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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - New super mario bros Wii on metacritic.

BladeOfGod said:
well, maybe, just MAYBE MW2 is NOT OVERRATED and it DESERVES the scores it gets, and IT IS AN IMPROVEMENT over COD 4. Have you ever thought of that??? Have you ever thought that lots of HD games are getting good scores NOT because of graphics but because of other important things???

When reviewers specifically mention games like GTA and Halo IN their reviews for Wii games as a comparison for graphics and make pop shots to Wii games like WiiMusic and WiiFit consantly even when talking about other games (making it clear that they are comparing every game to WiiFit and consider the Wii as a whole a joke), its evident where the reviewers stand.  Heck, its become so bad that reviewers just use a cop out now where if a game HAS some form of 'waggle' or does something innovative, they claim it 'isn't innovative enough'.  Yet if a game doesn't try to implement these features, such as a game like Muramasa or Little King Story, they say the game 'lacks innovation'.  The Wii is stuck in a catch 22, whereas the HD systems are getting a free ride of hype and publicity generated by the reviewers love of graphics and name brands. 

Hell, a game with the quality and name brand power of MGSIV or Final Fantasy XIII could come out on the Wii now and they'd probably downscore it to a 9.3.  Whereas games on the PS2 were generating scores up in the 9.8s by the end of its life cycle despite having FAR inferior graphics for its time.  We'll be lucky if Monster Hunter Tri or Dragon Quest X can even surpass 9.0 at this rate.

It takes some pretty heavy blinders not to see what's going on.

Six upcoming games you should look into:



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BladeOfGod said:
well, maybe, just MAYBE MW2 is NOT OVERRATED and it DESERVES the scores it gets, and IT IS AN IMPROVEMENT over COD 4. Have you ever thought of that??? Have you ever thought that lots of HD games are getting good scores NOT because of graphics but because of other important things???

I have thought of that.  In fact, if you would like to reread my posts, you will find that I never claimed that it was overrated or that it didn't deserve the scores it's gotten so far.  I simply pointed out that some people in this thread don't feel that MW2 deserves the scores it's received and that they may be justified.

Just because people don't think MW2 deserves perfect scores doesn't mean they don't think it's a good game and it doesn't mean they have some sort of score envy between MW2 and NSMB.  It really seems that you are creating your own reality simply to start an argument. 

Smash Bros: 2363-5325-6342 

BladeOfGod said:
its not ridiculous. maybe HD graphics actually matter to lot of people which is why over 59 million people bought HD consoles?

And maybe it doesn't to another 50 or so million people who bought the Wii, or the people who are/were still getting PS2s?

Edit: Also, HD gaming was around on the PS2 era, on an even larger resolution btw, on computers, even if it's kind of a different market.

woah with the hd vs last gen war going on here...yeah the wii seems to selling just fine,so obviously there people who like it....on the otherhand in general the hd console seems to be more full of the hardcore gamers....i think if reviewers see wii as a joke its because its not really this gen graphics is it?and yeah i know,here comes the but its "the gmapelay not graphics" ,well please doont tell me that the most poular game on wii (wii sports isnt it) is a particualr leader in the gameplay field

"They will know heghan belongs to the helghast"

"England expects that everyman will do his duty"

"we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender"


Kenryoku_Maxis said:
BladeOfGod said:
well, maybe, just MAYBE MW2 is NOT OVERRATED and it DESERVES the scores it gets, and IT IS AN IMPROVEMENT over COD 4. Have you ever thought of that??? Have you ever thought that lots of HD games are getting good scores NOT because of graphics but because of other important things???

When reviewers specifically mention games like GTA and Halo IN their reviews for Wii games as a comparison for graphics and make pop shots to Wii games like WiiMusic and WiiFit consantly even when talking about other games (making it clear that they are comparing every game to WiiFit and consider the Wii as a whole a joke), its evident where the reviewers stand.  Heck, its become so bad that reviewers just use a cop out now where if a game HAS some form of 'waggle' or does something innovative, they claim it 'isn't innovative enough'.  Yet if a game doesn't try to implement these features, such as a game like Muramasa or Little King Story, they say the game 'lacks innovation'.  The Wii is stuck in a catch 22, whereas the HD systems are getting a free ride of hype and publicity generated by the reviewers love of graphics and name brands. 

Hell, a game with the quality and name brand power of MGSIV or Final Fantasy XIII could come out on the Wii now and they'd probably downscore it to a 9.3.  Whereas games on the PS2 were generating scores up in the 9.8s by the end of its life cycle despite having FAR inferior graphics for its time.  We'll be lucky if Monster Hunter Tri or Dragon Quest X can even surpass 9.0 at this rate.

It takes some pretty heavy blinders not to see what's going on.

Can you try to keep your claptrap theories to yourself, please? I can't spare any more brain cells reading them.

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--OkeyDokey-- said:
Kenryoku_Maxis said:
BladeOfGod said:
well, maybe, just MAYBE MW2 is NOT OVERRATED and it DESERVES the scores it gets, and IT IS AN IMPROVEMENT over COD 4. Have you ever thought of that??? Have you ever thought that lots of HD games are getting good scores NOT because of graphics but because of other important things???

When reviewers specifically mention games like GTA and Halo IN their reviews for Wii games as a comparison for graphics and make pop shots to Wii games like WiiMusic and WiiFit consantly even when talking about other games (making it clear that they are comparing every game to WiiFit and consider the Wii as a whole a joke), its evident where the reviewers stand.  Heck, its become so bad that reviewers just use a cop out now where if a game HAS some form of 'waggle' or does something innovative, they claim it 'isn't innovative enough'.  Yet if a game doesn't try to implement these features, such as a game like Muramasa or Little King Story, they say the game 'lacks innovation'.  The Wii is stuck in a catch 22, whereas the HD systems are getting a free ride of hype and publicity generated by the reviewers love of graphics and name brands. 

Hell, a game with the quality and name brand power of MGSIV or Final Fantasy XIII could come out on the Wii now and they'd probably downscore it to a 9.3.  Whereas games on the PS2 were generating scores up in the 9.8s by the end of its life cycle despite having FAR inferior graphics for its time.  We'll be lucky if Monster Hunter Tri or Dragon Quest X can even surpass 9.0 at this rate.

It takes some pretty heavy blinders not to see what's going on.

Can you try to keep your claptrap theories to yourself, please? I can't spare any more brain cells reading them.

Then don't read it.  No one is asking you to.

Seeing as other people are posting similar complaints against reviewers in this thread and other threads, you should have noticed by now its not just me stating these things.

And I won't make any comments about your brain cells, deal?

Six upcoming games you should look into:



Nick said:
BladeOfGod said:
well, maybe, just MAYBE MW2 is NOT OVERRATED and it DESERVES the scores it gets, and IT IS AN IMPROVEMENT over COD 4. Have you ever thought of that??? Have you ever thought that lots of HD games are getting good scores NOT because of graphics but because of other important things???

I have thought of that.  In fact, if you would like to reread my posts, you will find that I never claimed that it was overrated or that it didn't deserve the scores it's gotten so far.  I simply pointed out that some people in this thread don't feel that MW2 deserves the scores it's received and that they may be justified.

Just because people don't think MW2 deserves perfect scores doesn't mean they don't think it's a good game and it doesn't mean they have some sort of score envy between MW2 and NSMB.  It really seems that you are creating your own reality simply to start an argument. 

Wii master said:

lol MW2 sucks it doesn't even deserve all the perfect scores


Samus Aran said:

I don't understand how Call of Duty: Modern warfare 1.5 got eight 100% scores on metacritic.


The Gost of RubangB said:

Modern Warfare is going from 32 players to 18 players. That's  43.75 % decrease


And my question wasn't just for you but for all people who think MW2 is ''overrated'' here

BladeOfGod said:
Nick said:
BladeOfGod said:
well, maybe, just MAYBE MW2 is NOT OVERRATED and it DESERVES the scores it gets, and IT IS AN IMPROVEMENT over COD 4. Have you ever thought of that??? Have you ever thought that lots of HD games are getting good scores NOT because of graphics but because of other important things???

I have thought of that.  In fact, if you would like to reread my posts, you will find that I never claimed that it was overrated or that it didn't deserve the scores it's gotten so far.  I simply pointed out that some people in this thread don't feel that MW2 deserves the scores it's received and that they may be justified.

Just because people don't think MW2 deserves perfect scores doesn't mean they don't think it's a good game and it doesn't mean they have some sort of score envy between MW2 and NSMB.  It really seems that you are creating your own reality simply to start an argument. 

Wii master said:

lol MW2 sucks it doesn't even deserve all the perfect scores


Samus Aran said:

I don't understand how Call of Duty: Modern warfare 1.5 got eight 100% scores on metacritic.


The Gost of RubangB said:

Modern Warfare is going from 32 players to 18 players. That's  43.75 % decrease


And my question wasn't just for you but for all people who think MW2 is ''overrated'' here


It's not MW2 which is overrated, but the importance of some critics and the gamers they're supposed to represent... there's a kind of "hardcore cooption", a very corporative set of mind at work here, by some people who think the best games on Earth are shooters with hyper-realistic graphics, and that all the other games, and especially the Nintendo games, are just worth a good laugh and endless critics and cherrypicking...

If you don't get it, then you're maybe out-of-touch just as they are, because that kind of games, realistic FPS, may please 20 or 30 millions people, but there are more than 200 or 300 millions gamers in the world, with very different tastes, and very different priorities...

So yeah, maybe MW2 is one of the best game ever made for that so-called "hardcore" userbase, but most people on Earth don't care... why is it so important for you to argue with people who don't agree with you? If that game is so good, you should play it more, and talk about it with people who really care... this is a thread about NSMBWii, btw, if you still hadn't noticed... no need to bring your own obsession in tens and tens of posts: most Nintendo gamers understand what you mean, but don't care at all, so use your energy and your thoughts for something that really matters...


"A beautiful drawing in 480i will stay beautiful forever...

and an ugly drawing in 1080p will stay ugly forever..."

NKAJ said:
woah with the hd vs last gen war going on here...yeah the wii seems to selling just fine,so obviously there people who like it....on the otherhand in general the hd console seems to be more full of the hardcore gamers....i think if reviewers see wii as a joke its because its not really this gen graphics is it?and yeah i know,here comes the but its "the gmapelay not graphics" ,well please doont tell me that the most poular game on wii (wii sports isnt it) is a particualr leader in the gameplay field

If you narrowly define gameplay by core standards, but it's in terms of accesibility and pick up and play that makes it top tier.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

Kenryoku_Maxis said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
Kenryoku_Maxis said:
BladeOfGod said:
well, maybe, just MAYBE MW2 is NOT OVERRATED and it DESERVES the scores it gets, and IT IS AN IMPROVEMENT over COD 4. Have you ever thought of that??? Have you ever thought that lots of HD games are getting good scores NOT because of graphics but because of other important things???

When reviewers specifically mention games like GTA and Halo IN their reviews for Wii games as a comparison for graphics and make pop shots to Wii games like WiiMusic and WiiFit consantly even when talking about other games (making it clear that they are comparing every game to WiiFit and consider the Wii as a whole a joke), its evident where the reviewers stand.  Heck, its become so bad that reviewers just use a cop out now where if a game HAS some form of 'waggle' or does something innovative, they claim it 'isn't innovative enough'.  Yet if a game doesn't try to implement these features, such as a game like Muramasa or Little King Story, they say the game 'lacks innovation'.  The Wii is stuck in a catch 22, whereas the HD systems are getting a free ride of hype and publicity generated by the reviewers love of graphics and name brands. 

Hell, a game with the quality and name brand power of MGSIV or Final Fantasy XIII could come out on the Wii now and they'd probably downscore it to a 9.3.  Whereas games on the PS2 were generating scores up in the 9.8s by the end of its life cycle despite having FAR inferior graphics for its time.  We'll be lucky if Monster Hunter Tri or Dragon Quest X can even surpass 9.0 at this rate.

It takes some pretty heavy blinders not to see what's going on.

Can you try to keep your claptrap theories to yourself, please? I can't spare any more brain cells reading them.

Then don't read it.  No one is asking you to.

Seeing as other people are posting similar complaints against reviewers in this thread and other threads, you should have noticed by now its not just me stating these things.

And I won't make any comments about your brain cells, deal?

"PS2 games were critically acclaimed last gen but they didn't have the best graphics. Now HD games are acclaimed and they have amazing graphics. ZOMG, conspiracy!"


Okay then. If graphics, hype, brand power and not being on the Wii are the criteria for a AAA game why is Resident Evil 5 all the way down at 85 on Metacritic, lower than NSMB Wii?