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Forums - PC Discussion - 200,000 PC Gamers Signed Petition Against MW2

mirgro said:
nightsurge said:
mirgro said:
nightsurge said:
shio said:
nightsurge said:
shio said:
Jereel Hunter said:
shio said:
Over 217k people have signed the petition!! It is still growing!

Good work guys, you did it.


"and the remaining 6% of sales were for the PC version". If this is true, then the petition and the negative publicity might be damaging the sales even more than I expected. thanks for the link, I didn't see it before.



Nah, that's just how low the PC version sells with piracy these days.  So maybe 10k people didn't buy the game because of the petition.  All the other people who signed probably still bought it like was shown on multiple steam boycott groups! LOL!  This is just more evidence to show the poor sales of CoD4 on PC thanks to piracy as well.

COd4 likely sold around 8-10 millions on PC, so I don't know what you're talking about.

You're ignorant about this, but PC games sell for years and years, long after this generation of consoles is gone. Starcraft only sold 1.5 millions in it's first year... we all know what happened after. A more recent example, Sins of a Solar Empire, sold only 200k in the first month... guess how many it has now (21 months after release)? 1 million. if Sins of a Solar Empire was a console game, it would've stopped at 400k at most.

Shio, just accept the fact that you are wrong about CoD4 PC sales.  Piracy is destroying the FPS market on PCs.  It only sold about 1-3 million tops on PC.

I'm sorry, that's just the truth and you need to stop being ignorant about it.

Ok let's assume that piracy does indeed destroy the industry. Then I need you to explain a few phenomena How do developers liek Valve and Blizzard flourish on the PC? Also why is piracy destroying the market NOW when it has been around since the 1980s?

Explain those 2 phenomena and then we can talk about piracy destroying any industry.

The PC market is huge, and piracy has slowly been growing.  In the 1980's personal computers didn't even exist in many homes.  Piracy grew with the industry.  Now that PCs have saturated nearly the entire market, piracy will continue to grow while the PC market doesn't.

As to your very safe uses for developers... Valve flourishes thanks to most of their games seeing much stronger Digital Distribution sales via their own network, Steam.  They also sell many other games this way which is a nice revenue stream for them.  Blizzard flourishes by making subscription based games.  Pirating the game means nothing when they make all their profits on the month-to-month subscriptions.  And actual manipulating the system to get free WoW on Blizzard servers is just not worth the hassle or the risk of the standard PC pirates.

Exactly the piracy grew with the industry so while there were less pirates there were also less people to use it. Proportionally it has been more or less the same.

As for Valve and Blizzard, they were doing just fine before Steam and WoW, how do you explain that? Also there is no hassle in pirating WoW. Just download it, install it, and run the crack, done, just like any other game.

So far your explanations have been lacking. My theory is that developers noticed that PC gamers have a much higher standard of quality than do console gamers. Then a lot of the less good devs jumped ship to consoles (look at Bungie pre-Halo to see what I mean). Then companies make a crappy game that is not up to snuff to PC gamers' standards and then they blame piracy on it (Assassin's Creed, new PoP, Crysis, I can keep listing these mediocre games all day long). Meanwhile the people who DO create amazing games flourish, ala Valve and Blizzard. If anything developers are putting themselves out of business by producing subpar games. Then they don't wanna admit they made a mediocre game so they just use piracy as a scapegoat and cite how people with lower standards (because they never had any great games to raise their standards to begin with) are buying the game by the millions.


Blizzard lost more than a hundred million dollars in the years leading to Wow release. It was not evident because it was hidden deep within Vivendi games accounting, but it was there.

Blizzard is doing fine now because they have a cash cow game which you can not pirate ( no credit card no play Wow, period...). The only way to play Wow on Blizzard's server is to pay the fee or steal someone's credit card information ( playing on a pirate server just does not compare).

And weirdly enough most of the people that have no issue pirating games balk at stealing credit card information from others...


Lastly for all the praise you give to Blizzard they are going in the same direction as IW with Starcraft 2, putting restriction in how you will be able to play the game in network ( forcing you to use battlenet in this case).

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

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Slimebeast said:
lol at all these pirates whining about a game that they're stealing.

I' am personally offended thank you. Everysingle game i have pirated on my computer within the last 3 years I have played for 5 days simply because they don't have demo's


I have bought MW2 and i want my dedicated servers and console command. It honestly amazes me how many console only users are ignorant to the way PC gaming is run.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

Ail said:


Blizzard lost more than a hundred million dollars in the years leading to Wow release. It was not evident because it was hidden deep within Vivendi games accounting, but it was there.

Blizzard is doing fine now because they have a cash cow game which you can not pirate ( no credit card no play Wow, period...). The only way to play Wow on Blizzard's server is to pay the fee or steal someone's credit card information ( playing on a pirate server just does not compare).

And weirdly enough most of the people that have no issue pirating games balk at stealing credit card information from others...


Lastly for all the praise you give to Blizzard they are going in the same direction as IW with Starcraft 2, putting restriction in how you will be able to play the game in network ( forcing you to use battlenet in this case).

I kinda wanna see those hundreds of millions, I'd be interested in the article where you got it from. Also note that I said Blizzard was doing fine until Activision got them. Now hey are going down the shitter.

I'm sorry I haven't read the whole thread but I always have to laugh at the hilarity of people taking online petitions seriously.

Shio, do you not realize that *many* people sign the petitions *many* times? Even if they make you use a unique email address (which if I recall they don't) I have a good 10 email addresses I regularly use and could make up to 90 more before moving onto the free email services.

mirgro said:

The game Bungie made last before halo was Oni, which was pretty interesting but it had bland envoronments wooden characters and a few other problems, solid fighting system though. I played it on the PS2 and it worked fine with the controller. As you said, Valve and Blizzard make plenty of money because they make good games and give their audience what their audience wants, when they deliver they get rwarded. Somehow recently companies have begun to think that they know what consumers want better than the consumers themselves. Then they whine about their games getting hacked by their consumers....

Bungie was also known for the Marathon series, something very highly regarded by those who played it.

Also, I think the companies know what they're customers want. They also know what they're willing to pay for. And more importantly, they know how easily people can pirate the game take advantage of certain features, which supersedes what some of the customers want.

As for WC, the last one I played was Prophecy and I heard the follow -up was more or less a rehash, they got bought up by EA and they started just rehashing their games. I mean come on, the follow up to Prophecy came out a year later, not enough time to make a new great game, what did they expect. If anything I'd blame EA mishandling the company and running it into the ground by making it developer subpar games than anything else. Wing Commander and Privateer were very high quality products that only declined when the developer started releasing them year after year after year when they were forced to by EA. See, even you don't want to admit the games decreased on their innovative side (I honestly didn't buy the last WC because I saw it was the same as Prophecy more or less) instead you just want someone else to blame. Well blame EA if anything. Also I don't know if you know but after the last WC came out EA said that Origin will be an online game only studio, working on Ultima and stuff. Wing Commander is dead because of EA, not because of pirates.

Lets keep things straight - the followup to WC Prophecy was released online for FREE. It was then later released in a Gold Edition with WC prophecy for like $30 for the set. It wasn't a whole new game, it was an add-on mission pack, which was standard for the WC series.  Anyone who had purchased prophecy could download it without paying any extra. Gamers were really happy with it at the time, but putting out a quality product and backing it up with free DLC later (which was a lot less common at the time) sometimes isn't enough. Really only Privateer 2 fell victim to this, and even then, it came out WAY after the original Privateer.

That is an issue you don't see with Valve or Blizzard (at least before AV got its hands on Blizz). They made games the way they wanted to make them and they released a game once every few years, not once every year. Also yes I consider anything that isn't innovative subpar and generally "more of the same." AAA doesn't really mean anything because I nejoyed Machinarium and that was ranked in the 80s, yet it was pretty innovative and well told. Also look at Deus Ex, X-COM, and other games which also top "best of all time" lists, they never had strict publishers interested in only money breathign down their necks either.

Also the $30M+ budgets come from people focusing too much on graphics, which let's face it, don't make a good game. Blizzard makes tons of money because you can probably run their games on toaster ovens even when they come out. It's the developer's fault they invest in shiny graphics instead of making an innovative product.

I'm referring to people who do both. Granted, a massive budget doesn't guarantee innovation, but by continually sighting Blizzard and Valve, you're hardly showing how a small developer can succeed.

I woudl also rather have 1 great game in a give genre a year instead of 2-3 all of which are subpar and more of the same, or repetative, or whatever other things the developers didn't do. Also I disagree with the "if it doesn't sell on PCs it isn't good" statement. Platforming games, fighting games and just about any game that has platforming elements would be absolutely horrible on the PC and there are many many great games like that on the consoles.

And what happens when a game isn't your cup of tea? You know, there's plenty of shooter fans who bought Halo 3 and stuck with it as their only shooter for a year or two. But what if people don't like scifi? Being a fantastic, big budget, well made game doesn't mean it's your favorite. Maybe they'd prefer a lower budget WWII shooter, or something. By trimming things to only "top tier" products, you're only catering to a % of people, and reducing options for a lot of others.

As for PC games being better and the gamers having higher standards just look at this very MW2 thread. It's obvious that the game has the exact same features on all platforms, yet people widely consider the PC version to be trash. Why is that, if not higher standards and expectations?

Bear in mind, many of these people are also pirates. All pirates hate the PC version because they won't get to do as much without paying, so they complain. Meanwhile, most console copies of a game play were purchased. For some it's a matter of liking the features, but it's not a matter of higher standards. Console players generally have more opponents available, and for a big game like this (and the naturally lower latecy of consoles) the multiplayer experience can be awesome without all the features that PCs can have to balance it out. The fact is, most people that complain/sign the petition do so because it hinders there illegal game experience. Those who require these features AND would buy the game are unfortunately a minority.

Last note, plenty of people also pirate on the consoles, not to mention EVERYONE has a PC in the world, even countries that don't get some games or are too poor to buy them. However if you are from there and you already have the console bought, chances are you already have enough money to afford new games. You need to provide me with some statistics on how this piracy issue is spread out, because I have a feeling a lot of it comes from poorer countries as well. Newsflash: PCs are used for far more than just gaming so many many more people have them than they do consoles.

Plenty of people pirate on consoles, but it's a LOT less convenient, and a lot less common. For instance, Halo 3 has sold a 1/3 as many copies as their are 360's. That's not even counting second-hand sales. Probably int he vicinity of half of all Xbox users have purchased Halo 3 at some point. Console games are generally bought, because to play multiplayer requires Live, and live periodically comes up with a way to bag/ban all the pirates.

There's no question that a lot of piracy comes from poorer countries, but there's also plenty of countries with money (i.e. Sweden) who pirate like crazy just because there's nothing in place to prevent it. and for areas like this, companies make their games harder to pirate. Also Newflash: Any ancient PC in a poor country isn't going to be playing the latest and greatest of games.

P.S. Actually no, I lurked a lot and if you noticed I signed up to enter the raffle for the HoN beta. You can see me praising LBP and the new mario bros game around the forums too since then.


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Jereel Hunter said:
mirgro said:

The game Bungie made last before halo was Oni, which was pretty interesting but it had bland envoronments wooden characters and a few other problems, solid fighting system though. I played it on the PS2 and it worked fine with the controller. As you said, Valve and Blizzard make plenty of money because they make good games and give their audience what their audience wants, when they deliver they get rwarded. Somehow recently companies have begun to think that they know what consumers want better than the consumers themselves. Then they whine about their games getting hacked by their consumers....

Bungie was also known for the Marathon series, something very highly regarded by those who played it.

Also, I think the companies know what they're customers want. They also know what they're willing to pay for. And more importantly, they know how easily people can pirate the game take advantage of certain features, which supersedes what some of the customers want.

As for WC, the last one I played was Prophecy and I heard the follow -up was more or less a rehash, they got bought up by EA and they started just rehashing their games. I mean come on, the follow up to Prophecy came out a year later, not enough time to make a new great game, what did they expect. If anything I'd blame EA mishandling the company and running it into the ground by making it developer subpar games than anything else. Wing Commander and Privateer were very high quality products that only declined when the developer started releasing them year after year after year when they were forced to by EA. See, even you don't want to admit the games decreased on their innovative side (I honestly didn't buy the last WC because I saw it was the same as Prophecy more or less) instead you just want someone else to blame. Well blame EA if anything. Also I don't know if you know but after the last WC came out EA said that Origin will be an online game only studio, working on Ultima and stuff. Wing Commander is dead because of EA, not because of pirates.

Lets keep things straight - the followup to WC Prophecy was released online for FREE. It was then later released in a Gold Edition with WC prophecy for like $30 for the set. It wasn't a whole new game, it was an add-on mission pack, which was standard for the WC series.  Anyone who had purchased prophecy could download it without paying any extra. Gamers were really happy with it at the time, but putting out a quality product and backing it up with free DLC later (which was a lot less common at the time) sometimes isn't enough. Really only Privateer 2 fell victim to this, and even then, it came out WAY after the original Privateer.

That is an issue you don't see with Valve or Blizzard (at least before AV got its hands on Blizz). They made games the way they wanted to make them and they released a game once every few years, not once every year. Also yes I consider anything that isn't innovative subpar and generally "more of the same." AAA doesn't really mean anything because I nejoyed Machinarium and that was ranked in the 80s, yet it was pretty innovative and well told. Also look at Deus Ex, X-COM, and other games which also top "best of all time" lists, they never had strict publishers interested in only money breathign down their necks either.

Also the $30M+ budgets come from people focusing too much on graphics, which let's face it, don't make a good game. Blizzard makes tons of money because you can probably run their games on toaster ovens even when they come out. It's the developer's fault they invest in shiny graphics instead of making an innovative product.

I'm referring to people who do both. Granted, a massive budget doesn't guarantee innovation, but by continually sighting Blizzard and Valve, you're hardly showing how a small developer can succeed.

I woudl also rather have 1 great game in a give genre a year instead of 2-3 all of which are subpar and more of the same, or repetative, or whatever other things the developers didn't do. Also I disagree with the "if it doesn't sell on PCs it isn't good" statement. Platforming games, fighting games and just about any game that has platforming elements would be absolutely horrible on the PC and there are many many great games like that on the consoles.

And what happens when a game isn't your cup of tea? You know, there's plenty of shooter fans who bought Halo 3 and stuck with it as their only shooter for a year or two. But what if people don't like scifi? Being a fantastic, big budget, well made game doesn't mean it's your favorite. Maybe they'd prefer a lower budget WWII shooter, or something. By trimming things to only "top tier" products, you're only catering to a % of people, and reducing options for a lot of others.

As for PC games being better and the gamers having higher standards just look at this very MW2 thread. It's obvious that the game has the exact same features on all platforms, yet people widely consider the PC version to be trash. Why is that, if not higher standards and expectations?

Bear in mind, many of these people are also pirates. All pirates hate the PC version because they won't get to do as much without paying, so they complain. Meanwhile, most console copies of a game play were purchased. For some it's a matter of liking the features, but it's not a matter of higher standards. Console players generally have more opponents available, and for a big game like this (and the naturally lower latecy of consoles) the multiplayer experience can be awesome without all the features that PCs can have to balance it out. The fact is, most people that complain/sign the petition do so because it hinders there illegal game experience. Those who require these features AND would buy the game are unfortunately a minority.

Last note, plenty of people also pirate on the consoles, not to mention EVERYONE has a PC in the world, even countries that don't get some games or are too poor to buy them. However if you are from there and you already have the console bought, chances are you already have enough money to afford new games. You need to provide me with some statistics on how this piracy issue is spread out, because I have a feeling a lot of it comes from poorer countries as well. Newsflash: PCs are used for far more than just gaming so many many more people have them than they do consoles.

Plenty of people pirate on consoles, but it's a LOT less convenient, and a lot less common. For instance, Halo 3 has sold a 1/3 as many copies as their are 360's. That's not even counting second-hand sales. Probably int he vicinity of half of all Xbox users have purchased Halo 3 at some point. Console games are generally bought, because to play multiplayer requires Live, and live periodically comes up with a way to bag/ban all the pirates.

There's no question that a lot of piracy comes from poorer countries, but there's also plenty of countries with money (i.e. Sweden) who pirate like crazy just because there's nothing in place to prevent it. and for areas like this, companies make their games harder to pirate. Also Newflash: Any ancient PC in a poor country isn't going to be playing the latest and greatest of games.

P.S. Actually no, I lurked a lot and if you noticed I signed up to enter the raffle for the HoN beta. You can see me praising LBP and the new mario bros game around the forums too since then.


Yes yes it was a free download (I didn't have the good internet connection I had back then to get it and didn't wanna shell out 30 more bucks fr prophecy gold. However my main point is that EA put them out of  business, not piracy, as you seem to be blaming it a lot.

I also don't think companies know what consumers want since they keep adding DRM or features which no one wants, especially on the PC, I mea come on, no dedicated servers?

Also keep in mind Valve and Blizzard were small too one day, as was id (though their games have declined a lot recently, I think).

Then the people who dont get a game catering to them wait another year or two for another amazing game instead of settling for subpar games. They can play the one that came out previously. Notice how many successful PC franchises have installments that are years apart from each other. You know what keeps them afloat? Community content. The fact that the community comes in and makes maps, mods, whatever for the game all the way until the next intallment is released, free of charge.

As for the MW2 bullshit, face it they are NOT pirates. If anything MW2 is hacker and pirate HEAVEN. It has been very well known since forever you can crack Steam games easily so the whole IWNet thing was never meant to stop pirates to begin with. Also notice how pirates lpay on the official IWNET servers now too. They are complaning because it's a subpar PC game product. As I stated above, please stop using piracy as a scapegoat, because it's just that, a scapegoat.

Piracy on consoles is a lot less common because console hardware is a lot less common than PC hardware out there. Also Sweden isn't made ut of money, I mean it is but they have huge tax rates, reducing the person's personal expenditures by a whole lot (they do get a lot back though so it's cool). lso believe it or not in plaaces liek Eastern Europe you CAN build a PC that plays Crysis cheaply, and if it can do that then it can play the latest and greatest easily. My cousins have just a PC which their father made for work. They pirate every single game, and if there's no torrent for it they just don't play the game since they do't ave the money to buy it. Ultimately there are a lot more people out there who have a PC for work and they do not have the money for entertainment, so whether they pirate or not, would have absolutely no effect on the gaming world.

If you want to prove to me piracy is a huge problem, bring out some piracy statistics about country regions, piracy expanding over the years (it has been around since FOREVER and the industry has only grown, how does that work if piracy is destroying it?), as well as jus overall piracy vs actual sales figures. Also don't use mediocre games statistics, give me the stats for starcraft, warcraft, or half-life (you can do TF2, diablo, or UT/Quake as well if you want to). Once you bring me concrete statistics from unbiased sources (a developer saying they get pirated, as I aleady stated, is just a scapegoat excuse as to why their sucky game isn't selling).

^Actually PC piracy is pretty much common place. It's hard to find anyone that games on PC who hasn't gotten a few "free" games.

The reason it is less common on consoles is because they require modification of the hardware to play the games. On PC all you have to do is download the cracked game iso and you're good to go. No necessary modding or flashing skills required. The PC is noob pirate heaven!

nightsurge said:
^Actually PC piracy is pretty much common place. It's hard to find anyone that games on PC who hasn't gotten a few "free" games.

The reason it is less common on consoles is because they require modification of the hardware to play the games. On PC all you have to do is download the cracked game iso and you're good to go. No necessary modding or flashing skills required. The PC is noob pirate heaven!

As I said before, can you provide me with those statistics or are you just talking here? Because I take just talking as just that, talk, not reality.

I posted some lifetime download figures for a large tracker in a thread on here. PC piracy runs at about 2-5 times that of 360 piracy. It's obviously bigger in scale, but 360 piracy is far from insignificant, as the recent ban of up to 1 million people from Live shows.

mirgro said:
Ail said:


Blizzard lost more than a hundred million dollars in the years leading to Wow release. It was not evident because it was hidden deep within Vivendi games accounting, but it was there.

Blizzard is doing fine now because they have a cash cow game which you can not pirate ( no credit card no play Wow, period...). The only way to play Wow on Blizzard's server is to pay the fee or steal someone's credit card information ( playing on a pirate server just does not compare).

And weirdly enough most of the people that have no issue pirating games balk at stealing credit card information from others...


Lastly for all the praise you give to Blizzard they are going in the same direction as IW with Starcraft 2, putting restriction in how you will be able to play the game in network ( forcing you to use battlenet in this case).

I kinda wanna see those hundreds of millions, I'd be interested in the article where you got it from. Also note that I said Blizzard was doing fine until Activision got them. Now hey are going down the shitter.

Google, vivendi results , look at the games subsection, search for years prior to Wow release...


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !