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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - When was the last time you played your Wii?

just played mkwii online with my bro (i made an account thingy for him, so i was the guest)

fun times...

come try out the computer game i've been working on for my high school senior project, titled sling ball.

you can view a few screenshots from the game in my photo album here;

yes, this is vonboy's alt account. i can't log into my original account, and i'm not sure if i will ever be able to.

Proud Member of the Official Yoshi Fan Club!.

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i play my wii everyday ........ but lately i've been playing silent hill & the conduit online

Earlier today. Finished a dungeon in TP (5th playthrough) played a GP in Super Mario with a friend, then over an hour of 4-player Mario Kart 64 Battles, and finally a round of Mario Party 8. Good day for Wii.

"Now, a fun game should always be easy to understand - you should be able to take one look at it and know what you have to do straight away. It should be so well constructed that you can tell at a glance what your goal is and, even if you don’t succeed, you’ll blame yourself rather than the game. Moreover, the people standing around watching the game have also got to be able to enjoy it." - Shiggy

A Koopa's Revenge II gameplay video

Zak and Wiki with my kid last night. I suggest. She executes.

Me: "I think you should cut the prop holding up that boulder. It should knock down that treasure."
Her: "Dad, that pole is made of wood. I can just saw it down."

*saws down pole. treasure falls into the lava below.*

Me: "Fuck."
Her: "Wow."

*turns off Wii*

Played 4 hours of Mario Kart Wii last night/early morning with a friend and my partner. It was a blast!

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Like, 20 minutes ago?

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


Tales of Monkey Island last night


Contra Rebirth, level three kicks my hiney like there's no tomorrow.

Last year. But then I was not home at all.

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d21lewis said:
Zak and Wiki with my kid last night. I suggest. She executes.

Me: "I think you should cut the prop holding up that boulder. It should knock down that treasure."
Her: "Dad, that pole is made of wood. I can just saw it down."

*saws down pole. treasure falls into the lava below.*

Me: "Fuck."
Her: "Wow."

*turns off Wii*

This is the funniest thing I've read all day

Maybe it's because it's late and I'm tired, maybe it's because I have done exactly this, but this shit is hilarious.