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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 SIGNIFICANTLY Outsold Xbox 360 on Black Friday!!!!!

donsterydo2 said:
Porcupine_I said:
donsterydo2 said:

And now I wonder, how long Sony will have to sell PS3 under the cost of production and what M$ will do to turn the tide for their adventage, is it possible that we will see next year an Arcade for 100$ and Elite for 200$ ? 2010 will be a funny year to watch

i don't think Microsoft will make a pricecut, even if they could.


i believe they want to keep the price the same until natal launches, and then do a stealth pricecut by offereing it bundeled for the same price.


otherwise if they do a pricecut now, they would probably have to raise the price again for natal, and king customer does not approve of price hikes.


that said, it might be possible sony has turned things around now, they might be able to do their own pricecut when natal releases.


But they are selling PS3 still under the cost of production and they stated that they will make PS3 profitable in fiscal year 2011. Another price cut in 2010 would mean no profits for PS3 industry.

Remember that they are focusing at winning money on PS3 and not making money on all the PS3 sold
In clear : we are reaching a time where the PS3 is still sold at loss but the overl PS3 business is making money
That doesnt change the better position of MS in term of future price cut ...

Time to Work !

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SamuelRSmith said:
Sorry, I'm late to the party.... what's a slim?

LOL! A type of jerky I think.

ps3 hammered 360. according to sony they sold more than 440k and microsoft sold double the previous week, problem is we dont know what the previous week was for microsoft so going by vgchartz numbers they sold less than 300k on black friday. its no wonder they aint running their mouths.

Its about time the PS3 had a decent holiday season in NA.

and GT5 is not even out ... just unexpected from me !

Time to Work !

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libellule said:
and GT5 is not even out ... just unexpected from me !

This is what happens when you have a price cut and redesign at the right time.  If Sony had dropped their price in September back in 2007, they may have had a better BF then, too.  But instead they delayed it till November.

xbox had sales Weeks before all those people waiting for black friday deals, went early to get the better deals. I went for a hp computer and my buddy got a xbox for a 100$.
so yea sales for the xbox won't be as impressive as some would think...

THE BIG WINNER IS THE WII, all the ps3 fans say that it will die out too. still waiting, you know what that means, Natal is going to sell through the roof and past the moon.

Guaranty that Natal will release with a work out video, house wifes will miss there kids soccer practice for there husband to nail them right again.

Or to get back in shape so they can eat more McDonalds.

The fact that the PS3 is already crushing 360 in sales even in its own territory BEFORE FF13 in Japan and BEFORE the world release of Gran Turismo 5 says a lot about the state of the 'console war' now.

It could quickly become humiliating for MS in the weeks and months to come, as soon as those 2 behemots release.

mario64 said:

It could quickly become humiliating for MS in the weeks and months to come, as soon as those 2 behemots release.

Yep, though Gears3 and Reach should keep 360 alive inb NA.  But in Europe nothing will stop GT5 from destroying 360 sales, after it drops it will be hell for the box in carland.  

So all said & done now we can OFFICIALLY confirm that PS3 DID outsell 360 SIGNIFICANTLY on black friday week (150K in america)

290K worldwide!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey