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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Do you think there will be another Wii SKU?

Do you think Nintendo will launch another Wii SKU, with anything other than colour altered? Like storage, networking, physical size...

I'd say maybe we could get a 2GB (flash) Wii in 2009. If they could get a microphone in the WiiMote (compatible, of course) and make a Skype channel, wow,  but that probably won't happen.

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I wouldn't be surprise if they increased memory storage at some point.

I don't think they'll be any major upgrades in functionality though.

We've already got add ons coming thick and fast.

If you mean multi-SKU then no, if you mean "modify" the current SKU then yes more than likely.

To Each Man, Responsibility

I think it is eventual that Nintendo will change the design of the Wii and introduce an additional SKU ...

For Christmas 2008 I could see Nintendo using a 65nm process on the Broadway and Hollywood processors (possibly integrating them on one chip), using a laptop optical drive and shrinking the size of the Wii. I wouldn't be surprised to see 2 skus:

  • Wii Sports Bundle: Wii, Wii Sports, Wiimote and Nunchuck ($200)
  • Family Fun Bundle: Wii, Wii Sports, Wii Fit, 2 Wiimotes and 2 Nunchucks ($250)


Not until production > demand. Then we might see a Wii Deluxe with Dvd player, Hard drive, etc. Late '08 at the earliest.

Skype channel would be a great feature!


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Joost channel would be an even better feature!

I think colour options are pretty much inevitable.

What would be cool (and unique) is once the price comes down that they run the Wii like the iPod - making slight-intermediate alterations every year and dropping the price a little bit. You never know, some users might buy it yearly, or once every two-three years.

If the Wiis stop selling out, I think we could see one with a small hard drive (or bundled with large memoy card) and DVD playback for the same cost to replace the current model, but not until sometime next year.
N.B. could DVD playback be acheived through software?

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Right now the Wii is riding high because there is only one SKU.  When you buy a Wii, you are not buying SKU #42 with 50% flash memory and no Wiichuck support, you are buying a Wii.

Until that advantage disappears, a new SKU would be foolish.


Sony or MS should work with Nintendo together to make a Wii sku who can play also HD DVD movies or Blu ray.