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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft: Project Natal to replace remote controls

I never heard that Natal allowed you to point and click with your finger.

It does allow gestures and speech recognition, but do those really replace the remote? I can see the speech recognition part being useful for searching for movies in an online streaming service, but that's not really replacing the remote.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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Actually at the moment with the amount of info we have so far, to use natal to interact with your TV or 360 interface is the only reasonable purpose i appreciate and was thinking about right at the beginning (minority report comes to mind). It would be cool to control my devices just by hand waving and language.

But i still have concerns how natal will work with games (much more information needed!).

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I think you need to ignore the replace the remote comments (PR setting themselves up for an epic fail again) and think of it as a supplement to the remote.
You can point and tap, maybe click was the wrong word, with you finger. If you can't then how does it know when you're putting your foot down in Burnout? or hitting the balls in that ball game?

Replace controller? That will never happen. You need buttons for certain experiences.

Keep on dreaming microsoft.

WheelStriker said:
Replace controller? That will never happen. You need buttons for certain experiences.

Keep on dreaming microsoft.

Ah forward thinking strikes again

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Lord Flashheart said:
I think you need to ignore the replace the remote comments (PR setting themselves up for an epic fail again) and think of it as a supplement to the remote.
You can point and tap, maybe click was the wrong word, with you finger. If you can't then how does it know when you're putting your foot down in Burnout? or hitting the balls in that ball game?

I didn't mean to nitpick with the click word. What I meant is that I never saw anyone saying that Natal can track individual fingers with enough precision to point at the screen (like the Wiimote).

Putting the foot down or moving your whole arm is much easier to recognize than the angles and position of an individual finger, which will be quite small as seen by the camera.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

MS have said that it can track individual finger movements in 3 dimentions, and I believe with the whole body on screen at the time but don't quote me on that last part as most people seem to only be taking peoples words at face value then crying bull.
But they know more than the guys actually working on this stuff so they are right.

Lord Flashheart said:
MS have said that it can track individual finger movements in 3 dimentions, and with the whole body on screen at the time i believe but don't quote me on that last part as most people seem to only be taking peoples words at face value then crying bull.
But they know more than the guys actually working on this stuff so they are right.

I googled for Natal and fingers, and found this:

One thing I think is worth pointing out is that Natal only seems to scan up to the hand, which is just one of the 48 tracked points. I was curious as to whether the tech could lock onto a player's hand and map individual fingers. The implications for Guitar Hero-style games, for example, could be significant. "It could see my fingers pretty well," Tsunoda replies. "But a little kid's fingers... it's a bit harder at the maximum distance."

Doesn't look promising in the area of finger tracking.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

If you're a kid.

I thought it could track fingers.
Well maybe Natal 2

yes microsoft, of COURSE it will replace remotes...... you so know what people want