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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Reggie wants Little Big Planet, Halo, Bioshock on Wii

EnosStory said:
Soriku said:


I see how Singstar and Buzz are proof of sony abandoning the casual market, all their casual title on PSn are really proving you right.


The only proof needed here is the price tag and the whole bunch of features in the console (Which btw you have to pay, no matter if you use them or not) ...


PS3 is not aimed to the casuals, the casual core wants a cheap game machine with great games thats all... they dont care about BR, HD... etc, they only see price and games... and $600, $500, and $400 are not the casual sweet spot (Maybe $200 plus the modchip...)... 

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I know where Enos got his username from


Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


dtewi said:
If it doesn't break at least a 7.5% attach ratio it doesn't sell good.

That is beyond foolish, sales matter not attach ratios.


Bodhesatva said:
EnosStory said:
How about a intelligent rebuttal and not stupid fanboy attacks ?

Why wouldnt LBP belong on the platform its on ? especially with PS3 being the most open online console that being a huge part of LBP.

So you people think GC or N64 had as diverse line up of commercially successful games as PS2 or PS1 ?

For the most part, the PS2's diversity came from its enormous install base -- it still had a "core" of games that clearly made up the Sony-esque library.

For example, Adventure games. The PS2 did have a few great adventure games; Okami is the obvious example. And guess what? That sold miserably. In fact, I can't think of a single adventure game in the PS library that has sold very well.

Similarly, platformers. Ratchet is kind of a platformer, and even then it only sells at about 1/3 the speed of Mario despite the fact that it was on a systm with 5x the userbase last generation. Saying Ratchet is a strong platforming presence (at 1/5th the sales) is like saying Nintendo has a strong sports presence (PS3 Madden outsold Wii madden 2-1, for example).

So again, I really wouldn't argue that the PS library hasn't been the most diverse in the last decade -- it has. I just would argue that this is because its been the market leader, and that despite this position some types of games have sold particularly well or particularly poorly, given the install base.

The types of games that have sold particularly well on the PS are, in my experience, RPGs, action games, racing games, shooters (especially third person) and sports.

Nintendo platforms are strong with platformers, adventure games, puzzle games, and now mini games.

The Xbox has been strong with shooters (especially first person), sports, and perhaps racing games.

These are just general trends: there are exceptions, of course.

 Adventure games have never sold well on Sony platforms? Well, for starters, Okami sold over 350k copies, secondly, Tomb Raider only stopped selling once its quality dropped significantly. Before that, the games sold countless millions.

Games will do well if they're marketed well. The PS2 was the king of Platformers. They sold millions left and right. 

Of the 360's 25 million sellers, just about 11 can be considered Shooters, 4 are Racers, and another 4 are Sports game. 

Wii: 1 Platformer, 4 Minigame titles, 1 Adventure title, 1 Sports title, 1 first person game.

PS3: 1 Shooter, 1 Racing title.

Only the 360 has enough million sellers to really warrant a pattern. 

Well, there's my 2 cents.



I dont get what he means by "sony doesnt own LBP"


 2008 end of year predictions:

PS3: 22M

360: 25M

wii: 40M

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zackblue said:
I dont get what he means by "sony doesnt own LBP"

Is sometihing like, the right software on the wrong hardware...

I dont know if he is right or not, but we will see... 

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MontanaHatchet said:
Bodhesatva said:
EnosStory said:
How about a intelligent rebuttal and not stupid fanboy attacks ?

Why wouldnt LBP belong on the platform its on ? especially with PS3 being the most open online console that being a huge part of LBP.

So you people think GC or N64 had as diverse line up of commercially successful games as PS2 or PS1 ?

For the most part, the PS2's diversity came from its enormous install base -- it still had a "core" of games that clearly made up the Sony-esque library.

For example, Adventure games. The PS2 did have a few great adventure games; Okami is the obvious example. And guess what? That sold miserably. In fact, I can't think of a single adventure game in the PS library that has sold very well.

Similarly, platformers. Ratchet is kind of a platformer, and even then it only sells at about 1/3 the speed of Mario despite the fact that it was on a systm with 5x the userbase last generation. Saying Ratchet is a strong platforming presence (at 1/5th the sales) is like saying Nintendo has a strong sports presence (PS3 Madden outsold Wii madden 2-1, for example).

So again, I really wouldn't argue that the PS library hasn't been the most diverse in the last decade -- it has. I just would argue that this is because its been the market leader, and that despite this position some types of games have sold particularly well or particularly poorly, given the install base.

The types of games that have sold particularly well on the PS are, in my experience, RPGs, action games, racing games, shooters (especially third person) and sports.

Nintendo platforms are strong with platformers, adventure games, puzzle games, and now mini games.

The Xbox has been strong with shooters (especially first person), sports, and perhaps racing games.

These are just general trends: there are exceptions, of course.

Adventure games have never sold well on Sony platforms? Well, for starters, Okami sold over 350k copies, secondly, Tomb Raider only stopped selling once its quality dropped significantly. Before that, the games sold countless millions.

Games will do well if they're marketed well. The PS2 was the king of Platformers. They sold millions left and right.

Of the 360's 25 million sellers, just about 11 can be considered Shooters, 4 are Racers, and another 4 are Sports game.

Wii: 1 Platformer, 4 Minigame titles, 1 Adventure title, 1 Sports title, 1 first person game.

PS3: 1 Shooter, 1 Racing title.

Only the 360 has enough million sellers to really warrant a pattern.

Well, there's my 2 cents.

 The Tomb Raider franchise hasn't sold well for ten years, since the middle-to-end of the PS1 era. That was a long time ago.


And Okami effectively bombed. 350k copies for a game of that calibur on a system with 100 million users? There's simply no way to use this as evidence of strong PS adventure game sales; in fact, quite the opposite. It is the absolute best evidence that adventure games do not sell on the Playstation platforms.  If a game that good had been made for the Playstation and was, say, a sports game or traditional RPG, it would have been a million seller for sure, and quite possibly would have reached multiple millions.">">

Well all I'm gonna say is that the PS3 games I am currently most interested in are Flow and Little Big Planet both of which seem better suited for the Wii.

This isn't to say that they don't suit or wont work on PS3 but I think would work better on Wii with its controls etc.

FPS's like Halo can also work brilliantly, after just getting Metroid Prime 3 the controls are fantastic, brilliant and Medal of Honour: Heroes is said to be even better!!

If you're involved with developing a console's game line-up and see no valueable games in you're competition's exclusive game line-up you should lose your job ...

Now, as for 'Sony' platforms having the most diverse line-up it really isn't true; if it was the PSP would have a larger more diverse line-up than the Nintendo DS (which it doesn't). The truth is the most popular system of any generation (in particular when that system is dominating) has the largest most diverse line-up because third party development gravitates towards that system.


I said it before, and Squirrel just said it again, but a large portion of "diversity" comes from being the most popular.

Each platform seems to have its own style and particular audience, now. Even when a platform does get a game that is outside its usual audience (such as Madden on Wii or Okami on PS2) those games tend to sell much less well than you might predict (as both of those games did). 

Another great example is Viva Pinata. That game sold 300k+ copies, sure, but given the advertising and quality fo the game, most people tend to agree that this total represents substantially less copies than it might have sold on another platform, especially a Nintendo one. That's probably true. I'd guess that Manhunt 2 (which isn't out yet -- I'm just hypothesizing) would have done better on the 360 than it will on the Wii, but that's just a guess.

Every platform has a general audience with generally similar tastes. Lots of exceptions, certainly, but generally, true.">">