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Forums - Sales Discussion - Worldwide Up PS3 Still >Than 360 MW2 Sells 8.14million

WII are the champions!

I don't understand why some people consider PS3 and X360 sales togheter....Since when Sony and Microsoft are the same company?? Are the X360 and PS3 the same console? NO

Please guys, I am a Nintendo fan but if I have to say something I don't like about Nintendo I say it. However, this week, Nintendo is the winner and that is something people can't deny.

And please....STOP putting PS3 and x360 sales togheter under the name of 'HD twins'....I don't remember that term before the three systems were launched and everybody thought the Wii was going to be the biggest flop in history.

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If Nintendo wasn't outselling Sony and Microsoft every week people wouldn't put both sales togheter, that's a clear point of weakness

steverhcp02 said:
selnor said:
^ seriously guys cmon. This is what politicians do. Side track the discussion for personal vendetta to take stage. Ive heard no reasons from you why you think Natal will not play a big roll in this gen, with how M$ are approaching it's launch. Just attacks. Imagine if everyone attacked everyone who predicted KZ2 to be PS3 saviour. That was worse than any prediction I made. And some of you slating me made those presdictions.

Id venture to say bringing up a product with no release date at least a year form launching in a discussion about THIS WEEKS numbers as a reason to diminish Sony's PS3 sales, is the ULTIMATE sidetrack, friend.

LOL, this!


And let's remember it's not any week, it's the week of MW2 and the $99 X360...and PS3 sold more. What do you think of this, selnor?

so without the walmart and mw boost the gap woulda been about 120k or so..

Way to go Sony ........i am tempted to say " Revenge of the Fallen (PS3) "

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selnor said:
AE101 said:
Carl2291 said:

The MGS4 thing, I expected it to sell Halo levels. It didnt. Maybe I expected to much? I got the impression it was supposed to lift the PS3 in front of 360 and start a PS3 surge according to the threads on this site at the time.

If there's one thing I despise on this site, it's people playing dumb by acting as though hype on here means non-Halo-size sales = disappointment/failure/let-down.

kowenicki said:


although maybe they would to show that people, in that scenario, would have in the main rejected the nintendo route in favour of the MS/Sony route.

Yes. I like Wii and its concepts, but the rare times I use the "HD Twins" grouping is to contradict Malstrom's and other fanboys' as pesky as him ravings about disruption. Facts, crude numbers, show Wii created a new market almost as big as the old one, it didn't disrupt it. And recent rushed motion control attempts by Sony and MS don't mean they feel a disruption is coming,game sales are wonderful for the old school lately and HW sales are good, it means simply that MS and Sony would like a slice of Nintendo's cake too, and that they must start experimenting new controls ASAP to arrive ready next gen and receive them too a slice of the second cake next time.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

selnor said:
Am I the only one that sees these sales as good but not great for Sony?

They have just had a HUGE pricecut, and a complete redesign of the machine. The SLIM. And yet the 360 sits very close. OK we know Walmart had deals, and COD 4 pack. But seriously? How in the world is Sony going to contend with Natal launch?!

I seriously expect ( and cant see how anyone can say different with this much media hype ) that Natal will see 360 around if not better than Wii's current numbers next year, and regularly every week. This almost cements Sony in last for the generation by ( total guess ) 20 million +?

Natal is gonna at least triple sales of the 360's current numbers this same time next year. With as much advertising and funding as a new launch console it will be MASSIVE. For Sony to not have come last this gen we needed to see Wii numbers now after the major changes they made. Ther is little else but further price drops for Sony.

Yes...but the 360 also had a HUGE pricecut!

cant wait till natal releases...

Go PS3 Go!