales due to maternial instincts.

Second, I love how everyone thinks Malstrom is this angry raging monkey. Note that all they are doing is "correcting," "Many many years," too "quite a while." Sakamoto said it's been a while since the last metroid game on a console, but Metroid Prime 3 was released in 2007 and the Prime collection back in 2009. So Sakamoto is still ignoring the Retro games, which is Malstrom's point. Either way, it is reidiculous because it's so little to make any real concern over. "OMG, he said years when the guy said quite a while." Do we really need to point out that flaw. Why waste energy on it?

Lastly, if sales are not the determiner of quality, then what is?

Other M is going to flop because it's human insticts? What the flying geezers are you talking about? You do realise it's a video game, not a living being, right?

I never called him a raging monkey. He's a raging Dalek. There's a difference. For one, monkeys are much more rational and reasonable than Daleks.

Second, how does Metroid Prime Trilogy, a re-release of games made in 2002-2004 suppose to count? Does that also mean re-release of Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 1 is now a debut for a brand new TV series? And the reason people noted this is because how DALEK SEAN went on an aggression fueled hate-trip about how Yoshio Sakamoto sucks because of this and that with this quote being one of the primary reasons. Also, I think it's much more pathetic going nuts when people correct this flaw, rather than people correcting someone as irrational and idiotic as DALEK SEAN.

And the answer you're looking for is professional criticism. Remember that magical little thing?

He attacked everything in life with a mix of extraordinary genius and naive incompetence, and it was often difficult to tell which was which.

- Douglas Adams

UnstableGriffin said:

And the answer you're looking for is professional criticism. Remember that magical little thing?

Too bad there are no professional critics for video games then.

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UnstableGriffin said:

Other M is going to flop because it's human insticts? What the flying geezers are you talking about? You do realise it's a video game, not a living being, right?

What are you talking about? Games with stories usually do bad. Players do not play games to hear characters go on and on about their internal problems. In New Super Mario Bros Wii, does Mario go one about how this war could have been stopped. How all the inocent Goombas could have been spared. Hell no he doesn't. Do the Miis in Wii Sports gon one and one about how their Mii wife is cheating on them and golf is the only thing they have left in life. See how silly it is.

Most big sellers have little to no story. WoW's story can only be found if you look for it. Call of Duty's story is a string of events and then you get to the shooting. Most people play the multiplayer anyway.

This kind of writing would not be acceptable in any other medium. Why do we accept in it video games?

I never called him a raging monkey. He's a raging Dalek. There's a difference. For one, monkeys are much more rational and reasonable than Daleks.

Ad hominen. I love how you don't attack the message but him. I'd love to see you try to prove him wrong.

Second, how does Metroid Prime Trilogy, a re-release of games made in 2002-2004 suppose to count? Does that also mean re-release of Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 1 is now a debut for a brand new TV series? And the reason people noted this is because how DALEK SEAN went on an aggression fueled hate-trip about how Yoshio Sakamoto sucks because of this and that with this quote being one of the primary reasons. Also, I think it's much more pathetic going nuts when people correct this flaw, rather than people correcting someone as irrational and idiotic as DALEK SEAN.

I love how people interpret what he says as angry. Again, it shows how he must tick people like you off. Ad Hominen again.

Even if you ignore the Trilogy, there was Prime 3 in 2007. It has not been that long. Also, I didn't say Trilogy was a new game. You made that up. It was a Metorid game on a console in 2009.

Also, his point on Sakamoto are very valid. Most people agree that Fusion is weak compaired to Super Metroid which was made by Gunpei Yokoi. Zero Mission sold less then the Metroid re-release on the GBA. Other M will most likely uner preform compaired to Prime as all of Sakamoto's games have. I'm not even sure why they have him around.

And the answer you're looking for is professional criticism. Remember that magical little thing?

What professional critism? Critism is an opinion anyway. A lot of it is paid off and based on hype. "Quality," in that sense is subjective. I've played a lot of games that good good reviews and I thought they were horrible. Must I accept that that is quality work. Am I, the paying customer, wrong?

Sales are quality because people spent money on it. If you assume that sales are not quality, then you must also accept that people buy things they don't like. Customers buy what they want. If New Super Mario Bros Wii is what they want, then it must be of high quality. I mean, they bought it over Heavy Rain. They must not like quality. Or maybe because quality is misdefined.

So now I ask, why is a critics review score quality? Is it quality if it is bought? And, if we define it that way, how come some games of high quality fail in the marketplace while game sof low quality don't?

jarrod said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
jarrod said:
LordTheNightKnight said:

You're just using a pat argument to try to dismiss something you don't like.

Sounds like Malstrom talking about Other M.

That's another strawman, since although he is snarky, he's been stating several reasons why he think it won't work. That is the opposite of what you are claiming. And the fact that you wrote such a short sentence is yet another pat argument to dismiss him.

You don't have to agree with him, but just dismissing him is foolhardy. Actually try to argue against what he says.

I wasn't positing an argument, just making an observation.  Also, you should look up what "strawman" really means, and the proper context to throw out such a loaded term.

Misrepresenting how someone made an argument is a form of strawman, which is what you did.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

Around the Network
LordTheNightKnight said:
jarrod said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
jarrod said:
LordTheNightKnight said:

You're just using a pat argument to try to dismiss something you don't like.

Sounds like Malstrom talking about Other M.

That's another strawman, since although he is snarky, he's been stating several reasons why he think it won't work. That is the opposite of what you are claiming. And the fact that you wrote such a short sentence is yet another pat argument to dismiss him.

You don't have to agree with him, but just dismissing him is foolhardy. Actually try to argue against what he says.

I wasn't positing an argument, just making an observation.  Also, you should look up what "strawman" really means, and the proper context to throw out such a loaded term.

Misrepresenting how someone made an argument is a form of strawman, which is what you did.

Misrepresentation would be your own little flawed interpretation.  I'm calling what I'm seeing, which is Malstrom trolling a game he's never touched at every opportunity.

jarrod said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
jarrod said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
jarrod said:
LordTheNightKnight said:

You're just using a pat argument to try to dismiss something you don't like.

Sounds like Malstrom talking about Other M.

That's another strawman, since although he is snarky, he's been stating several reasons why he think it won't work. That is the opposite of what you are claiming. And the fact that you wrote such a short sentence is yet another pat argument to dismiss him.

You don't have to agree with him, but just dismissing him is foolhardy. Actually try to argue against what he says.

I wasn't positing an argument, just making an observation.  Also, you should look up what "strawman" really means, and the proper context to throw out such a loaded term.

Misrepresenting how someone made an argument is a form of strawman, which is what you did.

Misrepresentation would be your own little flawed interpretation.  I'm calling what I'm seeing, which is Malstrom trolling a game he's never touched at every opportunity.

Trolling means doing it for attention for himself. He's stated he wants attention for games getting better. Big difference. So you're still misrepresenting. His stance isn't that he wants to bash the game all the time. His stance is to call out the apparent flaws, that so far no one has actually denied.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

LordTheNightKnight said:


Trolling means doing it for attention for himself. He's stated he wants attention for games getting better. Big difference. So you're still misrepresenting. His stance isn't that he wants to bash the game all the time. His stance is to call out the apparent flaws, that so far no one has actually denied.

I'm not 100% sure the way you are describing him here actually paints a totally positive picture...

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

Smashchu2 said:



UnstableGriffin said:

Other M is going to flop because it's human insticts? What the flying geezers are you talking about? You do realise it's a video game, not a living being, right?

What are you talking about? Games with stories usually do bad. Players do not play games to hear characters go on and on about their internal problems. In New Super Mario Bros Wii, does Mario go one about how this war could have been stopped. How all the inocent Goombas could have been spared. Hell no he doesn't. Do the Miis in Wii Sports gon one and one about how their Mii wife is cheating on them and golf is the only thing they have left in life. See how silly it is.

Most big sellers have little to no story. WoW's story can only be found if you look for it. Call of Duty's story is a string of events and then you get to the shooting. Most people play the multiplayer anyway.

This kind of writing would not be acceptable in any other medium. Why do we accept in it video games?

I never called him a raging monkey. He's a raging Dalek. There's a difference. For one, monkeys are much more rational and reasonable than Daleks.

Ad hominen. I love how you don't attack the message but him. I'd love to see you try to prove him wrong.

Second, how does Metroid Prime Trilogy, a re-release of games made in 2002-2004 suppose to count? Does that also mean re-release of Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 1 is now a debut for a brand new TV series? And the reason people noted this is because how DALEK SEAN went on an aggression fueled hate-trip about how Yoshio Sakamoto sucks because of this and that with this quote being one of the primary reasons. Also, I think it's much more pathetic going nuts when people correct this flaw, rather than people correcting someone as irrational and idiotic as DALEK SEAN.

I love how people interpret what he says as angry. Again, it shows how he must tick people like you off. Ad Hominen again.

Even if you ignore the Trilogy, there was Prime 3 in 2007. It has not been that long. Also, I didn't say Trilogy was a new game. You made that up. It was a Metorid game on a console in 2009.

Also, his point on Sakamoto are very valid. Most people agree that Fusion is weak compaired to Super Metroid which was made by Gunpei Yokoi. Zero Mission sold less then the Metroid re-release on the GBA. Other M will most likely uner preform compaired to Prime as all of Sakamoto's games have. I'm not even sure why they have him around.

And the answer you're looking for is professional criticism. Remember that magical little thing?

What professional critism? Critism is an opinion anyway. A lot of it is paid off and based on hype. "Quality," in that sense is subjective. I've played a lot of games that good good reviews and I thought they were horrible. Must I accept that that is quality work. Am I, the paying customer, wrong?

Sales are quality because people spent money on it. If you assume that sales are not quality, then you must also accept that people buy things they don't like. Customers buy what they want. If New Super Mario Bros Wii is what they want, then it must be of high quality. I mean, they bought it over Heavy Rain. They must not like quality. Or maybe because quality is misdefined.

So now I ask, why is a critics review score quality? Is it quality if it is bought? And, if we define it that way, how come some games of high quality fail in the marketplace while game sof low quality don't?

In regards to Other M, it all depends on how they sell it. My guess is that the Western ad campaign is going to be similar to what Nintendo showed at E3, all emphasis on the classic Metroid action and on none of the cinematics, while it will be the opposite in Japan.

All the maternal instincts stuff is there to get the game to sell in Japan. The question is if the non-maternal-instincts stuff is strong enough to stand on its own that the game can at least not suffer compared to other Metroid games, and possibly even surpass them.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Alby_da_Wolf said:

LordTheNightKnight said:


Trolling means doing it for attention for himself. He's stated he wants attention for games getting better. Big difference. So you're still misrepresenting. His stance isn't that he wants to bash the game all the time. His stance is to call out the apparent flaws, that so far no one has actually denied.

I'm not 100% sure the way you are describing him here actually paints a totally positive picture...

He's not trying to make you think well of him. He wants you to understand why some games work and some don't, and how that matters to the future of gaming.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs