Here is a list of game that I desperatly want to see a sequel made for:
Skies of Arcadia The Dreamcast game ruled all and the gamecube port was well worth picking up as well. This was and remains imo one of the best RPGS of all time. If you have a dreamcast and don't own this shame on you same for you gamecube owners.
Grandia II Talk about great RPGS from the Dreamcast this game was one of the best the Dreamcast version was vastly superior to the later ported version found on PS2. I want more Grandia.
Panzer Dragoon Saga/Orta This SEGA classic would be an awesome version of Lair if redone today and if anyone has played Lair well then they know we could use a better dragon game.
Beyond Good and Evil This game is supposed to be getting a sequel or is it? Well I want a sequel to this game in the worst way.
Psychonauts You usually cant go wrong with a Tim Schafer game and this was one of the better games I have ever played. I would love to see a sequel and see some damn sales success for his awesome work.
PSI Ops If you played the original it is likely you would buy a sequel if it was to come out. Awesome mind powers, guns and throw in a story good or bad and you still have one hell of a fun game.
Vagrant Story Does anyone remember the days of the RPG yah thats right im talking PSONE and this was one of the definative RPGS on a system full of them. I want a sequel or remake to this game bad yes I do.
Chrono Cross/Trigger If you like RPGS even a little you are wetting you pants at the tought of another awesome chrono experience with 50 charecters and hundreds of endings or whatever they want to give us needless to say it has been to long since we got one.
Lunar Blue and Silver Star Story Complete I love RPGS as you could probably tell from my list yet they just never seem to get the follow up attention they need and I wont settle for a cheap DS Lunar game I want a 45 hour experience for my PS3.
Syphon Filter I love the PSP games but they are not doing it for me I want a full on PS3 experience. Sony make this happen.
ESPN NFL 2K5 Sure Madden your slowly winning me over with your 32 player online franchise and you new halftime show but I want to see 2K games have another shot working with the NFL license with full ESPN, FOX, CBS or NBC emersion.
To avoid this list from going on forever I will end it with number 12
Final Fantasy 2, 3 and 7 in US release numbers. If you dont want to see Cecil, Tara, Edgar, Locke, Cloud, Barret and Tifa's Tits is HD glory well then F#$K YOU! For the rest of US wanting a complete HD remake of these awesome games SQUAREENIX just do it already. You have sold well over a million copies of the original FFVII on PSN and would likely sell that amount if you released the other two I mentioned but why sell a million when you can sell 5 to 15 million for an HD version. Preorders for FFXIII are around 1 million in Japan alone FFVII would double that easily.
That is my list if you dont like it sound off and tell me why or feel free to add your own games to list. Furthermore to keep the thread strong adding some suggestions for addition to the sequel or remake would be awesome.
IE Voice Acting, New Materia, and the DOA bounce to Tifa for FFVII.