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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft hails its killer weapon in battle with PS3 and Wii

For a killer weapon, it hasn't seemed to make much difference vs the Wii. I agree Live is great and they were smart to bring PC level online to consoles, but so far this gen the Wii Mote is clearly a true killer weapon rather than Live.

But Hey, PR & Marketing gotta eat.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

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Killer weapon? Facebook? Twitter? Last.FM? Give me a fucking break Microsoft. PLEASE.

DaBuddahN said:
Live >> PSN >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wii Network

If PSN adds cross-game chat, improves their browser, and a few other tweaks, the difference between PSN and LIVE won't be significant.

I disagree.


The difference already is NOT significant!


If PS3 adds cross game chat they will be nearly identical. If PSN improves the browser it may actually be better than XBL.



"Microsoft has claimed that it is “continually keeping ahead” of its rivals’ online services with additions to Xbox Live."

...again, if people are paying for online service it dam well better be ahead of the competitors that offers it for free. Imagine how pissed alot 360 users would be if PSN was way better than XBL while its free for PSN but not for XBL.

KratosHimself said:
Squilliam said:

Nintendo have said the same thing actually. So theres no real connection between the two concepts.

The difference is Wii's specs are obviously inferior while 360 actually has good specs. It's just unreliable.



The ATI 5970 has between 12 and 15* more 3d performance than the PS3. Does the Wii look equally obsolete? Yep!


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lol, all I want is the ability to play online. Gimme that and I'm happy. All the other "bonuses" are just fluff

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

Who buys a Zune? MS, The Zune aint shit compared to the Ipod, no matter how much you hate them your not over taking the fucking Ipod, the only way i would considering buying a Zune is if it had the number of Apps the Ipod had.



Tho i think Zunes look better.

As of right now Live is ahead of PSN, however if arrogance and pride has shown us anything, it can make a global market leader like Sony lose their position and be forced to fight its way back to the top, if not just second place.

To put it simply, I expect Microsoft to be ready to show both quantity and quality on XBL if they are going to run their mouths. After all, Sony is willing to take their status as the best online platform if the chance let them.

Squilliam said:
KratosHimself said:

“When we first got into the console business, we understood that the elements that were going to define success in this business were really software and services. We knew that the hardware component was important, but really wasn’t the vital thing.”


Anyone who has been burned by the RROD will not appreciate that comment.


They are basically admitting they knew they were putting shoddy hardware on the market and don't see reliability as "vital".



Nintendo have said the same thing actually. So theres no real connection between the two concepts.

Yah but Nintendo didn't build a shitty console that breaks every 3 months. 

Live basically just adds a bunch of fluff and calls it revolutionary. Who the hell wants to listen to a radio on their console? SERIOUSLY? I can Twitter or check FB on my PHONE faster than you can on Live.

The debate should be gameplay stability between PSN and Live, not who can add the most bullshit. 

The Halo francise is the most overrated bland game to ever hit the console market. It provides a bad name to all FPS that even showed effort at creating an original entertaining plot.

I probably have more ps3 games than you :/ 

Garnett said:

Who buys a Zune? MS, The Zune aint shit compared to the Ipod, no matter how much you hate them your not over taking the fucking Ipod, the only way i would considering buying a Zune is if it had the number of Apps the Ipod had.

Tho i think Zunes look better.

I love my's a sexy little beast, and while I'm not sure I can justify $15/month for music, Zune pass is making me think about it.  The number of apps is pitiable right now though, I agree with that.

On topic though, it's funny how he compliments his competitors, but all folks can comment on are his "supposed" transgressions.  Ahh the internet...leave for vacation for a week, come back, and nothing has changed. Huzzah!