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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Most Milked franchise Ever!!!

dtewi said:

What, hundreds of games?

Does any other franchise come CLOSE to that?

Since 2006 they had over 200 titles... so yeah, I think itsd milked, but it doesnt mean I dont like mario games >_>... In fact I play lots of mario games.


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Need for Speed....since Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2 theres been a new one every year...SHIFT launched in September this year, and EA already confirmed the next one is being developed by Criterion (the team behind Burnout)...



Vashyo said:
Mario definately

How is mario milked. His name is but the seris isn't. The closest to milk is mario party. But their hasn't been a new game since 07

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

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I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
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I think it is Final Fantasy i mean there has been so many Games in the Main series , so many remakes and Spin Offs I love FF but sometimes i just think is too much, just look at FF VII and the amount of games/movies around it.

At least mario reinvents itself With jump from 2D to 3D and Back. It also explores other genres (sports, racing etc.) the mascot remains but the games are different and fresh.

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i think of FF and mario as a big dairy farm that loves producing milk




Guitar Hero.

Ratchet and Clank is getting there as well.

hmm when I say "milked" a picture pops in my head of franchises that gets a thousands or so sequels that don't have quality to them or don't add anything significantly new.

i would call franchises like Mario, final fantasy, or halo milked.
All games that come out in these franchises are high quality and add new stories.

games that pop up in my head when i hear milked are games like Sonic, GH, RB, imagine, etc...



I meant to say "i wouldn't call franchises like Mario, final fantasy....)

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