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Forums - General Discussion - Favorite Villain Ever?

Darth Vader Favorite videogame villain - Evil Otto The smiley face guy shown below. He's a real jerk!!!

Wii Code 8761-5941-4718-0078 

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Darc Requiem said: I know this if off topic, but shouldn't this be your avatar LingLing
LOL, yes, I will change to a appropriate Ling Ling Avatar when I got the time to do it. Don't you like my "tribute to the troll"-avatar?

Video Game Villian:Ganondorf Video Game Only Comic Villian: Carnage Otto (When Carnage got on Doc Oct) Comic Book:Brute: Doomsday (just because he's always going to come back for you) Mastermind:Lex Luther Moive: Stephen Dorff as Deacon Frost in the first Blade. Can't think of anything else right now.




Darc Requiem said: I know this if off topic, but shouldn't this be your avatar LingLing
LingLing said: LOL, yes, I will change to a appropriate Ling Ling Avatar when I got the time to do it. Don't you like my "tribute to the troll"-avatar?
Actually too many people on the board had that avatar or something similar to it. Glad to see you changed now.

I actually have two Peter Moore ( bastard) Reginald Fils-Aime ( mega bastard with freaky eyes)

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Washimul Mark II Ultimate said: I actually have two Peter Moore ( bastard) Reginald Fils-Aime ( mega bastard with freaky eyes)
Get Lost Troll

Good to see this site is still going 

Yagami Light from death note, this guy is just too psyco for me, when he puts his psyco face with red hair and eyes, I just can stop laughting is too dam freak.

On videogames I agree with "That Guy" that dog is not your best friend, it makes me laught now, but when you are a 6 years old boy just makes you want to kill your real dog. I hope nintendo to do a good duck hunt title as good as the original was.

PS Vita and PC gamer

CPU Intel i5 2500K at 4.5 Ghz / Gigabyte Z68 Mobo / 8 Gb Corsair Vengeance 1600 mhz / Sapphire HD 7970 Dual X Boost / Corsair Obsidian 550d 

Shido said:

Yagami Light from death note, this guy is just too psyco for me, when he puts his psyco face with red hair and eyes, I just can stop laughting is too dam freak.

On videogames I agree with "That Guy" that dog is not your best friend, it makes me laught now, but when you are a 6 years old boy just makes you want to kill your real dog. I hope nintendo to do a good duck hunt title as good as the original was.

 Light is one villain i like but for some reason really hated Knives from Trigun

 In games Black Shadow from F Zero GX man how impossible it was to be him in the story mode race just when u thought u won 'FAILURE'...........

gebx said:

I sharted myself when I read that!


I am Daemon. I am the Word.

The vices that prove to make for harder battles for the heros.

For example: Opium and Heroin for Sherlock Holmes

"There are three types of lies : Lies, damned lies, and statistics." - Benjamin Disraeli ( Made famous by Mark Twain )

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