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Forums - Website Topics - If you could become ioi for 15 minutes...

why does everyone want to ban kantor?

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Forget all I said, I would Permaban Tweesterm, Ban all U2 blind fans for 3 months and undertrack it
(no offense, there had been more offensive posts to this thread)

morenoingrato said:
Forget all I said, I would Permaban Tweesterm, Ban all U2 blind fans for 3 months and undertrack it
(no offense, there had been more offensive posts to this thread)

Yeah I hate Bono as well.

trashleg said:
bugrimmar said:
trashleg said:
bugrimmar said:
trashleg said:

hmmm... come ON, if i was gonna be a guy for 15 minutes you think i'd waste my time doing stuff like that during my only 15 minutes of existence as a guy EVER? nah, its a very short "to-do" list i'd be following :-X  besides, it was stated that he would be able to see what i was doing with his body so he wouldn't get that much of a shock if i decorated it or whatever lols.


and pfffft. trashleg > bugrimmar. and you cheat . so no. sorry.

no fair! how do you make your name green :(

when this site becomes named BugriChartz, there will be some changes around here. aside from Kantor being banned, trashleg would become my personal slave.

well, if you check my profile you might get a bit of a shock.. after you disappeared red-faced following the shameful thread about having two girlfriends, we all lold then i was made a mod. i think thats how it went, anyway.

and ew. its not happening.

i didn't disappear. i just thought it was pointless trying to explain myself :P i mean.. i expected everyone would just say "you're a douche", and there was no defense against that except "meh, nevermind". if there was anyone who actually asked "why are you doing this?" i might have responded.

bah. just you wait. my personal slave will have to wear a pineapple on her head every day :)

ooh i LOVE pineapple XD

so bugrimmar... why are you doing it? and what you gonna do about it?

i'm getting married soon. that's why i'm doing it. i want to experience all sorts of things before that happens because after i get married, i won't have the opportunity anymore.

i'll keep it on for until the end of the year, tops. after that, i'll cut it loose.. promise.

theprof00 said:
morenoingrato said:
Forget all I said, I would Permaban Tweesterm, Ban all U2 blind fans for 3 months and undertrack it
(no offense, there had been more offensive posts to this thread)

Yeah I hate Bono as well.

My friend drew a picture of Radiohead standing on The Edge.

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I would transfer all his money to another account... on camera.

Screw fanboy BS.


Not really though... but I mean come on.  Think bigger.

this site would be filled with porn.

Yaoi Fangirl and proud!

man porn?

Snesboy said:
trashleg said:
bugrimmar said:
trashleg said:
TWRoO said:
trashleg said:
actually, i think if i was ioi for 15 minutes i'd make it the best 15 minutes of my male life. hmmm.

By travelling to Scotland to find trashleg (who is now ioi)?

i do not understand what you are inferring, TWRoO. o.0

but i think it would take >15 minutes to get to scotland. i only have 15 minutes! and if i was ioi, who is me? and where is he?

in the movie, the real john malkovich was temporarily put in some sort of observer mode while somebody was taking control of his body. so if you take control of ioi, he'd be forced to just watch whatever you do to his body :)

maybe you could just video chat with yourself...

wait.. are you suggesting.. me and ioi? o.0 while i was ioi and he was watching?

i pray he never sees this thread

This is the h****** thing ever on this site. Mod ***.

i honestly have no idea what any of that means, snesboy.

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.

I'm going to like this thread now...

Former something....