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Forums - Sony Discussion - Killzone 2 - more fun later on?

KZ2 is still my favourite game amongst some strong competition, but it's not always to everyone's taste.

I think the 'fun' factor you are looking for may not be in this game for you, but keep at it, finish the campaign and enjoy the multi-player.

For me, the grittiness,the realism behind the fire fights and the struggle at each stage (especially on Hard mode+) is what its all about for me.

Atari 2600, Sega Mega Drive, Game Boy, Game Boy Advanced, N64, Playstation, Xbox, PSP Phat, PSP 3000, and PS3 60gb (upgraded to 320gb), NDS

Linux Ubuntu user

Favourite game: Killzone 3

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Crystalchild said:

Hey Guys,

I have killzone 2 since a week now, and i played 2 levels so far.. but its .. almost no fun. :/ .. i played KZ1, and i was fascinated by the Locations and the Atmosphere, this is also given in Killzone 2, but its nothing special anymore.. almost every game can fascinate in a different way..


So my Question - will KZ2 be more fun if i keep playing it?  because the motivation to put it in my Console is pretty low atm.

(but to be honest, KZ1, FEAR2 and Bioshock are the only FPS games i played til the credits so far, i am not a big FPS Fan at all... maybe thats the Point?)

Well it didn't get any more fun later on either, not for me anyway. Killzone 2 at the moment is the best looking FPS currently on consoles, but what does it matter when the actual gameplay , story, etc is mediocre? Its nothing more than "COD: Future Warfare", except COD:MW2 campaign was still far more compelling. Things that bugged me the most about this game, generic unlikeable characters. Couldn't care less about Sev, hated Rico. Didn't give a crap about why i had to go to "Helgan" to take on "Space Hitler". The Wolf Brigade...erm i mean "Helghast" ( sorry i always get them mixed up for some reason, wonder why...) are not really all that different from fighting enemies in COD. The only one that really stuck out for me was the big guy with the flame thrower. The game pairs you with a fellow soldier for most of the time, but he is a retard who believes himself to be bulletproof. Why else would he be so quick to rush out into gun fire so often, prompting me to get cut down by gunfire as i run out to save him?


Then there were the locales, the only level that reaslly stuck out for me was the train level.( Uncharted 2 did it waaay better BTW) everything else was gray and brown sewers, gray and brown warehouses, etc, etc. What good is this great graphics engine when its wasted on such uninspired levels? Modern Warfare 2, ODST, Uncharted 2 all had more compelling single player IMO.  Hopefully the MP is good....

PS360 FTW!

So, im trough.

my Killzone experience was pretty solid overall, take a look at my messy-selfmade graph xD:

after all, it was a worthy buy.

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!

Glad to see you enjoyed it.

PSN ID: KingFate_